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2543393 No.2543393 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone instantly default to being the ugly loser beta outcast that nobody talks to in every single job they have? I was like this in all my university classes as well, including 3 years with a small class of people doing the same degree as me.

It's extremely demoralising. It's like anyone who spends two seconds in any environment with me can tell in two seconds that I'm a bottom rung beta male.

>> No.2543404

Yep, thats why I neet + crypto. Working is a scam as a subchad. If you are Chad you at least get sex and validation from 7+ prime females.

>> No.2543475

they only treat you how you see yourself.
Stop trying to fit in, don't talk too much - in case nobody is interested in the same stuff as you are. But still, focus on the things you like. And see your appreciation rating MOOOOOOOOON

>> No.2543513

Another one of these threads. Start going to the gym and stop playing so much vidya.

>> No.2543520

also, I wanna add that nearly everybody feels kinda beta in society.
That's where those alpha male psychic problems start.
You have some deep inverse alpha male issues, man...

>> No.2543555

I jam conversation down everyone's throat. I'm a manager, so my employees enjoy it because it's sanctioned not working time. I like talking to people at work. Keeping people fresh with "small talk breaks" makes them work better.

>> No.2543561

That's why you need to stop caring, and I mean fully. Accept your weirdo status and don't let it affect you emotionally ever.

I also recommend cryptos. It's the beta salvation. +some weight lifting, it will help your HOLDing ability.

>> No.2544072

Sometimes i feel like that, but i think everyone to a degree feels that at one point or another.

Being comfortable with yourself is 90% the battle then just fake the rest.

Everyone's faking it to a degree, i know i feel like opting out on life while feigning interest in peoples small talk about their kids and shit.

>> No.2544095

Ask your doctor for testosterone therapy. Use it and hit the gym.

Practice socializing in person. Just talk to people. Very hard at first, but it's a skill you practice.

No more video games.

Get a normie hobby.