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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 286 KB, 1504x1040, Screen Shot 2021-01-02 at 5.07.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25431670 No.25431670 [Reply] [Original]

found a fucking goldmine, r/buttcoin consists of nocointer cope. Hop on there and post funny shit you see.

>> No.25431716
File: 235 KB, 1478x810, Screen Shot 2021-01-02 at 5.12.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete breakdown LMAO

>> No.25431727

>some nigger faggot sits there typing up all this drivel

>> No.25431783

>entire subreddit is about name-calling and making fun of people who make speculative investments they don't like
>why are stupid degen buttcoiners so evil? what kind malice lies deep in their hearts?

>> No.25431867
File: 9 KB, 274x62, Screen Shot 2021-01-02 at 5.16.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you vouch for bitcoin you get this wonderful tag. Holy fuck the copeeeee

>> No.25431898

redditors are literally mentally ill

>> No.25431922

i call LARP, but it was a good read

>> No.25431992

these guys have been bears since single digits
it used to be trolls though, now its full of retards, the same king who browse /r/investing

>> No.25432164
File: 26 KB, 664x428, Screen Shot 2021-01-02 at 5.25.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rules. Were they raided before?

>> No.25432366

man this reeks of some academia midwit

>> No.25432440
File: 92 KB, 1200x1125, 1603735647980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>italics for emphasis

>> No.25432442

please someone go and call him poor

>> No.25432545

so by his logic, should we not buy stocks, real estate, or gold? it's all going to some 'sucker' who has to buy at a higher price.

>> No.25432561

I love it when nocoiners accidentally describe: 90% of stock market, real estate, gold, collectibles, art

>> No.25432725
File: 118 KB, 768x522, 99DFD190-8162-4367-8381-3F52F917F9C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s is r/. Never heard of it before. Is it some board on the chan? Some version of /r9k/? You got a link to this for me fren?

>> No.25432840


>> No.25433576

They banned me from there because of a hidden rule 5: They are allowed to troll you but you can't troll them back if you are a bitcoiner.

>> No.25433767

Have you actually made any money from this tho? Personally I see bitcoin as having no value and fiat as "real" value.

So if you've not converted anything to fiat then as far as I'm concerned you have nothing.

>> No.25433847

r/buttcoin on reddit

>> No.25433920
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>> No.25433939

>It's not a productive asset
Someone tell this dumb nigger Jeff Bezos pumps his own stock. They all do.

>> No.25433989

I have turned 1k into 9k with crypto. There are plenty of people with more money than me. Being called poor does not bother me. It either bothers this nocoiner because he either actually is poor or he's so fragile that moron trolling him destroys his ego. It's kek either way. I do think that sub is like 90% /biz/tards larping though.

>> No.25433991

Stocks and real estate produce money and at the very least, usually have some underlying value to them. The redditor retard isn't wrong exactly, Bitcoin in the end is just a speculative asset.

>> No.25434007

No I havent cashed anything back to fiat. Fiat is like a hot potato in my eyes

>> No.25434053

Roulette is a game against the house not against other players. Holy shit is he retarded.

>> No.25434055

Hey, genius. You know fiat is being devalued at an accelerating rate?

>> No.25434084

Do stock buy backs negate a companies worth somehow lol or its ability to make money? Did its facilities and stogares become obsolite, since they circumvent paying taxes through dividends and just do stock buy backs instead?

>> No.25434113

I withdrew enough to buy myself a duplex.

>> No.25434160

Being able to transfer funds quickly and hide them from the government is real value. And that's why a bitcoin now costs over $30,000.

>> No.25434175

>I do think that sub is like 90% /biz/tards larping though.
Could be, those sort things do exist... I took part in a forum that was almost all satire posters. Was a mod there and we had fun just banning people for trivial absurd reasons if they were too dumb to get that it was satire and they were annoying about it. This was in the age of the internet where forums outside of plebbit 4chan twitter etc were actually a thing and not everyone was apart of a few ghettos.

I'm not gonna bother reading enough buttcoin to determine if it's satire, I'll just ignore its existence from now on in case it is.

>> No.25434268

You haven't made any money in my eyes. At this moment in time fiat is still more useful than BTC. and you can't say I'm wrong.
Sure but we are not there yet. It's still very useful.
That's good. Was the cashing out process painless? You would have had to deal with tax and stuff taking it back into the real world so to speak.

>> No.25434283

Yeah, it's just strange that they can't seem to grasp this

>> No.25434327

Good luck with that. The government will get your encryption keys if they really must.

>> No.25434367
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>> No.25434395

Yeah but how you get your money back out without the government knowing about it? This shit doesn't really fly until we can find everyday uses for our coin. When the entire economy moves into crypto payments, all world governments that rely on tax are instantly fucked for this reason...

>> No.25434516

>Was the cashing out process painless?
That wasn't a problem at all, it took like 2 business days to hit my bank, but that's about it.

>You would have had to deal with tax and stuff taking it back into the real world so to speak.
I'm not fully sure yet, I set aside half of everything I made just in case though. Taxes in 2019 were easy because all I did was buy but I've made a lot more in 2020 so I'm trying to be more prepared this time around.

>> No.25434727

60 million merchants accept bitcoin now because of visa acceptance

>> No.25434745


The real hilarious part about this is that he doesn't realize he's the one who's losing money. Bitcoin isn't early buyers vs late buyers, it's BTC vs all other assets, which are collapsing against it.

We're drinking his milkshake. Our straw goes under his land. Slurpslurp.

>> No.25434798


A lot of the people on that subreddit are BCH bag holders

>> No.25434905

I hope they have assets elsewhere in real estate or stocks or at least a roth IRA, because sitting around complaining about the success of others while time passes you by is pretty depressing.

>> No.25435055
File: 8 KB, 179x282, 1609197082581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, and here I thought the nocoiner seething here was bad. These people are legitimately mentally ill

>> No.25435095

keep investing in that computer money son :)

>> No.25435345

>Rule 1. Nazi
>Rule 2. Racism

Kek didnt realise those were headings at first and thought we were dealing with the most based sub of all time

>> No.25435888

A lot are dumb boomers that will literally buy 50k dollar worth trucks and eat a 30$ plate at applebees everyday, like the dumbest fattest mother fuckers you could ever imagine. The others are brainwashed college debt ridden millenials that actually believe they will be millionaires when they retire by putting 10% income into an IRA. It's the same people that whine about not getting 2000$ yet take that money and blow it at all walmart in a week as soon as they get it.

>> No.25435986

sweet mother of cope

>> No.25436201

>gay id

>> No.25436414

Christ lmao that is just sad

>> No.25436652

>holding GBP
This guy doesn't even do forex, he's just a retard

>> No.25436825

yes hold onto that fiat money goy :')

>> No.25436965

Buttcoiners will always have as much money as they make an hour. No more no less.

>> No.25437102

>I willl not support a scam even if it makes me money. How low humanity have sunk that people have no morals anymore, just greed. Disgusting

>> No.25437137

fucking kek

>> No.25437209

Good god, that fucking sub was created in 2011