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File: 364 KB, 749x749, nobancs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2542405 No.2542405 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the reason why Bancor is fudded so much on here is 10% to do with the Jews and 90% because all the nobancs are just salty they don't have any.

Remember, only 10,000 people got in! Everyone fudding Bancor is part of the sour grapes vocal majority. After all, why would they defend the project when 1) they don't have any, and 2) Improving its perception would raise the price, making it more expensive for them to buy in. We bancs, the chosen people, just have no choice but to laugh at the salty nobancs and watch as they buy our bags when the exchange price is 2.5x ICO


>> No.2542429
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>> No.2542433

Are you implying that hindus and bhuddists are nobancs? Bancor is a pajeet tier shitcoin.
also this


>> No.2542456

>Totally not a scam

I'm going to laugh so hard when your shitcoin goes down the shitter. you bancor shills are the most annoying of the whole fucking board.

>> No.2542507

OP is a smartfag. Congrats bancbro! Hope you didn't miss status today

>> No.2542577

hello my salty nobancs

why thank you fellow bancbro!

>> No.2542580

So when is your coin going to trade?

>> No.2542581

More like bankuck

>> No.2542583

>he doesn't know he bought a ponzi

>> No.2543072
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lol even the author of that article admitted it's a FUD.

some of their old blog posts already detailed how they will be implementing trustlessness as the protocol grows, and more importantly, as soon as they can guarantee the safety of the network before making it immutable.

dont want another DAO now do we.

>> No.2543098
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BancorChad reporting in, I have spent the last 30 minutes picking a color for my lambo

>> No.2543133
File: 75 KB, 500x344, BANClife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling for only 2.5x

lel, goodluck u might have to catch it in the first minute to buy it under $250

>> No.2543242

all the biggest forex scammers are hidden in israel. since in the torah it's perfectly fine to scam the goys, they scam the whole world from their country without consequences. One would be insane to trust an israelian altcoin company

>> No.2543266

you're a retard because Bancor, although made up of Israeli, has it's legal base in Switzerland

>> No.2543307

as always, they will flee to israel with their millions when things will get hot

>> No.2543321

>m-m-muh joos

try harder next time.

>> No.2543341

nobancs are so busy to FUD to have the slight chance to buy at ICO price tomorrow.
bancbros we all gonna make it.

>> No.2543345


Why FUD when you can read the fucking scam in the smart contract

>> No.2543354

>moving the goalposts

>> No.2543366

see >>2543072

>> No.2543382

Missed the ICO. When can I buy in? Also that emus guy got his teeth kicked in. Jew raked him across the coals with that 45 min rebuttal.

>> No.2544131

glad I'm in the Bancor gang. we jews now.

>> No.2544153

dumb ass can't even recognize a scam when he sees one

took one look at the poster girl for bancor and instant scam warnings

literally the PERFECT stereotype for a cult poster girl

slightly above average, approachable girl-next-door look along with random dreamy headshots of her floating around lmao

all your money is GONE

>> No.2544171

200 lines of code
$300 million dollars
200 lines of code
$300 million dollars
200 lines of code
$300 million dollars
200 lines of code
$300 million dollars
200 lines of code
$300 million dollars
200 lines of code
$300 million dollars
200 lines of code
$300 million dollars

>> No.2544188

Bought for 400 USD/eth. 350 now? Already negative return

>> No.2544205

Switzerland. Oh boy, now we're ok. It's not like this country is known for being the money laundry of the entire white collar criminal world or anything.

>> No.2544260
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Topest of the kek.

For people who don't get it : bancor shills are so aggressive right now because they realize their coins is going to drop like a rock and they're desperately trying to con you into holding their bags once that shit hits the market while they run with your money.

>> No.2544384


>> No.2544512


I need to make my own coin, this is a fucking crime.

>> No.2544532

Hitler did what he did probably because he put something like 300 eth into bancor, and I'm starting to share some of his views.

>> No.2544636
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Same old tricks.

>> No.2544641

So explain how being on their side is a bad thing? When their bangers go up in value, so so mine. They will be my Sherpas up mount everest, my rocket to The moon, the crack that lets me bang your mom etc.

>> No.2544658

This is an internet project, they don't really need to flee anywhere, you stupid fuckhead.

>> No.2544682

>And instant scam warnings
Fucking learn proper English syntax you fucking pajeet, ethnic, nocoiner.

>> No.2544786

>people who bought the ICO will make gainz
>people who will buy Bancor once it's listed on Bittrex will get raped

Conclusion : if you missed the ICO, don't buy. If you bought the ICO, don't hold.

>> No.2544793
File: 76 KB, 500x375, ohyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you come with the Banc?

>> No.2544835

3 backdoors
Create tokens at will
Destroy tokens at will
Update the smart contract at will

If I want fiat funny money I can already buy scamcoins like Eur or Usd ty.

>> No.2544885

Creating tokens cost some small amount of eth so they have value.
Tokens are destroyed when they are spent, the small amount of eth/value goes to the seller. Smart contract is being tested now, that's why it was delayed
Nigger' you are retarded
How about I pound your mom's backdoor?

>> No.2544993

Nice lies mate. Just reading the code of the contract reveals these 3 backdoors available to the bancor team only.
Omg they have to pay transaction fees to wipe out my balance! Or to add 10000000 tokens! That will surely keep them in check!
(Protip: no one owning a money printer has ever not used it)

>> No.2545028
File: 72 KB, 330x330, galia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow they'll make a crowdsale-like contract and unlock everything


>> No.2545085


>> No.2545139

my god the salt of nobancs is so juicy, I can't get enough.

t. 300 BNT

>> No.2545167

buy bnt you said?

>> No.2545187
File: 2.12 MB, 3479x3967, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it feels good to be a Bancor

>> No.2545217

6.5k bnt in the banc.
feels good to be a millionaire in 3 years

>> No.2545236

nice low-energy rebuttal faggot

>> No.2545238

in six months f a m

>> No.2545252


>> No.2545265

and you can buy a lotta shills with the money they need to "develop their network"

>> No.2545277



>> No.2545283

jewish sextoys look uncomfy af. I advise you to buy a tenga instead.

>> No.2545299
File: 16 KB, 252x291, greatest ally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bancor in fact hired Emin to do the flawed hit-piece
>all of this is according to plan, including the masterful rebuttal and edited or redacted comments by Emin on Reddit
It's so clear.

If you can't beat (((them))), join (((them))).

>> No.2545328

nice bacnors you got there senpai

>> No.2545342

still waiting for a legit argument.

oh thats right, you don't have any.

stay salty, you nobanc piece of shit
nice. sitting on 4.5k here. my estimates put it at <2 years, but we'll see!

>> No.2545365
File: 70 KB, 472x603, 76454745757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW 7k bangers

>> No.2545377
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>> No.2545497


>> No.2545507

Minister you, Satoshi

>> No.2545555

>still ICO price at first
>187% price rise when 80000 eth is put in

How feasible is this

Why would people trade on exchanges when you can just get bancor through the contract

>> No.2545574

It's gonna encourage arbitrageurs to buy up through smart contract and sell on exchange. There's a lotta millionares in the cryptoworld you just gotta ride on their coattails

>> No.2545581

google arbitrage

also, checkd

>> No.2545658


>> No.2545748

If you listen to /pol/ and don't buy remember to pick up a strong rope.

>> No.2545751
File: 105 KB, 720x1280, REKT_by_BNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this OP

>> No.2545796

oy vey

>> No.2545804

They are maintaining control in the pilot phase. They plan to go fully autonomous once further testing is completed

>> No.2545820

They clearly stated that at first there will be some backdoors in case of imminent DAOv2 situation to prevent someone from draining all the shekels.

>> No.2545884

Haha, yeah you're just "reading the code" and can see all the obvious backdoors. They are just so obvious, just kidding fuckface.. You can convert eth to bancor., You can convert Bancor to tokens, when destroyed they turn back to eth. What the fuck are you even talking about, you really are wasting your time with childish lies.

>> No.2545889

>bancor will wreck the cash cow
150 million was their first target my dear goy. They want billions

>> No.2546017



>> No.2546069


>> No.2546092

>BNT will be available 3 days after ICO!
>Whoops, kidding! One week!
>Uh, we meant Monday!
>It's already Monday? Shit, we mean tomorrow
>I know we said today, but we need more time
>It's thursday
>Still no BNT

The only value in an ICO
Literally the ONLY thing you get in for, is capitalizing on the hype
They killed it completely
What would they gain from lowering their own coin's explosive growth?

>> No.2546105

you dumb fucking slut.

BNT is not a pnd coin.

>> No.2546106
File: 297 KB, 878x900, 1424814296917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 10,000
nigger, it was open for 3 fucking hours, everyone that was stupid enough to fall for this scam "got in"

>> No.2546124
File: 308 KB, 542x511, 1425766492429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dumb fucking slut.
C-Can you insult me more?
Tell me about how bad I am with money, please

>> No.2546125

>being this dumb

>> No.2546130

>we will keep selling at ICO price after release to ensure the retards who bought can't profit at all
>you are still here defending them
Either you are a really dumb goyim or a really dumb jew that thinks that anyone else will fall for this stupid bs

>> No.2546189

the selling price STARTS at ICO price you fucking shitstain

>> No.2546208

>"why wasn't i able to flip it in a day"
They just announced that it'll be thursday, chill out.

>> No.2546210

3 Hours
180 Minutes
635 Blocks
10800 Seconds

It's over, all the fools got bilked, there will be no Greater Fool to dump on when it hits the exchanges

go cry somewhere else, bancuck

>> No.2546220

>huge codebases are a good thing
i can see you've never programmed before, salty nobanc

>> No.2546221
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 04.[Tsunami.Logo].[Cyborg.009].[Dvd.Jap.-.Audio.Ita.Jap].mkv.avi_snapshot_06.05_[2016.02.11_21.12.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They just announced that it'll be thursday, chill out.

Why would it be different than any of the other four "announcements" of when the tokens would be available?
I mean, even if it's true this time it's still laughable
They sabotaged their own investors without any prior indication of their intentions

>> No.2546229

you salty you missed the rocket??

stay goy my boy

>> No.2546255

How do you think the nobancs in this thread will cope when it 10xs and they're still buying scams like moon and xby?

>> No.2546258

>over 6000 failed txes which doesn't include those who missed it entirely
Status seems to have over 20k holders btw.

It's just a few days behind schedule, how exactly is this a major problem? Are you a short sighted nigger? Delays come up.

>> No.2546337

There wasn't multiple announcements, even look at the blog or other forums. They just said it would become delayed. They delayed it 2 days and just announced it is ready to be activated tomorrow. Nobody really cares of you doubt what they say especially the minute when you are proven wrong. Have fun being poor buddy!

>> No.2546351


I have 400BNT you astral faggot, I'm just pissed at them for doing this

>> No.2546372

Haha their worst nightmare is the success of Bancor until they manage to buy some tokens. It is so pathetic and amusing watching them cling to poorly made arguements. At this point they actually are trying to convince themselves.

>> No.2546423

You talk about sabotaging it and lie about there being "4 announcements" in the same post. Shit for brains fucktard.

>> No.2546446

It's actually 40 lines of code for the solidity contract.
But that's similar to Gnosis. Also you need it low so it won't eat up a ton of ETH to process.

>> No.2546655

Not gonna lie, former Bancor investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bancor crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the ethereum tokens.

>> No.2546674

Not gonna lie, former Bancor investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bancor crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the ethereum tokens.

>> No.2546744

That was only the gnosis crowdfunding contract, the 40 lines of code is literally all bancor has or will ever have

>> No.2546912

Not gonna lie, former Bancor investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bancor crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the etherium tokens.

>> No.2546915

yeah lets ignore the actual product of a really slick app platform that will suck in the normies to create the network effect. You are too retarded to understand how those things work.

>> No.2546933
File: 137 KB, 1040x700, tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO of Gnosis, Martin Koppelmann, says their core is no bigger than 40 lines.


>> No.2547137
File: 69 KB, 610x403, bancor_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews will ruin crypto.

>> No.2547559


>> No.2547610
File: 63 KB, 514x355, BANCOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please buy my shitcoin because I need +50% just to get to break-even after the ETH dip THE POST

sure thing, shlomo.
Let me buy your worthless Israel Bonds

>> No.2547686

>this thread
"Plz, hold my bags of useless coins. I'm totally not going to try and sell them right when the market opens and run away with your money!"

>> No.2548136

long term bullish on ETH.

no problemo here ya skank