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25419950 No.25419950 [Reply] [Original]

My resume is shit so leetcode is useless right now

>> No.25420033


Leetcode. I work at a faang and it’s all leetcode to get in

>> No.25420037

How do I get an entry level anything job . College was a real life shitcoin scam

>> No.25420093
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>grind leetcode
>become rich through Bitcoin
>continue grinding leetcode just to get better at programming

>> No.25420191


Practice leet code. Pad your resume. If the stinky ginder pajeets can do it, so can you.

>> No.25420296

How do I pad my resume without a job? I've been grinding leetcode but still can't get an interview

>> No.25420523

can't get an interview at a faang without a referral or a degree from a strong uni

>> No.25420587

why bother? just trade financial markets + crypto. No point in working if powell and biden are going to use their money printer and pump everything

>> No.25420604

Best bet is to get into IT as a whole and springboard off of shitty jobs and low level certs i.e. A+, Net+, etc. based on what interests you and the job you're looking at. Shitty help desk jobs are not a bad thing if you keep studying for higher level certs and climb.
For coding just start making things.

>> No.25420629

Go on meetup.com and find a local developer meetup. Get good at something and give talks etc. Then leverage the connections you make there.

I have no degree and I have a 120k appsec role because I am okay at webapp hacking and gave a talk at my local owasp chapter.

>> No.25420651


>muh jeetcode

>> No.25420654


Nah I went to a state school and worked a single job at a no name company before applying. Getting an interview isn’t hard

>> No.25420694


Having high TC is all about leetcode.

>> No.25420711

What kind of job are you going for? Make side projects, find a library or a current project on github and look at the issues, try to fix em. Doing open source on github will help in a lot of ways to learn git, code review etc.

>> No.25420740

How did you do it? You just applied on their website?

What specific stack do you work with?

>> No.25420765


Have you considered applying to the appsec teams over at amazon? I’ve got a couple old coworkers there, they’re very happy with the teams and they’re making like $350k TC atm.

>> No.25420823


>grinds puzzles instead of building products that are used in the market

This is how I know you're a pajeet striver that shovels out crapcode.

>> No.25420831

Any software engineering job desu

>> No.25420926


Yes sent an application in. I mostly work with Java, Js, Python, Ruby, and bash scripting at this position. Mostly backend services but occasionally will touch a fotm frontend meme framework

>> No.25420966


I do that too. Building personal projects makes you a better developer but doesn’t help much with interviews. Leetcode helps you interview better. Do both or stay poor.

>> No.25421007

What did you interview in? Java?

I'm a mobile dev and I was thinking of applying for mobile positions at FB in London.

>> No.25421079


Low IQ, wagie detected.
>implying I don't have a fully independent passive income stream from personal projects
>implying I need a higher "TC" and don't just keep a low effort "FT" remote position for subsidized healthcare.

Again, you will never make it and will always be a wagie.

>> No.25421197

Then learn vanilla js html css webdev and react to become a js codemonkey in the front end. They are the most plentiful jobs in the industry. Once you get a job you can learn node or another backend lang to go full stack.

>> No.25421222

>implying I don't have a fully independent passive income stream from personal projects

What industries? E-commerce?
I've been thinking of creating some personal finance budgeting apps and some meme journaling mental health apps (mobile dev)

Does this have potential or should I move more to B2B SaaS stuff.
How much is the passive income

>> No.25421568


>> No.25421602

amazon sounds like a brutal place to work though, if you piss off your boss you get PIPed

>> No.25421635


Yes I’m a low IQ wagie making 330k in my 20’s hahaha. Seething larper who couldn’t solve a fizzbuzz detected

>> No.25421657

>if you piss off your boss you get PIPed

That can happen at any FAANG tbqh. Your manager can easily fuck you over if he really wants to.

Some chink offed himself at FB.

>> No.25421679


Go to the US because salaries in yurop are trash

>> No.25421682

If you're a really good dev, why would you be chasing interviews at all? Companies themselves would seek you because of how valuable you are.

>> No.25421806


Create open source software with a clear business use case using your area of expertise - then charge for a "premium" license tier for "enterprise" features. Add in private consulting fees for support and architecture.


This is how you can tell someone has a wagie mindset. They cannot fathom using their own intellect to create something and make money, they must report to somebody and be told what to do. Probably works enough hours that his hourly rate is lower than a tradesman but gloats about it.

>> No.25421818

I know. But I need a visa. Easiest way to do it is through a company transfer which you can do after 1 year in some FAANG Euro office.

With H1B you're just competing with pajeets and chinks for the quotas.

Yeah man, just be Guido von Rossman or John Carmack.

>> No.25421855

Just be born 10 years earlier.

>> No.25421909

What stops the company from just integrating it in their own solution if it's open source.
I guess the consulting fees could work if they have some compatibility issues.

Can you give me some concrete examples of this? Are you mainly doing some B2B dev-ops shit?

>> No.25422101


Look, I've given you more than most shitposters claiming they make $1M dropshipping Chinese t-shirts - the hard parts are for you to figure out now. Obviously the premium features are not in the open source codebase. Most businesses have money to pay a subscription which is cheaper than having a fulltime dev maintaining a private fork - just steer clear of something that can be integrated into Amazon's product offering since I've just described AWS's model.

>> No.25422202

It really doesn't stop them if its open source, the team that created kafka started their own company only to be shafted by aws with fully managed solutions