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[ERROR] No.25411543 [Reply] [Original]

2020 Polkastarter platform realy helped many project getting launched, and us people to be safe from Bot buyouts . Which gem would you pick again, which one u wouldn’t buy

Which ones are simmering for Q1 in 2021

>> No.25411657

haha anon don't look from above, its better to look under the skirt hahaha
some of the folks blame polkastars from selling out so the ordinary folk does not have a chance to acquire a coin in beginning of sale

>> No.25411842

Silly pajeets still fomo on polka here polka there, bow down to the king eth and btc , today btc hit 30k and soon eth 1k

>> No.25411906

Soooo much hype about polkastarter last year, surely there is over hype about these projects? I smell a scam on the horizon

>> No.25411937

I don't care about projects usually, since I am a day trader.

I made 7x in a week with FWT during the hype. Might buy more right before the platform launches.

>> No.25412010

Mr pajeet how can u smell a scam if you didnt buy in or get rekt ? I buy presale or aftermarket on dumps
Like im grabing scifi dumps until u folks figure it out whats this gem about

>> No.25412070

One that has to be simmering rn is Xed.
This project has great tokenomics and getting the whole gaming community behind it. Huge pro player Fox joined as an ambassador recently. Public raise and listing on uniswap has seen price rocket

>> No.25412395

To be honest POLS has such a good rep now and thats why it is held in the scifi index. The index should pump and spice and scifi token with it as more and more of these pols launches take place. Got my bags for 2021

>> No.25412762

What are your ponders about 2021 and crypto in general? What about your bags? What is next after DeFi and NFT boom? Did u see btc hit ath 30k

>> No.25412765
File: 213 KB, 1023x748, 20210102_141259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pols projects to research on one hand

Btc and eth on the other.

So hard but so easy... help

>> No.25413049

I did pajeet. Btc is legendary status now with that ATH. More institutions piling in. Next is eth on that front. Spelling really good things.

There are a few tokens that should moon in 2021.
I'm picking Xed to surprise and take the prize this year

>> No.25413304

This post stinks just a wild and lame shill for pols

>> No.25413321

One is for hodl

Other is to trade

Choose wisely young padowone

>> No.25413357
File: 73 KB, 720x1560, 447BCF4E-789E-4D41-866B-A7F314110EB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon as btc dominance starts to go down altseason will start which will happen most probably q1 2021. This oldfag is ready with big bag of XDB BNB ICX

>> No.25414116

Boom shakalaka

>> No.25414283

oh please experianced-sounding dickwad, give some alts a chance to breathe. when btc hits 60k . eth
should hit 20k and defi alts like scifi stake utk dot must also perform well

Prepare you x50

>> No.25414330

Love your pols and dot
Keep it simple dear fags and stop sucking

>> No.25414368

you can short in part of January IMO during Chinese new year.. all coins will be dump idiot.
If you go long you will rekt idiot..

>> No.25414456

Funny assbreath listen, altseason will be in 2021 so better protect your alts using SPDR vpn to prevent hackers on your account ... small input for security

>> No.25414619

Orderd my spyder vpn modem so my investment is safe.
In 2021 NFTs marketplaces are coming to takeover and gaming blockchain is a dominating factor since gaming community is growing exponentionaly, so some xed for you asspockets

>> No.25414769

Way to be uppity about your strategy fagg. Wrong attitude but right approach. Scifi token is down in the dumps but it should be glistening in the sun. I'm buying more now bc im flexer, not a rekt-ser!

>> No.25414936
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Be nice

>> No.25415082

All about greed in here , folks there is enough for all of us just if yall want x50 go get rekt with double dildo , greed is the downfall of dex couse this is cex work

>> No.25415230

It is indeed sir a great place for DeFi and NFTs. Xed is a rocket to the moon in 2021. Heaps of class about this team and project. And so many startegic partners that it basically can't fall over imo dyor

>> No.25415235
File: 46 KB, 374x374, 5CEC533F-E0B7-4AFD-91C8-1CCCDDFBBD54.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dodge army update

Dogecoin rose up to 50% in the past 24 hours with strong volume figures, currently the best-performing crypto asset among the top 100 by market cap... what u say pajeet

>> No.25415345

All of you running into places that are in uptrend, so you r late , and im always in for those the fud army disses, so quick pumps and dumps not good for my nerves they get rekt regularly haha but my moonpocket is getting stronger with spice

>> No.25415461

That is huge news about doge coin pajeet. Guessing that musk has shilled again on twitter. He loves a doge. Anybody else i here wanna shill that xed gaming project. Lol post is smelly

>> No.25416024

DOT is now Top 5 coin just beating out LTC. It will flip XRP shortly and I believe it has the potential to flip ETH eventually.

>> No.25416057
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Since polka is parachain the possibility of it having my XDB is up there. Is that right anon but for now I will just enjoy uniswap and eth fucking high gas fee. Lp rewards is so worth it

>> No.25416952

Dot is looking good anon. Well done.

>> No.25417232

Lol spice. Did they really do their research when cover was hacked pajeet... its not a faultless piece of merchandise is all im sayin

>> No.25417300

Arbitrage come thru my gate and expand my horizon, like you pajeets did with all the fud so u were my north star , you assfuckers said right, ive went left and won hahaha cocksniffs are on u.
Use arbitrage and decentral market making for you pros who know their stuff mk

>> No.25417358

haha spice was not hackeg, just one of the gems which did not hit or did any damage to spice, just that the fud went fullforce, and give us a more cheap coin before mooning , soon i hear someone crying couse the've sold to early

>> No.25417457

What the fuck are u saying fuckknuckle.
Are you another buyer of this mystical scifi being

>> No.25417706
File: 97 KB, 669x584, 20210102_165743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh greedy pajeets should just be buying spice and scifi and piss on the rest. Just like my boy pepe here.
Block out the noise, block out the homo. Buy and hodl till the end with a bag of gems... you cant lose

>> No.25417815
File: 62 KB, 251x201, BAD23E50-87AE-4614-A8C1-AA4F22BBD12D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And todays news for those who cant read , xDai is part of our family and to have stake being a partner of gem basket, its very optimistic news.

Which baby is next to join me sitting in my moonrock

>> No.25417821

XED was able to successfully organize a public raise some days back on polkastarter, POLS was able to prove it's efficiency one more time. Fire, MahaDAO all had a successful raise there and now XED which happens to be one gem I'm all in for atm

>> No.25418015

Spice and its crew had a good idea but the execution is nowhere near quality and thats why ive lost interest in it, to much stuff and to little explanation and info

>> No.25418073

XED is pulling up something we haven't seen in this space, perfect mix of DeFi, NFT and e-Sports is a big win for me. Got my bags filled and ready for moonshot

>> No.25418197

Did my checks on it and i think the project is filled with investors holding big bags of XED, waiting for the right time to dump on some innocent asses out there.

>> No.25418511

Fill them up, SCIFI is the finest new year gem out there for me, got a big bag staked on and waiting for the alts to start moving

>> No.25418831

POLS has built this solid reputation for itself now, It's one of the gems in SCIFI index, one project i'm super pumped about, looking like I'll need a bigger bag

>> No.25418918

SPICE is shit, price has been down asf for a long time now, team is looking dead without any future

>> No.25419001

who cares what a fucking giraffe thinks tho lmao, objectively he is a lion.

>> No.25419499

XED will be the biggest from the list, can easily go above $3 in no time once portal goes live

>> No.25419571

haha What do you pajeets know? i believe you are too blind to recognize a good project when you see one