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2538481 No.2538481 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/

Here is my situation:

>College in Boca Raton, South Florida
>Finished college today
>International business degree double major with economics
>$40,000 in debt
>$5,000 in savings (Ethereum)

My options:

>Try to get hired by a firm in South Florida

>Move back in with my parents and work as a bartender while living at home/eating for free at home with my parents

>Join military as an officer in the fall (I would make good money but I would have to leave my girlfriend and live in shitty west georgia while paying rent/expenses)

Out of these 3 options, which would you choose?

>> No.2538527

Military officer.
Whatever you do, don't pick option 2. Wasting time like that will affect your future employability.

>> No.2538538

>Loan 40k to learn about money

Jesus you smart fuck

Keep going boi youre living the american dream

>> No.2538551

You think it would be really hard to explain the gap?

But the military would probably be like a 3-5 year contract. Would you still pick that?

>> No.2538567

Fuck off...my parents are boomer retards and didnt tell me I would be 40,000 in debt. They said I would be more like 20,000 (which i figured was reasonable)

Plus I started college at 17 and I was a retard

>> No.2538578


Try to get on with the firm and if its a no join the military but you can kiss the gf goodbye, shed be a goner.

>> No.2538633

Yes. If you do OCS it'll probably be 3 years. You'd probably end up staying at your first job for that length of time anyway.
Also consider getting married. You'll get higher BAH and you can take her with you.

>> No.2538653

Also consider veterans' benefits like VA loans.

>> No.2538720


Oh true.

Are you ex-military?

Do you think being an officer in the army is a better overall gig than getting a job at a midsized firm starting off at $40,000 a year?

>> No.2538736

It's a contract, but I make 2300 a month untaxed from BAH/BAS unmarried in a medium cost of living city. Pay 650 for rent so rest is untaxed dosh on top of my paycheck. I end up making around 65k plus free healthcare/certs/college/ VA loan

>> No.2538823

Sounds comfy. Thanks anon.

Thoughts on Fort Benning?

>> No.2538839

I'm Air Force so my only advice is don't go army/marines.
If you like tech go Air Force 1B its best we got in cyber offense, and the training and clearance alone are worth 500k+

>> No.2538916

1B is a enlisted AFSC,, Active duty officers in cyber don't go in as cyber warfare, they go in as net ops. Cyber Warfare exists in the reserve force as a 17SX. Not to mention the clearance they get is a SSBI, not the multiple-scope one that's worth a shitload.

>> No.2538943

Doesn't sound like you will be happy either way.

Forget the gap and bartender gig.

Military = weight up how important relationship is. Likely you wont end up happy by going this route.

Third route seems like the best one BUT

>What about doing your own thing? Do you have any ideas/aspirations? Get into the crypto game > double that 10k?

We econ majors bruh. we're like nomads who understand too much, making nothing really worth being locked into slavery but able to adapt to many different ventures.

I would stop thinking about what your parents/society wants/ expects you to do, and think WHAT DO I WANT OUT OF THIS LIFE.

>> No.2538963
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FAU, PBSC, or Lynn?

>> No.2539342

Do option #1 and get a job in Miami. only logical progression after getting your degree. use your school career center to help you find something. the other options are backups and should not be priority. any cuck can be a bartender or get shot at by sand niggers....

>> No.2539499
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Get out of this shit area. South Florida is turning to Brazil. I got an IB Honors degree and certificate in Asia/Japan in Miami and everybody wants to hire their Hispanic relatives first. What an absolute fucking mistake to connect this region to Latin America - we're becoming it.
Personally in a similar situation as you OP, me and another finance buddy of mine are moving the fuck North to an actual city. Living with my parents is a nightmare, can't think, can't trade, can't even use my PC without interruption. If I can't find a job within 6 months, going to the Air Force or AF reserves.

>> No.2539564


>> No.2539590

Literally my exact struggle.

South Florida is a hellhole. The heat sucks unless you live on the water but living on the water is way too expensive. Spics everywhere. Its a horrible place to raise a family.