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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25356384 No.25356384 [Reply] [Original]

>be born, enter the tax system (SSN)
>die, get taxed (estate tax)
>make money, get taxed (payroll tax)
>make money, get taxed then get taxed AGAIN (income tax)
>start a business, get taxed (corporate tax)
>invest, get taxed (capital gains)
>give a gift bought with taxed income, get taxed (gift tax)
>use your taxed income, get taxed (sales tax)
>buy land with taxed income, get taxed (property tax)

>> No.25356430

Yeah I'm thinkin fuck america

>> No.25356434


>> No.25356468
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>> No.25356475

Death and taxes mate.

>> No.25356637

Yes goy pay your taxes

While chad hustles on /biz/ and WSB and pays shit

>> No.25356642
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Yuo are like a little bébé, watch dis
>*transform in french gubment*
>*invent TIPP : a VAT taxing a tax on gas already subjected to VAT*

>> No.25356727
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Jesus Christ. Fuck the french government.

>> No.25356748

If you are in the USA, just know that it could be so much worse. You at least have the option of moving to a 0% sales tax, 0% income tax state like New Hampshire, while every single country in Europe has a 60%+ overall tax burden.

>> No.25356786

Im in Europe and have gotten away with paying 0 TAXES

Ask me anything

>> No.25356859
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its ok u can just use monero now

>> No.25356880

It’s because everyone is a giant fucking pussy who lets the government do what they want to us. Back in the day with the Boston tea party we were like yo what?! who in the FUCK are YOU to tax my fucking TEA. And threw that shit off the ship. Where the fuck is that kind of rebellion these days. We need to bring that kind of energy back man.

>> No.25356893

Its Okay
To Be Gay

>> No.25356907

If someone comes knocking on your door for an audit or some shit just pour hot tar on them

>> No.25356910
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What would they do?

>> No.25356922

What is your income and what source does it come from?

>> No.25356945


>> No.25356947
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for maximum equality, wealth shouldn't be transmitted to your offsrping. 100% of your capital should be redistributed when you die. it shouldn't going to your kids.
no more rich free riders who can make it because their parents are rich.

>> No.25357025

Imagine unironically believing this, while families that have intergenerational wealth run circles around you.

>> No.25357037

Move to a state with no sales tax or income tax. There's two off the list.

>> No.25357141
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we should have sent them back, bros. imagine where we would be right now.

>> No.25357159

>move to a state with no sales tax or income tax.
>now you're living in the middle of nowhere unless you want to live in California Two: Electric Boogaloo (aka Texas)

>> No.25357182

Income: in the 100ks
1.Dropshipping and a few other (currently failed) local businesses
2. Ewhoring
3. Loans

Just dont pay anything theory

>> No.25357196

Yeah man, if you really wanna go the extra mile and delude your kid into thinking they earned their way in life. I say you just get your talentless kid set up with an agent and they can train your shitty spoiled brat into a mediocre artist/actor. Much like Jayden smith.

>> No.25357233

>be born, enter the tax system (SSN)
I dated this hippy chick for a while, and she had a friend who did homebirths and never registered her kids, so they had no SSN. I always wondered what the later ramifications of this would be for them..

>> No.25357243
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You can’t send me back bitch boy

>> No.25357246

>both have massive paper trails

You are 100% going to go to jail lmao.

>> No.25357269

dont forget that right when they assign you a ssn they chop part of your dick off

>> No.25357292

>be born, get circumcised (penis tax)

>> No.25357296

Yeah that would be a good idea to produce maximum equality, but who would want that?

>> No.25357323

i hope nobody bombs all of dc

>> No.25357342

I was born in a 4 foot tall inflatable pool. No SSN, no birth certificate. Living comfy neet life. Momma comes home with a fresh plate of tendies every night for me, cuz I’m on a 4 day good boy streak!

>> No.25357349
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Circumcision should count as a war crime

>> No.25357369

You don't actually need to register for a SSN at birth. Back in the day, parents used to put it off, and many didnt bother getting one until their first official job required it.

The reason most parents get an SSN for their child ASAP is because they need one if you want to use them as a dependent for the tax write-off

>> No.25357394

are you a nigger?

>> No.25357415

You are cattle in a tax farm anon.

>> No.25357463
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>> No.25357479
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I am an American that’s all you need to know

>> No.25357502

all this money spent on abortions

>> No.25357515

Even worse, every single thing you buy costs more because all of those companies have their own business and payroll taxes, as do all of their suppliers

>> No.25357516

>embezzle money from rugpulls
>cash out
>pay taxes
>be crowned outstanding citizen of the law

>> No.25357603

I know, its about time

But ion give a fuck.... I lived 10 lives in one

Hustlers gonna hustle

>> No.25357728

Ya all the cool hustlers hang out on 4chan, let alone know what it is! I'm sure your life of pissing time away on the internet has been super cool!


>> No.25357766

4chan is a normie site; it's always been. You can be rich, have kids, a girlfriend, a wife, and still post here.

>> No.25357805

They would use monero, encourage discounts for all businesses using monero vs fiat. And they would nationalize/subsidize a competitor to Twitter(just a nationalized/state sponsored free speech platform, shouldn't be too expensive, should be profitable in a way that offsets taxes a bit if there's no Jack dorsey level siphons at the top) and also a nationalized/subsidized amazon, since the destruction of small businesses gas gone into overdrive and the lockdown has completely benefited large corporations that can bully their workforce/suppliers(make them dance, charge them for standing in place for too long, forcing long driving distances, and charging sellers to just hold their items while at the same time influencing amazon search results to not find said small time sellers using amazon, while at the same time amazon copies good selling products)
It's just unethical on a mass scale. The amount of liberty destroyed in exchange for siphoning value into smaller and smaller groups. While being censored if you speak up about it.

>> No.25357845

in poland we pay the rain tax, a fucking tax where the soil gets no water because there's shit built on top aka housing

>> No.25357866

Yes, a normie loser site...do you really think anyone who could even be remotely called a 'hustler' has ever come here?

I sometimes forget that most of you are 12 and/or shutins so have no idea what anything in actual life is like.

>> No.25357947
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/biz/ is the only place to talk about busniess anonymously on the entire internet thats fast enough. The business side of Reddit is shit and retarded and your post will be buried if you don't follow groupthink. Also, I can work 10 hours a day and take a couple hours to cool off by shitposting on 4chan its just entertainment.

>> No.25357964

You might argue that what I say is against the free market. But a government forced shutdown is a government forced eradication of small businesses and poor families. People are forced to take jobs that are not worth it, just to survive, and corporation take advantage of these desperate people whose businesses they helped destroy.
If the free market is dead because information is controlled and dictates which products/services are seen. Then the free market is dead and we need to hold the culprits responsible. Amazon/Twitter are the biggest offenders. Youtube/google is unethical and too big, they need to be held accountable for censorship and collusion(espionage) with other criminal tech giants

>> No.25358013

Equality is the biggest meme, only thing that matters is the rise of quality of life.

If the current generation is poorer than the previous one, but they are all equally poor, then it's garbage.

>> No.25358027

Cope + 0 + dn + kys

>> No.25358061

Don't forget that the government has no skin in the game. You're the one assuming all the risk.

>> No.25358101

There has never been a single discussion here about anything resembling 'business' on here once ever. Ever.

You're literally watching 12 year olds and losers pretend to have agency in their lives and finances. If you see this as anything other than purely entertainment in the form of loser porn you might be legally retarded.

>> No.25358152

Hey cliched buzzwords that someone else made up and were maybe somewhat funny 3 years ago...sweet you definitely come across as a HUSTLAH!!1!

Fucking loser...

>> No.25358192

>There has never been a single discussion here about anything resembling 'business' on here once ever. Ever.

Lurk after 6 pm, when the average person gets off of work. Actually, just lurk more in general, you are 100% new.

>> No.25358222
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>> No.25358235

I'm 100% in mtlx. Average buy at 30k, worth 120k150k now. Will be at least 2 mil next year with their Binance partnership. Already featured on binanceChristmas Contest and $MTLX is yet to be listed on Binance!

>> No.25358271

I have been coming here far longer than you, kid.

How's your business coming along from all the sweet insider discussions you've read here? I'm guessing it's something legit like a restaurant, insurance company or construction firm, right? Not something a 12 year old with no agency would do like dropshipping meme socks or some other juvenile pissant shit, right??

>> No.25358367
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Look at where percentage of paychecks go you pay like 30 dollars annually for food programs and 300 dollars for some mega corp giving you a prostate massage

>> No.25358412

I do CCTV installation for office buildings and other commercial/industrial buildings. We set up their servers for storing their footage while maintaining the system. ~650k revenue with 3 guys. I have unironically gotten some good advice from /biz/ and love the memes, and shitting on the IRS here.

What do you do?

>> No.25358457
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Jew hands typed this.

>> No.25358472


>> No.25358540
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>> No.25358624

$600k??!? Wow hitting the big time there, champ! Its cool that you owe your unfathomable success to the insider info you got from the magnates here....

>> No.25358660

Okay, what are you doing here?

>> No.25358662
File: 70 KB, 1100x960, tax evasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>renounce americuck citizenship
>set up a holding company in a tax haven country
>never pay taxes again

>> No.25358717

isnt the tax in america one of the lowest in the world besides literal 3rd world shitholes?

>> No.25358736

We've only been in business for 3.5 years, hoping to get to 1 million revenue with some bigger contracts in ~2 years. And 4chan unironically changed the way and made me start taking my life more seriously hearing about the mistakes and failures people became by being inactive in their youth.

Also, I'm guessing you don't actually have a job or business lmao.

>> No.25358774

Also, crypto gains 100% helped me too.

>> No.25358856
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Mozol toff

>> No.25359006

I'm Mexican American, you fucking nigger, I hate all of you faggots.

>> No.25359057
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>I’m (insert hispanic descendant)!
Every single time we have a debate with black people

>> No.25359113

i hate lazy niggers AND jewish business owners that rape america's small business - how about that

>> No.25359117

A fair argument but I disagree.

Success, fulfilment and happiness is relative to your enviroment and community members. How else can it be measured?

Its far more fulfilling to be a medium fish in a small pond than a large fish in an ocean.

Todays losers would live more fulfilling lives under true 'egalitarianism' and todays winners would live far less fulfilling lives regardless of material conditions.

Of course this is assuming living standards just take a hit and everyone doesnt just starve.

>> No.25359396

Florida and Oregon


>> No.25359453
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>> No.25359621

Based and Caymanpilled

>> No.25360134

Maybe if you pretend all the hidden taxes don’t exist like gas taxes etc.

>> No.25360175
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Welcome to the matrix.

>> No.25360639

this is why i plan on buying land, building my own cabin, and farming asap. i don’t want my labor propping up a system i hate

>> No.25360707
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get fucked ancap faggot
this is the price of living in a society and you better pay up

>> No.25360915



>> No.25361083

I don't remember asking for your opinion on this
you will contribute to the good of society whenever you like it or not

>> No.25361173
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>you will contribute to the good of society whenever you like it or not

Oh ok, I have a gift for you though. It will come in the mail in 2-3 days.

>> No.25361174

Neither ewhoring or dropshipping are illegal. Do you live in North Korea or something?

>> No.25361182

End US Citizenship, pay exit tax. AHHHHHH!

Only the stupidest people in the world immigrate to the West. That's why we call them immigrants, and we call people who leave expats.

Expats are smart money, immigrants are stupid money.

>> No.25361206

The retard said he wasn't paying taxes on it. That would be ok if he was dealing with a cash business but the IRS is going to detect 100k going to this bank account from various locations and no tax is being paid on it because they are all online transactions.