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25351938 No.25351938 [Reply] [Original]

Can you actually make money with these things? Boss at work lets everyone keep a space heater under their desk as the building is drafty. I figure two of these would be 1600 watts and would put out significant heat if I gutted a space heater and stuffed them in the case. So basically free electricity.

My question is would I be able to mine enough LTC to recoup the $300 I'd drop within any reasonable timeframe?

>> No.25352019

I asked a similar question about a solar powered mining setup and 0 replies later I learned that biz hates money

>> No.25352032

You’d probably get $3-5 dollars a day worth.

>> No.25352138

Per unit or for both? You just let it run then hook it up to a usb port once a month to download your tokens or how does that work? Finding sparse info online about how the actually work.

>> No.25352189

Right now you'd probably make a few dollars a day. But when Litecoin goes back down you'll make pennies.

Best case scenario it takes a year for it to pay itself off if you don't have to pay for electricity.

>> No.25352223

You connect it by the ethernet port.

>> No.25352227

It’s about 100 ROI right now

>> No.25352246

I'm not the best source here. But I looked into them a little. You need to find a difficulty/ hash conversion rate with that miner. I've seen some ant miners in the thousands. Typically antiquated hardware gets sold to noobs. You'll never break even on electricity. You're talking solar power here... thats your call, but you need to find out how long thats going to take to mine 1 ltc. Likely 10 years... why not just put the money in ltc then.

>> No.25352829

It needs a 24/7 internet connection?

Can you explain what this means to a literal moron?

>> No.25352884

well no shit it needs the innernet

>> No.25352891

You are a fucking moron. Just put the money into coins fag.

>> No.25352929
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>> No.25353141
File: 67 KB, 1156x613, LTC mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you actually make money with these things?
Yes, looks like you could make $3.50 a day with two of these. Pic related.
>Boss at work lets everyone keep a space heater under their desk as the building is drafty.
If these are anything like the BTC version, they will be loud as fuck. Louder than a vacuum cleaner. Two of them under your desk sounds a bit conspicuous.
>It needs a 24/7 internet connection?

>> No.25353161

I snagged a antminer for 50 bucks and a few Futurbit Apollos 80 bucks on ebay when everyone thought LTC was going to zero. If you aren't getting a huge discount on the miner just buy LTC instead

>> No.25353325

What do you make on them if I can ask?

>> No.25353398

>generates 70 dB
Are you sure you wanna put one of those in an office?

>> No.25353470

I want to build a outdoor swimming pool in a cool area and put a room underneath filled with mining hardware in order to heat the swimming pool above it so it stays warm year round.. Is this possible?

>> No.25353525

it's too noisy to work near it

>> No.25353541

I only have the Apollos running now (4) which nets me about ~40usd worth a month and about maybe 50cents in electricity use. Had them running for about 2 years. I haven't turned on the L3 because I only have one and it's not worth the noise/cost. If you're not paying the electric bill then I guess who cares. L3s are loud though.

>> No.25353575

I think you'll need heat pipes otherwise your stuff is going to melt.

>> No.25353605

how come they never figured out how to make the fans not sound like fucking turbines

>> No.25353609

This is the sign. Normies are actually jumping on the train again. I thought btc would dump soon but I was wrong.

>> No.25353648

Just replace the fans with some 30 dollar fans from noctua

>> No.25353680

>retard plugs in jet turbine under desk

>> No.25353701

Just daydreaming because I'm not far off making it and I don't know about this sort of stuff, was hoping a system could be devised where the pool cools the hardware and the hardware warms the pool. Would be pretty neat to try and engineer as an expensive hobby if it's even possible.

>> No.25353737

>It needs a 24/7 internet connection?
yeah, that is what deterred me from doing this. I have a gov job and could easily stick a miner on my desk, but if the network admins detected it I could get in trouble for 'using gov resources for person gain.' And as the other anon said, they tend to be noisy as fuck which attracts nosey coworkers.

>> No.25353785

Another noob question here. So I was thinking, these things just do complex calculations right? I'm a math major (1st year), I'm womdering if I could just do it on pen and paper ya know? No hardware, no electricity, just joggin the ole noggin. I have lots of free time and little money so it seems like the most viable way for me to mine. What do you guys think?

>> No.25353790

These things are so fucking loud there's no way you could have them anywhere near you.

>> No.25353856

They probably could, but then it's not the cheapest ASCII Miner on the market.

>> No.25353868

Just steak. This isn't 2008.

>> No.25353873

you absolutely can do this, but keep it on the DL because it will be saturated if too many people find out

>> No.25353874

Because it was never designed to be placed in a living space retard

>> No.25353877

Based. Your first 20 trillion years in hell will be spent mining a single bitcoin with a pen and paper.

>> No.25353974

For some reason the sysadmins I've talked to hate crypto. Some take the extra step to flag all popular pools/ports and wait for the day someone tries to do it on their network.

>> No.25354196

One Bitcoin would be closer to 1,000 trillion years actually. Assuming hashing rewards wouldn't decrease (they would)

>> No.25354236

Yes but not really. As long as you plig your miners in for a few minutes a day you're fine. Just disconnect your pc for a few minutes and plug these in and you're good.

>> No.25354251

“Anon why does your space heater sound like a fucking jet engine”

>> No.25354489

I have two of these, they are fucking loud. Really fucking loud. You would need ear protection if you were running them under your desk.

>> No.25354623

Are you stupid? There are calculators all over for figuring this out easily

>> No.25354887

___ _____ ______________ _
/ | / ___// ____/ _/ _/ ____ ___ (_)___ ___ _____
/ /| | \__ \/ / / / / / / __ `__ \/ / __ \/ _ \/ ___/
/ ___ |___/ / /____/ /_/ / / / / / / / / / / / __/ /
/_/ |_/____/\____/___/___/ /_/ /_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\___/_/

>> No.25354966

Yes, but the ones I found all say like $3 per day after paying for electricity. I figure there's no way there could be a 100% roi in 60 days or everyone would be running these.

>> No.25355136

those are very loud, your boss would not let you run one at work

>> No.25355153

yeah, it's weird. the students have a crypto club and they gave a presentation at "IT Day." I spoke to them later and they said the response from the IT folks was more negative than positive because they still think it's all a big ponzi scam.

>> No.25355438

A lot of sysadmins are mad because every nerd knew about Bitcoin when it came out and most of us said 'meh that sounds like a scam' and then watched a handful of our retard friends get super rich and burn themselves up, and now in general the whole thing leaves a bitter taste.

>> No.25355506


>> No.25355905

they are just doing their job,cripto shit can eat up lots of resources its understandable.Risk your job and let some fag do money?not on my watch

>> No.25355908

How do you think you'll access the settings without and ethernet connection?

>> No.25355954

IT are literally faggots.

>> No.25356077

IT here, can confirm

>> No.25356080

Figured I could plug it in like once or twice a month and sync it.

>> No.25356132

Makes sense
Not faulting them for it. People are retarded and will try it. I'm just surprised of the position in general from them, but it could be isolated to the few I've spoken with.

>> No.25356268

You're one of the good ones

>> No.25356340

So it pays for it self worst case (dollar a day) half a year or
> $3 a day - 50 days
> $5 a day - 30 days
What's the electricity usage and costs per kwh?

>> No.25356439

nigger how else would it get access to the transactions

>> No.25356485

When I sync it? Doesn't it download the litecoin blockchain?

>> No.25356487

just kill yourself it'll be faster.

>> No.25356498
File: 2.41 MB, 4128x2322, 20201213_203649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards trying to get into mining
pro tip:
stay the fuck out
t. mining ~0.5 btc/month

>> No.25356659

ASICs are too loud. Build yourself a PC and GPU mine ETH. This will put out enough heat and will be nice and quiet. Hopefully you already have a gaming computer and a decent enough GPU that can mine. If not, your shit out of luck because everything is sold out.

>> No.25356693

Nice. How many cards? Nicehash, I assume?

>> No.25356741

I have a 3080 from gigabyte and it’s already loud as fuck because nvidia fucked over all their 3 party sellers.

>> No.25356917

>t. mining ~0.5 btc/month
The only thing you are mining at the moment is black men’s seed.

>> No.25356975

I have 5700 XTs and they are quiet as can be. Have you set a custom fan curve?