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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2535169 No.2535169 [Reply] [Original]

In about 2-3 hours the chinks will wake up. What do you think they are going to do?



>> No.2535179

Chinks and Koreans are the ones buying the dip. It's always the americans panic selling ETH.

>> No.2535195

LTC will moon when this happens.

>> No.2535239

>ethereum dips
>shit posting beings
>hurr durr sell ur stuff
>epic hodl meme
>ethereum stabilizes for a few days
>goes up $30
>shitposters go back into their holes

Time is a flat circle. I will see you in Carcosa.

>> No.2535252

now you know why china is shit, even their rich people are retarded.

>> No.2535260

Why is his head so big

>> No.2535274

It's filled with hot air.

>> No.2535328

This man gets it
Idk why people shill/fud top 100 coins on biz. Biz wont sway markets, and they only just fuck neets out of pennies

>> No.2535348


This is why ethereum will NEVER work

>> No.2535680

Did you not even read what i wrote?

>> No.2536432
File: 147 KB, 398x281, 1497252659518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw ETH rising in my dream

>> No.2536503

no. i don't care

>> No.2536561
File: 213 KB, 736x1075, HODL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese are panic selling
>Americans are panic selling

Pick one. You're obviously just trying to scare people on biz so you can buy the dip.

>> No.2536576

ETH almost always goes up a bit at night. Koreans can't get enough of the shit.

>> No.2536605

LTC will rise 25%

>> No.2536617
File: 57 KB, 400x400, IMG_4310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you live in an all-Korean apt building and you don't speak a lick of it but the old man who smokes out behind the garage with you spots you on cryptowatch and gives you a knowing nod

>> No.2536772


>> No.2536892
File: 480 KB, 1836x2448, KZv5Oei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean for /bizraelis who took my advice and bought in continuously since January 2016, and are still buying biweekly?

They're Chinese you dumb /poltard trash. And considering how they cornered BTC mining before they're pretty damn smart. I'd guess they're preparing stashes for the switch to proof of stake, or wait... maybe they don't care about the best opportunity for perpetual income in the 21st century. Once ETH goes proof of stake, nobody will sell the principal, only the staked coins. Think about what that will do to demand side.

>> No.2538038

Dont you fucking cucks see the pattern? This 340-360 phase we've seen the last week is all accumulation. THE PUMP YOU WANT IS NEAR. GET IN NOW. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.

>> No.2538120

Unless you're that one deranged guy who just reposts the same weird anti-ETH memes, I literally can't understand the point of FUDding a coin like ETH.

It's already made a bunch of /biz/raelis here a ton of money, and gigantic overseas markets are driving its price up week after week.

You're shaking your fist at the incoming tide, OP. Go ahead and do you, I guess... but seriously, why bother?

>> No.2538279

Hope so starting to get scared about this constant volatility