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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25351221 No.25351221 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ got me into crypto in 2018 when I bought LINK. Since then I've made several bets which have overwhelmingly paid off. Here are my bets this year....

LINK (still holding, +500% YTD)
Linkpool (still holding, also about +500% YTD)
DMG (bought in ICO at $0.33, sold at about $1.3 average)
wCRES (bought in ICO at $2, sold at about $8)
GRT (bought in ICO at 0.11, sold at 0.66 average)
AVAX (bought in ICO at $0.5, still holding, currently $3)

+a load of yield farming

Trips and I post my next big pick...

>> No.25351260

*bought GRT in ICO at $0.03, bought more immediately on release at $0.11

>> No.25351266

You didnt do shit but look at old memes, you filthy larper.

>> No.25351302

give us a hint.

>> No.25351307 [DELETED] 

105k linky here, lots of money and lots of free time.
If you don't post it right now and wait for trips, then I'll fud your shitcoin to death and no one will buy it pajeet.

>> No.25351413
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the markets are a means to transfer wealth from the impatient to the patient

>> No.25351431
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could post proof for all the others but these are the best two and both on binance so i'll leave it at that

>> No.25351789

You're not worried that Link will dump if BTC has a 30% drop?

>> No.25351837

Gj anon, what’s your source to find legit icos?

>> No.25351857

LINK is a multiyear hold

>> No.25351982

This is not the kind of thing I think about, its a long term hold, i'm sure it will have many BTC led pumps and dumps but it doesnt matter in the long term.

wait for staking (might be Q1 this year)

icodrops, apply a basic level of due dilligence (some reasonably impressive people on team, project actually useful, not something that already exists several times over not a ridiculously high market cap at ico price)

>> No.25352301

Do you figure it will drop or will that 200 day MA on the USD chart hold?

>> No.25352324

I dont put a lot of weight into moving averages, I think it's underperformed recently on account of SEC fud even though LINK is one of the least likely assets to be added.

Staking could be in Q1, expect $25+ if that happens

>> No.25352343

>This year
Pajeet confirmed

>> No.25352617

Anon why are you buying / longing such small amounts? Looks like you are actually poor, which is truly an incredible feat if you did nail all those perfect picks

>> No.25352855

Rolling for gem

>> No.25353087

I just took a screenshot of a portion of my trade history

>> No.25354059


>> No.25354119

So how much longer do you reckon get crabs for? Also rolling

>> No.25354179

Keyword: could

>> No.25354247
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It's literally the Graph and much more except that it has silently put the whole infrastructure in place and is not in whitepaper stage anymore.

>> No.25354323

Nice. REEF seemed like a good bet im glad I couldn't find the uniswap pair early on or I would've been smoked. What do you think about polkaoracle on icodrop?

>> No.25354636

dead shitcoin

>> No.25354723

it's 2021 in Australia, anon

>> No.25355654

There are many signs pointing to it being the case.

Linkpool ERC in Q1, staking aggregators saying Q1-2021 for release, chainlink on version 0.98