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25350843 No.25350843 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25350882

for the newfags who don't know who ray dillinger is

>> No.25350923

You had a good OP image but the link was absolute garbage. Shame.

>> No.25350972

what financial institution exactly are transactions going through?

>> No.25350990

Your high time preference nigger narratives failed years ago. Out of cope your ignore the reality of bitcoin's continued success and will stay poor, instead of harming your ego in admitting you were wrong.

There's nothing wrong at all with 2nd layer solutions to scaling. You listened to total faggots like Roger Ver who whined about wanting bitcoin to become highly spendable NOW for the sake of allowing Africans to buy coffee. It's amazing you have no idea how fucking stupid and gay that narrative is, and ramble on about how bitcoin is no longer bitcoin because we didn't let retards muck with the security parameter of block size in order to come up with an immediate but shitty solution to scaling. If we let the decentralization of the network be compromised by such high-time preference / short term foolish thinking bitcoin would not now be enjoying institutional adoption. It would be languishing like bcash and shitoshi vision.

Just rage quit crypto already loser. You are not relevant.

>> No.25351004
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BTC was just a way to buy pizza, then maxipads fucked it up by involving jews and chinks.

>> No.25351009
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>> No.25351035

I didn't mean the link so didn't work, I meant its contents.

>> No.25351050

Go stay poor and stuff your face with pizzas you pathetic fat fuck, there's nothing interesting about that. MUH SPENDING... I MUST SPEND NOOOWW WAAAHHH PLZ I MUST CONSOOOM SHIT.

>> No.25351071
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seethe harder. the only people still in BTC are the brainlets who bought in Dec '17 and the mining/exchange/institutions that have a vested interest. money can still be made, but BTC has failed and all us oldfags know it.

>> No.25351106
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>> No.25351147
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>> No.25351188


>> No.25351239

>retard loser wants to get BTC purely because he hopes banks pump it and make him fiatbux so he can spend it on pizza
>Satoshi's vision was that people would spend BTC directly on pizza, as a viable form of currency besides and separate from fiat

You are the cancer that ruined /biz/

>> No.25351249

Snowden expresses the same sentiments

>> No.25351277

based oldfag

>> No.25351424

exchanges. did you not read the link? it's explained in ray's post.

>> No.25351445

I agree a lot of these faggots looking at BTC just as making a quick buck are subhumans. However arent solutions such as BTC Lightning pretty good for scaling?

>> No.25351472

>Poe's Law: the post

>> No.25351473


>> No.25351488

can you actually elaborate im not trying to be a dick in fact i think this discussion is interesting and most of the replies here are faggots who really dont care about the tech behind btc

>> No.25351533

LN has failed already and will never work on a large scale. it's too cumbersome for the avg user. perhaps in another 18 months, it will be ready

>> No.25351554

okay so how do we solve BTC's scalability issues? are you one of those increase the blocksize fags?

>> No.25351638
File: 65 KB, 680x469, 09C40A6B-E90D-44BE-8EC4-DA27F7E8802F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it cannot and will not scale. it's first generation crypto and will always be around; however, for its original use case, it will never happen. it's only use case now is SoV and trading (gambling)

>> No.25351642

Ray Dillinger was the first ever Bitcoin critic. He did an initial code/security review on the cryptography mailing list, then he dismissed Bitcoin as a "ponzi scam":
He claims he didn't buy any BTC until 2013 when it was around $100. He was also calling it a "ponzi scam" back in 2013.

His recent email contradicts Hal Finney's 2010 vision of "Bitcoin banks" and 2nd layer scaling here:

It also contradicts Nick Szabo's early visions of 2nd layer scaling:

Ray Dillinger is basically the OG of r/buttcoin narratives. Seething for 12 years as his peers (Hal Finney's kids, Nick Szabo, Adam Back) made massive fortunes from Bitcoin while Ray didn't.

>> No.25351682

it makes me sad that bitcoin has lost the very reason it has to exist, the jews have taken over and it is no longer a currency for the people, just another investment for big banks and kikes

>> No.25351751

he knew early on and tried to convince himself it wasn't true for muh gainz

>> No.25351765
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end of his article kek

>> No.25351780

what a load of cashie bollocks
but that much is true despite what the title says bitcoin was never cash nor will it ever be. it's a p2p trustless permissionless publicly auditable and secure ledger and settlement network tho.

>> No.25351787

all mining coins will suffer the same fate if they get too popular. their game theory encourages it.

>> No.25351801

If the real OGs like Satoshi agreed with ray, they could dump their huge bags of BTC for BCH or XMR and move the market.
Ray lacks the economic power to backup his words, so all he can do is continue seething for 12 years straight.

>> No.25351824

how butthurt he is now that we are at $30k and he did not bought at $1?

>> No.25351840

What a sociopath

>> No.25351841

>all mining coins will suffer the same fate if they get too popular
not necessarily, xmr has managed to maintain itself quite well, it generally isn't very profitable to mine given the incredibly low block reward so farms aren't particularly profitable, and the network is heavily against the asic chinks which keeps things actually fair for the most part

>> No.25351882

i got in in 2012, i can gaurantee that most people back then actually used their coins and probably don't have a whole lot left; btc back then was really seen as a currency and people were forever promoting the acceptance and spending of it with the onboarding of merchants

>> No.25351888

Somebody tell this retard that bitcoin was never meant to be anonymous

>> No.25351925

this is correct, xmr mining can be done in a browser; so, for now it has the best chance. the mining algo can be changed in the future, so it remains a possibility

>> No.25351932

frankly the store of value is the only worthwhile usecase. the rest is retarded forced shit.

the middle class and the poor have no way to store their savings. you put it in the bank with negative interest rates while there is a 15-20% inflation?? you put it in gold which slowly bleeds purchasing power because it's been mined at an exponentially increasing rate and world population capped?
you put it in managed funds, that will rape you and suck you dry with fees? or you keep it fiat that will double in supply each year?

come on... we needed this.

>> No.25351959

thanks for the link to Hal and Szabo btw in your other post, very informative read. don't you think its funny how redditors/fags absolutely hates Szabo and Back? even Szabo knew 1MB block size was because of security. shitoshi vision be like it was satoshis vision to actually not have the 1mb block size he implemented

>> No.25351964

>btc back then was really seen as a currency
in its hyper inflationary phase? i bet you could use it as a money substitute. but that's long over.

>> No.25352005

It sounds like Ray would prefer:
- big blocks to support small payments on the base layer
- a more decentralized distribution that is not held by institutions/custodians
- decentralized mining that is optimized for CPUs

XMR exists for that. BTC is still the largest gateway into XMR. BTC/XMR atomic swaps make XMR more censorship resistant. BTC has been massively successful in every sense.

>> No.25352006

i agree, it is a good SoV for now. however, it is still a part of the traditional finance system as it has to be sold before the value can be spent on goods/services.

>> No.25352106
File: 471 KB, 1165x600, PipJ2WW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in its hyper inflationary phase?
not specifically because of that, but because it was genuinely its purpose, bitcoin was truly seen as a currency and everyone was genuinely working hard at encouraging various merchants to accept it as a payment option, even when small services would announce they're accepting it as a payment option it would cause a little pump in the price

pic related is something i saved from 2014, when that sentiment was still present

>> No.25352127

for now, here is the thing about bitcoin, it's valuation will probably do an s-curve with adoption. in the beginning the demand was low and new supply incredibly high. it was a hot potato. then it became mores scarce and demand went up. but eventually demand will cap and inflation will go away. so at that point bitcoin should stabilize in value enough to be spent. and by that time comes lightning network will long be mature enough to handle the load.

so i am hopeful that eventually we won't have to cash out ever. but for now the reality is that bitcoin functions more like a perfect digital gold. and that's okay, if you want to make it this is what you want.

>> No.25352163

this. BTC is a boomer stock now, as is, the majority of crypto.

>> No.25352166

>not specifically because of that
of course it was because of that. high supply low demand. it was a viable currency in that fleeting environmnet.
>but because it was genuinely its purpose
nah don't give me that crap satoshi was no fool. he determined the supply curve with a purpose.

>> No.25352172

what do you guys think of ETH 2.0's rollup & sharding solution for scaling? will it work better than BTC for payments?

>> No.25352199

Serious question. If bitcoin isn't anonymous, then how did the fucker at Quadriga steal everyones money without anybody knowing where the coins went? He made every deposit contain a unique address, is that not enough? Someone help.

>> No.25352230

The transactions are public but you can't derive someone's personal information from a wallet address.

>> No.25352265

i agree most of what you said, which is why i still have some. i am less hopeful about LN than you are (been hearing 18 months for years)

>> No.25352295

BTC is pseudo anonymous if you don't do KYC

>> No.25352326

Wow what a reply.. I'm not reading all the pics you are spamming... Bitcoin is not for below average IQ people who care more about short term spending and just jerking themselves off about how it just so happens to be done with a cryptocurrency, than they care about saving and seeing their net worth go up dramatically.

Part of the reason bcashiers emphasized the importance of short-term spendability in their narratives so much, was that they just flat-out assumed that was the only way in which a new currency could go from zero adoption to global adoption and everyday use. It was a blind belief, that has obviously been deboonked by history at this point. People buy into bitcoin not wanting to spend it, so the bcashier ignorant belief that spending is how it must increase its adoption goes against near universal market preference to hold onto an appreciating currency. Even bcashiers themselves preferred to hold onto rather than spend their bcash in expectation it would go up in value, so their own retarded theory conflicted with their preferences...

Bcashiers were even so stupid to believe in the newfag narrative that the only function of money is spending it, so if it's not being spent it's "not being used". History blew you the fuck out, and actual knowledge of monetary economics blows you the fuck out.

>> No.25352341

the purpose of the supply curve is to introduce scarcity and encourage bitcoin to scale into the use of its eight decimal points, that was again the clear intention back then when it came to its use as a currency; people aren't meant to hold hundreds of full coins in the future, people are meant to find use in its decimals
there are some neat blockchains that are overlooked still that don't focus on price and instead focus on community, i think we'll slowly start to see more of them in the future as the competition for usecase in alts becomes more evident in regards to survival against btc dominance, most alts aren't just bleeding because btc is going up, but because they're utterly useless and overvalued

>> No.25352354
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have to go now frens, will check back later. we're all going to make it.

>> No.25352428

have the r/buttcoin faggots all an hero'd yet? Or are they all still doing the same copes about how even if people are getting rich off it, it doesn't matter out of principle? Are they still doing the 2012-tier FUD thinking that nobody is actually able to exchange bitcoin for fiat or anything else?

>> No.25352469

Your midwit interpretation of Satoshi's whitepaper and insistence that interpretation must be locked in place forever as something to be worshipped is what is incredibly low-IQ. It's a money not a religion, Satoshi himself never said he was infallible and he was influenced by others in ways that trigger the bcashier narrative.

Bitcoin is still on its path to becoming a global currency by the way, which it can still very well do after becoming a universally agreed upon SOV and with the help of 2nd layer scaling solutions.

You had a certain theory that its path to global money could only take place by forcing people to use it for everyday spending early on and sort of jump-starting that network effect.. You do realize that's just a fucking theory though, and one that goes against human nature to want to save something that inevitably would appreciate in value tremendously as adoption increases? No you don't realize shit. You spend your bcash on plastic junk and pizza, it's immediately getting dumped it's not jumpstarting a network effect or convincing people of its value beyond the fact they can immediately liquidate it for fiat.

The sign of a shitcoiner is they sperg about how something isn't a currency unless people go against their own interests and spend it to consooomm.. You're drive to consoom via crypto hasn't and isn't going to increase its adoption. Hence why bcash and shitoshi vision are being forgotten about and left in the dust. Your theory has observably failed.

>> No.25352575
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Nano is the solution unironically. btc will become insecure eventually

>> No.25352602

buttcoin is leaking

>> No.25352713

ln has 1 major problem aside from the fact that routing is exponentially hard on a huge network with mesh topology it's unworkable imo. the topology has to simplify. it will probably take craigs beloved mandala shape. exchanges being the largest central hubs and some smaller financial institutions and big business as peripheral hubs. but most people will be able to send to each other with 2 hops max and many with 1 hop locally.

still even in this form ln has 1 major problem right now: it locks up way too much btc in payment channels. and to solve that we need shared liquidity pools and/or multipath payment channels at least in the structural core.

and taproot is coming. oh boy will it be glorious...

>> No.25352798

I am aware, but doesn't that mean with a bit of caution, you can achieve privacy?

I am pretty sure we knew who fucking Gerald Cotten was, but he ran off with our money in plain site and there was nothing we could do about it no?

What I am trying to ask you both is, given some known addresses, can you really trace where their money is going if you follow good protocols? The Quadriga founder seemed to pull it off.

>> No.25352843

do you even econ 101?
>there are some neat blockchains
doesn't matter not in this phase.

bitcoin is here to stay despite having billions of obituaries by now. and it will be valued supreme.
and one more thing: blockchain is a curse not a feature. bitcoin needs a blockchain for it's consensus mechanism but it is just global burden. something we need to eliminate not celebrate and try to grow as big as a fucking moon by throwing all sorts of garbage on it.

bitcoin could in theory delete most of it's blockchain - only keeping block headers and the utxo-set and last n blocks for consensus), with 1 tiny change to the consensus algo which can be done by soft fork.

>> No.25352887

you literally did not read that post to the other anon, did you?

>> No.25352939

i did nor read the end, i admit and yes i agree with that.

>> No.25352976

This, instead of using it as a currency its tulip for speculators to play FOMO chicken with

>> No.25353116

sorry i just really hate people that circle-jerk about the blockchain like it's a fucking messiah

usually shitcoiniers do that. they say okay bitcoin started us off on the right path but it's dinosaur tech now.

>> No.25353152

>instead of using it as a currency
the world is chock full of currencies. we have way too many of them how would making an other one solve anything? that's exactly what central banks do btw.

>> No.25353181

>the only use case is being the best store of value money ever and conceptually and practically better than gold

>> No.25353277
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My only takeaway from all this is that Satoshi was the last of the giants.
If he is still alive I wonder if he feels pride, despair or just doesn't care and lives in a cave deep in a forest somewhere.

>> No.25353323

based on the people he connected with back then, he's probably now in his 50s or 60s, he's probably a massive boomer

>> No.25353363

how many people have hands on your currency, regulate the supply, manipulate the value, what is backing your currencies and securing your transactions on the internet

>> No.25353374

Not really. Using an 11 year old blockchain without support for a global financial system is dump. Eth 2.0 or Cardano or something will eventually be accepted as the digital dollar. 7 tps works in Bitcoins favor as a store of wealth, though.

>> No.25353396


>> No.25353423

why are you insisting on over blowing his genius and creating thy messianic myth around the man?

he put 2 and 2 together. he did the heavy lifting also not just a thesis he made a working product. but 3 projects very fucking similar existed before his. b-money, bit gold, rpow and adam backs hash-cash was already out there. he just sit down on his ass and implemented a working fucking system. his greatness was in fucking finishing what he started.

>> No.25353425

Because we can make decentralized currencies free from inflation that provide tools to those in need and give power back to people, across national lines.

>> No.25353469

>Eth 2.0
eth is nothing but a network fuel, it only maintains price because it exists to be spent via transactions and interactions with the smart contracts, other than that it's pretty useless in the real world

>> No.25353471

depends on what we are talking about but it's usually in a typical purchase a complete shitshow. fully centralized and fully custodial solutions chained together by the hot glue of cookies an https.

but i always got what i ordered. and that is why i said nobody needed an other currency.
yet it works just fine.

>> No.25353682

why do you think i hold btc only? but my ability to buy coffee or porn with it or not does not impact the use case.

the fact that is is the only thing you truly privately own. the only ownership in your life that does not derive from violence but from knowing a secret. the fact that it is unconfiscateable by thievery or inflation.

yes bitcoin is just the best. the cash thing is a distraction. utility is a red herring. it will come when it's needed anyhow. you can't stop it, but it's easy to lose track of what's truly important when you try force it.

>> No.25353809

satoshi is dead
that'll be confirmed in a couple years when the NSA cracks his private keys and the fed receieves 1 million BTC

>> No.25353827
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You are just referencing infrastructure, that comes with adoption.

The gist is that a handful of trusted institutions are in complete control of what you are and are not allowed to do with your wealth.

Cryptocurrencies allow competition and security, you are the singular person in the universe with ownership of your assets, no one can freeze them, no one can devalue them, no one can tax them, they are yours you are the central authority. The only prerequisite is that others share your vision and the system only gains strength as the hashing and the wallets decentralize.

Defi, Interop, Less hardware intensive hashing, txn speed, finality, all of these are developing into a system that is leveraging the principles that had made BTC revolutionary.

>> No.25353897

>my ability to buy coffee or porn with it or not does not impact the use case.
you are retarded. oximoron level retarded

>> No.25353937

The Dillinger Escape Plan.

>> No.25353968

no it makes complete sense if you think about wealth and pocket change as two entirely different things.

or you are some poorfag?

>> No.25353976

bullish for monero

>> No.25354032

>The gist is that a handful of trusted institutions are in complete control of what you are and are not allowed to do with your wealth.
no they are in total control of what i do with my lunch money. and if one of them fucks me over i will find an other one.
>Cryptocurrencies allow competition and security
yes and it's a very fucking bad idea. do not try to compete with banks until you are too big and too widely adopted to be killed!

>> No.25354115

hmmm that's still not true, there are "tainted" btc, because they can be identified from their history. If you ever get a hold of these bitcoin you're basically fucked, regardless of your tor/tails. This is the main reason why you need a fungible crypto like XMR.

>> No.25354120

btw i think defi is utterly retarded and 99.99% just a p&d scam anyhow.

>> No.25354151

100% defi was invented by jews and is literally all ponzi schemes. There is no way people are earning xx% interest or whatever by providing "liquidity" to dead projects with less than 10k tx per month.

>> No.25354184

ngl your posts have been excellent, fuck the btc fudders

>> No.25354222

taproot will bring both the possibility of privacy and quantum resistance to bitcoin. but before we make bitcoin as private as privacy coins the financial adoption needs to be a hell of a lot higher.
when bitcoin becomes untouchable for even a coalition of nation states because the wealth of the world the true rulers adopted it and the financial system depends on it... then you can do privacy and full fungibility.

monero went ahead of the curve and it's adoption greatly suffered it. by pretending to be harmless and traceable bitcoin is playing it smart.

>> No.25354237

oh shut the fuck up you faggot, "I couldve made btc" the post right here

>> No.25354241

not selling my crab coins

>> No.25354265

Bro you can have a near-infinite amount of addresses for the same wallet. You can send 1 BTC in 0.1 chunks to ten different addresses that all belong to you and nobody will know.

>> No.25354311

it was 90% done before satoshi even got to it. all preexisting knowledge and use cases pioneered by other projects.

satoshi did not came from a vacuum. he probably tried to make friends with rpow before he clicked in hash-cahs instead giving up the notions of "not wasting computing power and calculations" because the difficulty of that approach is too high.

he basically dumbed it all down.

>> No.25354385

yes the preexisting knowledge existed but not a single one of them was able to implement it, do not take credit away from satoshi, the man was a genius and in fact if adam back is to be believed he didn't even know of many of these projects until after Back redirected it to him, he didnt know of Szabo's Bitgold or Wei Dai's bmoney. if Back is speaking the truth then Satoshi is a giga genius

>> No.25354464

>but not a single one of them was able to implement it
the fuck are you smoking, have you seen the source code of bit fold? those projects existed.
>he didnt know of Szabo's Bitgold or Wei Dai's bmoney
bollocks probably some role playing shit. the most likely is satoshi was in communication with both hal finney and nick szabo especially considering how smart contracts and scritping was not mentioned in the whitepaper but was hastily added by the first release.

don't be stupid...

>> No.25354525

>bit fold
where can I read more about this?

yeah adam must be lying or something, the wording on the whitepaper alone is extremely similar to the bitgold paper

>> No.25354526

parallel evolution does exist tho i can't be 100% certain, but it's unlikely. even the idea of satoshi being a team is more likely than him making it all up from ground zero. nah.

>> No.25354645

>yeah adam must be lying or something
could be, there is one thing that people don't seem to understand. early bitcoin devs being satoshi's friends and respecting his wishes throw chaff in the air to throw the hounds off scent willingly. many many such statements including ian griggs outbursts about craig. adam back is also always very guarded and considers what he says a lot when interviewed about satoshi. he doesn't want to blurp anything leading. these people don't want satoshi to be found. they will lie if they have to. or just to increase their own self importance.

>> No.25354722

i had and studied the source code for szabo's bit gold somewhere but i can't find it. had a few computers over the years. it probably on some encrypted backup. you can probably find it online.

>> No.25354953

He never released any code on bitgold afaik. He never managed to implement it at all.

>> No.25355125

Nick Szabo specifically asked someone to help him code bitgold.

>> No.25355781

bumping a good thread among the scams

>> No.25356017
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>> No.25356126

>cheese pizza

>> No.25356151
File: 279 KB, 750x661, 559268F2-C281-48D2-B9F2-B7D689536B46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any cryptocurrency that solves the damage to lens of the current system? yes there is; you've been told it's a dead shitcoin to prevent you from seeing the truth. NANO is digital greenbacks, it has no fees (taxes) and no inflation.

>> No.25356203

thanks anon
>damage to the lens

>> No.25356255

i'm not trying to convince anyone to buy for any other reason that you want an actual
cryptocurrency that can be used p2p without "institutional backing"

>> No.25356536

>t. wall st
>t. federal reserve
>t. paypal
>t. square
>t. western union

>> No.25356590
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>> No.25356674

>anti-BTC = anti-cryptocurrency

>> No.25356895
File: 29 KB, 593x330, 2020-12-31 18.13.24 www.urbandictionary.com 98f810c7a0d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems like you got lost on the way to r/btc

We laugh about your historically large bags every day, you know that right?

Lord preserve anyone who actually swallowed the marketing and ditched their bitcoin for bch, you have ruined yourselves and your families.

>> No.25356898

I meant it in the sense that he created Bitcoin without any intent of making a dime from it or becoming famous.

>> No.25356915
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You can design a digital currenecy, and release it, but that doesn't mean you are going to be able to predict what it becomes or how it develops.

Everybody has an opinion, like an asshole, and they all stink.

>> No.25356940


>> No.25357020

yeah, back when i used it to buy acid and liquid psilocybin with bitcoin i had no idea it would end up being worth something

>> No.25357154

well i had the codebase it was not super secret.

>> No.25357160

>implying satoshi wasn't made up by the feds
nobody in this day and age can go anonymous after making something as massive as bitcoin
he would be a wanted man by the banks, would probably be in prison right now if he were a person

>> No.25357162
File: 9 KB, 275x183, 50F168F0-06D2-470B-8ACF-A9969F887E43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold my BCH in Oct '17. i'm retired now. just sharing what i've learned with /biz/ frens. still have some BTC for nostalgia, but have moved on to more innovative tech that delivers on the p2p value transfer promise.

>> No.25357284

well we don't know that but quiet possible.
and i admit that's weirder than anything else seeing what followed.
every gold digger pajeet got enamored with how much money satoshi made for himself. and completely forgot what was the point of the project.

>> No.25357316

Based, I've repeated this argument 100 times but you said it the best.

>> No.25357404

yeah well said, except bitcoin is not money. only a fool would invest in money.

>> No.25357465

1 shitcoiner larp is so tiresome.
2 nothing does value transfer like bitcoin whatever shitcoin you pull out of your ass bitcoin will beat it on transacted value per day.

>> No.25357552

>network effect
absolutely BTC transfers more value. anyone can see that. read my posts, i love BTC and still have some. this thread is for those who want to discuss the drawbacks of BTC as a p2p value transfer protocol and other options that improve upon those drawbacks.

>> No.25357676
File: 425 KB, 750x748, F1E070B1-0855-4202-A1DA-D25DFF6E2A76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satoshi describing NANO protocol as a 2nd layer solution. NANO delivers on layer 1

>> No.25357719
File: 399 KB, 750x529, 1BB268DA-84EF-4829-9FBA-9028058B321B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25357851

You know what’s better than lightning?
The XRPLedger
I’ve watched it move 1,000+BTC PER SECOND


>> No.25357876
File: 110 KB, 750x291, E8AB56E2-0BD6-4275-B9B2-7F497B287860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly, users have fallen for the blockstream narrative for store of value. they eliminated the p2p option from the discussion to keep you in their system. see how satoshi described BTC and what it could mean for humanity.

>> No.25357892

we will se how it turns out but this is not the time to focus on anything but store of value. a financial crisis is coming and corporations are on-boarding.
they don't give a fuck about any of the other bollocks. that will be after btc finally reaches 10% adoption worldwide.

>> No.25357941

where the fuck did you get this nonsense? bitcoin is the network with the biggest node count arguable the only truly p2p payment system on this planet.

fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.25357973

whatever floats your boat anon. i'm dimply sharing information itt, people can decide for themselves.

>> No.25358028

fuck off bot or learn to use IDs

>> No.25358038

you are sharing cashie opinion/propaganda not information that's my problem.

the fact is bitcoin is still the closest thing to satoshi's original vision. this blockstream nonsense is so tiresome. blockstream devs and other devs (about 600 others yeah) did an excellent job maintaining and improving the codebase and unlocking the hidden potential for exponential scaling.

>> No.25358083

oh i can see your id shitcoiner

>> No.25358119

NANO has a larger Nakamoto coefficient than BTC. BTC may have more nodes (see my earlier reply regarding network effect), but it is more centralized.

>> No.25358150

then you'd know i prefer NANO. BCH is a fork of BTC, therefore it has the same game theory. it doesn't solve anything.

>> No.25358272

doubt it, alts are a mirage, bitcoin has real network security that is not a joke.
just an other shitcoin nothing more. tech is an awful basis for valuation anyhow. if the tech is good it will be copied to 1000 scam projects the next day. not saying that nano is not a scam here just saying even if it's not it's still worthless.

but we will see, let's see where we are in 4 years... bitcoin will probably tackle $1milion by that time and nano will have 1 million competitors if it still exists.

>> No.25358327
File: 38 KB, 339x500, D9884CDB-CFB5-4D2B-B4FF-B0BEE29DEF84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay maxi

>> No.25358337
File: 160 KB, 400x400, Saylor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi never planned for it to become as big as it is growing. No one could have seen it coming. Michael Saylor, with his history of science background, says that it is a revolutionary technology and has faced harsh Darwinian-like selection pressures that place it where Facebook and Apple were 10 years ago.
Face it, Zucker Sperg, when Faceberg was still a thing he ran from his bedroom, never thought that it, Faceberg, was going to become the biggest social media company that would kill MySpace etc. But it did. And that is the point here: things change and grow for the better.
BTC is going to takeover the world and there is nothing you and your midwit takes are going to do about it. Sorry.

>> No.25358381

thx i will
i wasn't before 2016 its just the billion shitcoins made per month that made me so

>> No.25358459

agreed. i never looked into them until i made it. be well fren.

>> No.25358826

get green NANO in faucets around the world

>> No.25358928


>> No.25359164
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>> No.25359180

Btc network can’t move that much that quickly, but the XRPLedger sure can

>> No.25359191
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>> No.25359258
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>> No.25360495

just because coinbase doesn´t understand bitcoin doesn´t mean that BSV needs 1008 confirmations.

>> No.25360808

it shows how easily overtaken the network is due to the consensus mechanism (game theory)

>> No.25361415

Glad no one took this bait.
Proud of you /biz/

>> No.25361455

>it's a BTC FUD thread
Fair enough.
>Turns out it`s actually a NANO thread
Dear God..

>> No.25361690

Shut up cashie
What "financial institution" do I need to go through to send my bitcoins
Even the lightning network is getting going now and the fees are next to nothing
>Expecting to be able to pay for a coffee with bitcoin (like a retard, before it blasts off) when most people think it's a meme still

>> No.25361777
File: 107 KB, 823x719, 8CB183A2-26E2-4058-85E4-B10AC51074FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paying fees to send your own money
>very reasonable rates, i'm sure

>> No.25361780
File: 155 KB, 960x767, bitcointrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCHBTC is down 95% from its ATH.
Lets all laugh at the faggy cashies!

>> No.25361846

BCH has the same game theory as BTC, which leads to centralization. no thanks

>> No.25362091
File: 214 KB, 750x627, 23D6A970-5485-43D3-854A-952788D6C608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
