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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25337476 No.25337476 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next bitcoin of this decade? Something we can all get in early that'll make us millions in a few years?

>> No.25337503
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>> No.25337508


>> No.25337509

unironically XRP

>> No.25337519


>> No.25337528


>> No.25337552

It probably hasn't come along yet. With the global pandemic, a lot of things are on hold. Crypto may just be that very thing you are talking about. My premonitions are based on the fact that we are living through the exact crisis that bitcoin was created for. I think the first few years of this decade, at least, will be crypto heavy.

>> No.25337772

>It probably hasn't come along yet. With the global pandemic, a lot of things are on hold. Crypto may just be that very thing you are talking about. My premonitions are based on the fact that we are living through the exact crisis that bitcoin was created for. I think the first few years of this decade, at least, will be crypto heavy.


>> No.25337788



>> No.25337808
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>> No.25337820

Think back 10 years in time, when BTC was priced at few dollars. If you bought just 10 of those, you would have quite much money today right? My thinking is, buy 100-200USD worth of each coin and see what happens. If any of those explodes like BTC, you will make it.

>> No.25337833

Food :,(

>> No.25337846

with 1 dollar in 2010 you got 4.7 millions in 2020

>> No.25337922

the coin people fud the same exact way they did btc back then that all the OG bitcoiners have moved onto

>> No.25337936

So basically XRP? I'm thinking about investing into crypto as well. Budget for next year in my country is fucked up and we will become next venesuela in few years probably. So I'm looking for ways to save myself from starvation.

>> No.25337947


>> No.25337975

Btw, what exchange are you using for crypto?

>> No.25338003

LMAO the absolute state of this board I hope youre trolling

>> No.25338033


>> No.25338072

Kraken, Binance, Coinbase Pro
How to spot an idiot: Coinbase
How to spot a retard: eToro

>> No.25338205
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I'm just retarded. I'm never going to make it in life, but I'll keep trying.

>> No.25338239


>> No.25339206

>So basically XRP?
Lol no.
T.me bought xrp at its inception. I literally mailed a paper check to buy in to it. I put 300 usd in which got me 18900 xrp. You can do the math. If i got out at the ath it would have been about 100 grand, nowhere near 1 million.

>> No.25339224

BTC you stupid Bitch

>> No.25339396

Coinbase is good once you realize fiat runs the world

>> No.25339476

Clearly it's XMR.

It does what bitcoin does, except faster, cheaper, and without letting everybody you transact with see exactly how much you have in your wallet and where/when you got it.

>> No.25340125

I use Kraken and I honestly cant recommend them enough. The support is literally 24/7 and really fast and sweet. They helped me set everything up and the UI and everything security wise has really convinced me to stick with them.

>> No.25340766

I agree, it only took me a couple of days to get tier 4 KYC and with that you can deposit/withdraw up to $10M/day.

>> No.25340792

Should I try to time this top anon

>> No.25340819


>> No.25340846

Don't tell em anon they don't deserve it.

>> No.25340862
