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25326416 No.25326416 [Reply] [Original]

this is retarded

>> No.25326430

no, u

>> No.25326446


>> No.25326450
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>> No.25326461

You haven't seen anything yet.
80% dominance by February.

>> No.25326463
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>> No.25326493
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Basically this

>> No.25326505

you will NEVER be a woman

>> No.25326508

The most beautiful chart

>> No.25326530

Exponential moves like these are usually very quickly punctuated by a reversal. Watch for a green candle leaving a large wick on top, then a large red candle. You should exit on the following candle because it usually ends up going far higher than the bottom of the red candle.

>> No.25326547

what part of this is going to 1M dont you understand exactly?

>> No.25326576
File: 65 KB, 718x634, 2020-12-30_12-54-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is retarded

>> No.25326618
File: 24 KB, 550x217, 550px-Bitcoin_price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the past insane price rises?
They aren't even visible on the chart anymore. What you call insane here, won't be even visible on the big picture.

>> No.25326636

Why would it go to 1m? It's all speculative bullshit. When the time comes, do you really believe all of you will cash BTC for market price? The moment graph goes red, noone will be buying it from you.

>> No.25326683

free money from santa

>> No.25326684
File: 469 KB, 447x633, CRAZY WHITI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will get rejected at 30k, no doubt in my mind. A precipitous reveral is always a possibilty when literally EVERY FUKING HODLER is in profit.

>> No.25326689

what does dominance even tell you?

>> No.25326690


what is gold?

>> No.25326717

There will be a shift of mindset. People won't sell but rather borrow.

>> No.25326787

Same shit, but it's way more stable. Probably because it is traded on actual market where it's harder to manipulate prices. BTC on the other hand can be manipulated by some chink billionaires.

>> No.25326839
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>he thinks gold is manipulated

>> No.25326898

this is not even close to retarded
look, if you havent been a to a bull run, you just won't understand. Things have to run 5x within ~14 days for the bull run to officially START to get retarded, then it is a new local high to whatever, then absolute retail jumps in and pumps from the biggest marketcap ever imagined to (biggest marketcap ever imagined)x2 -- this final+100% is where you run away if want to sell at all btw
but what you think is retarded is nothing. this has much further to go.

>> No.25326939

Kek I'm never letting you get in fag. Stay priced out

>> No.25326957
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>>he thinks gold is manipulated

>> No.25326994


>> No.25326998

Not as retarded as the legacy financial system

>> No.25327023

Exit is temporary, you expect to see the exact same pattern in the other direction when it's time to buy back in (usually happens within weeks at worst).

>> No.25327049


>> No.25327054

We're not cashing out. That's the point. We're bringing back real trade. If you want to have my absolute unit of value to proof that you did something productive, you better offer me something I want. Free market economy bitch. I don't take paper that got some numbers printed on them btw

>> No.25327078

... there's even been a concluded lawsuit that confirmed it was manipulated just a few months ago... you will never guess what the price of gold did the microsecond the banks settled it out of court.

>> No.25327097

This is manipulation and speculation plus a hint of retardation and greed...see you at 3k

>> No.25327192

This is so fucking funny and I hold link

>> No.25327239

You think this shit is driven by plebian like you? This scam is greater than you

>> No.25327308
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Literally going to zero in a few weeks

>> No.25327378

you had 12 years

>> No.25327443

People who are not on this scam probably think they will sell at peak, or will be able to sell day later once they realise it's in freefall. Little do they know, the freefall is just simulation of their body being pulled by gravity and stopped violently by the rope.

>> No.25327582
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>t. dumb money

>> No.25327586

its so fucking overextended
it doesnt matter
it just will keep going up
fuck this shit

>> No.25327615

This is just the foundation being built. To a skyscraper

>> No.25327627

Its worse than 2017 and that was the biggest mania in our lifetime

>> No.25327641
File: 39 KB, 640x420, 1606663951744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, are you having financial difficulties, goy? Can I tempt you with a loan?

>> No.25327683


>> No.25327694

Do you know what the Eiffel Tower is shaped like?

>> No.25327716


>> No.25327741
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>> No.25327777

When are you getting out? I have a feeling we break 30k, maybe touch 33k then dump HARD

>> No.25327783

But who is buying anon? If its institutions they will hold for years to come. That is bitcoin locked up for a long time. Better get yours right now

>> No.25327800


>> No.25327807

Zoom out to monthly candles and use log scale

>> No.25327818

it's silicon based

>> No.25327837

Shut the fuck up McBelsQA no one fucking asked you

>> No.25327882

such a wasted get.......

>> No.25327897

Going to a million

>> No.25327930

They literally sell gold that doesnt exist

>> No.25327939

Suck my dick permabull

>> No.25327994

Bobos can fuck right off. Thinking they sold at the top waiting for it to come down. We dont care you sold and want to trade for more bitcoin thinking you can get it cheaper. we are heading to 50k. Enjoy staying in fiat (that surely isnt losing value) while watching the price of bitcoin go up.

>> No.25328080
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 6984656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

permabull???? this bull market is just barely leaving the hot steamy womb of its mother bear market newfag.
Please lurk moar or see yourself out at once.

>> No.25328153
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>> No.25328207

Large green wick on what timeframe

>> No.25328374

I explained how I will proceed. I think it's likely there'll be a temporary selloff at 30k but I expect the doomp to be rather small (just a correction) and then it should head on up again. But then there should be real trouble. Eitherway, I just stick to the plan.

>> No.25328416

lol every time

>> No.25328417

It literally doesn't matter, it will show up on every timeframe, the difference is how fast you get in/out. I use dailies or hourlies myself because I don't want to stare at the screen 24/7, but trade frequency is literally the only difference.

>> No.25328461

nothing. it just tells your the ratio... nothing else

>> No.25328476

>this is retarded
>and I will be licking the windows until this short bus crashes

>> No.25329652
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green dildo go up sirs plz

>> No.25330200

Same. I wanted to do a fud thread by my mobile IP is b&.

>> No.25331073
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>> No.25331208
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>he uses a linear chart

>> No.25331364
File: 45 KB, 823x527, 1608781411954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To all the FUDders, and shitcoiners:

- This is not 2017
> There's a liquidity crisis. Check the volume graph. People keep trying to dump and manipulate the price, but it's not working, as a single company (paypal) is buying all mined btc
> TA is cartomancy. You can believe on it if you want, but only the fundamentals of the asset matter. The past doesn't explain the future
> Only 12% of all BTC is liquid. Price manipulations, even if they happen, don't matter for the long term price
> You had 12 years
> You'll never be a woman.

>> No.25331761

Wasted quad, what a retard

>> No.25331792

?? did you see the USD printed chart

>> No.25331832

>PayPal buying all bac
>source : my rectum
You people are fucking a joke

>> No.25331835

This is https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/three_white_soldiers.asp

>> No.25331855

This is a very, very good pic.

>> No.25331885

Did you see the tether printing chart.

>> No.25331888
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> Bow to the maximalists

>> No.25331918

how close to the top we are
BTC always crashes above 70% dominance

>> No.25331919


>> No.25331921


Tether is irrelevant for BTC atm

>> No.25331942


>> No.25331963


>> No.25331976
File: 979 KB, 1003x1201, 1609036905344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not /pol/ fren
Not a place to do cultural wars and fight over the "sources"

> Just suck my dick

>> No.25332000

should i cash out right the FUCK now, /bro's/ ?

>> No.25332069

no. the hodl meme is real. do. not. sell.
we are just getting started.

>> No.25332071

underrated post

>> No.25332081
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You can if you want. However if BTC keeps going up, you may have lost a lifetime opportunity.

Or you can stay in, and even if BTC dumps, it will eventually come back, and you win anyway.

Choose wisely

>> No.25332139

im thinking there will be some major resistance at 30k/big sell offs and it will drop back to sub 20k

ima sell rn

>> No.25332266
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Best of luck fren

>> No.25332291

oh god i think im gonna be sick

>> No.25332312

>Its worse than 2017 and that was the biggest mania in our lifetime
normies aren't even buying yet. No retail is buying yet. Zoomers and millennials are still occupied with their TSLA and GME calls. They're fucking oblivious.

When BTC cracks 100k major media will feel obliged to run stories to the tune of "WTF is Bitcoin up to?". Then and ONLY then will normies start to pay attention and to pile on. It won't even matter if they already got burnt in 2018, normgroids have goldfish memory spans. They won't remember, they'll all ape back in with their stimulus bux and their reverse mortgages. Just in time for institutions and us to cash out at the top around 200-300k.

>> No.25332360

You do realize the establishment has thrown everything they had at bitcoin and have finally accepted it as a genuine storage of value right?

>> No.25332399

you have to be over 18 to post here>>25326576

>> No.25332424
File: 141 KB, 1024x844, 1606982984265m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you idiots falling for the CCP pnd scheme. Be prepare to hold their bags for them.

>> No.25332445
File: 1.88 MB, 720x720, monkeypaw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I may despise the Fed, but I love St. Louis Fed FRED service.

>> No.25332475

>EVERY FUKING HODLER is in profit.

Yeah last time they were all in profit from 1200 to 19000 sweetie, it hasn't even started yet

>> No.25332525

>dumb bear who got beartrap'd
[laugh in bull]

>> No.25332536

>only 22% BTC in circulation
>institutions are scoping them all up, locking them away
Hurry up goy

>> No.25332604

Tbh I wouldn't trust a monkey around my dog. It could easily do things to terrorize him when I wasn't looking. Monkeys are like humans but absolutely selfish.

>> No.25332698

eh I was gonna wait for the dump but I dont see one happening anytime soon. This might be the big roll out to 50k now its official institution policy to buy buy buy

>> No.25332742

indeed, i dont understand why it isnt at 800k already

>> No.25332745

If you been holden since sub 10k id dump half, if you just bought bless your heart.

>> No.25332747
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>> No.25332769

thats not going to be for a good while lad
50k is a noble goal. If it hits 100k its officiall taken over the financial indust

>> No.25332773

I'm not sure how many green candles you need to see in your life before you stop thinking "oh maybe this one is just gonna be green forever?" it's just not how reality works, anon. I am very bullish on Bitcoin but we are definitely entering firm correction territory. I don't know how far it will fall but I'd wager about $24000 bottom before it rebounds. Then we're pushing $40000 territory before the next correction.

>> No.25332790

its my favorite webm of all time and reason i bought a monkey

>> No.25332830

Yes, is that even up for debate at this point?

>> No.25332856

Good thing I held, but you didn't. Ha ha ho ho he he he ha ha

>> No.25333159

fpbp & /thread

>> No.25333259

We live in a retarded world, what'd you expect?

>> No.25333340
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>> No.25333344

This time is actually different...the death of the dollar is looming

>> No.25333353

>Bought a monkey because he saw they enjoyed inserting their hand into an anus
Anon, I don't even know where to start. I think that's illegal, too.