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25315894 No.25315894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Poor Burger land citizens. The globalist pharma occult goona push them to accept a poisonous vaccinations. After biden bans guns, all Americans can't defend their rights and slavery will be their destiny if no action happens sooner

>> No.25315996

>gun ban
Bullish for guns, ammo, magazines, parts, and other accessories.
Invest in a few thousand in common calibers.

>> No.25316284

You are delluded. Invest in link and never look back

>> No.25316955

Are you stupid? Like, really fucking stupid? Have you even bothered to try to obtain a gun and ammo in the last year? Or even look at the availability?

Of course not. You think an internet coin is better to buy than something useful.

>> No.25317460


>> No.25317503

The only "patients" taking the vaccine at this point are medical people and the elderly. So let me guess. 85 year old man dies of natural causes after first dose.

>> No.25317606

t. took a bio class in high school

>Covid kills 100k people
>Vaccine kills 1
>Y-you see!!
Everyone in this thread will die a worthless virgin

>> No.25317609

If an old man with corona dies of natural causes then it's because the corona virus.

Ergo if an old man with the vaccine dies of natural causes then it must also be because of the vaccine.

>> No.25317703

The pfizer vax is the worst of them, as it uses mRNA technology. This tech was banned several times in the past, but now they are using it.

>> No.25317760

People started noticing that nobody they knew actually had it despite the "staggering numbers" so they had to start infecting people for real with something.

>> No.25318716

old people can't handle fever, other pathogens get an upgrade because it causes constant weakening of specific receptor markers leading to stronger bodily reactions to the generally prevalent viruses and bacteria

>> No.25318810

Because boomers might die a day earlier than they want, we shut down the economy for years at minimum while jews and their shabbos goyim implemented election fraud and the foundation of the great reset.

OP mocks buying ammunition.

That’s this thread.

>> No.25318983

spotted an actual waste of oxygen

>> No.25319048

Why do we care? Nobody likes retarded amerishits.

>> No.25319206

You took Jew indoctrination bullshit and know nothing of real science, you are a simple conformist and if you lived back in medieval times you’d of believed that Eath was the Center of the universe

>> No.25319361

I got the Pfizer vaccine a few days. No side effects aside from a sore arm.

>> No.25319403

it's like buying at an ath. poverty pony's are selling at 3x. your timing is off. you should have been stacking the 300 dollar PSA a few years ago.

>> No.25319423


>> No.25319442

Biden can't and wont ban guns you fucking nigger.

>> No.25319474

OK so the fake virus has 98% recovery rate lmao, meanwhile this globohomo vaccine is 99.99999% safe lmao (((THEM)))

>> No.25319541

>agree with actual medical science that entirety of them agree with zero disagreement with anyone who actually have an understanding of vaccines

>> No.25319575

He will ban them in a way of making you jump many hoops to get them and with very strict permit conditions.

>> No.25319669

By patients you means "guinea pigs"

>> No.25319674

A vaccine dont contain only the virus. There are toxines there which can kill or cripple people.

>> No.25319739


>> No.25319767

Other than tabloid news and daily anonymous blag(like zerohedge). Actual legitimate news sources are stating the guy already have multiple illnesses and it isn't clear that if it was the vaccine or not. Of course there will be like an autopsy or diagnosis on how the person died.
The government and the medical industry doesn't want to kill you, you schizos, they want you to wage slave till death.

>> No.25319960
File: 46 KB, 370x352, 1597717575774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 5.1 million vaccinations given
>1 person dies
>less than 0.00002% mortality rate
>82.6 million covid cases
>1.8 million dead
>more than a 2% mortality rate
return to pol

>> No.25319997

Niggers get it first.

>> No.25320201

Good luck finding anything in stock.
>t. /k/ommando

>> No.25320250

>Believing global homo statistics

Good goy

>> No.25320290

Is opening an ammunition factory bullish right now?

>> No.25320302

>you’d of

back to Delhi you fucking faggot Pajeet lmao

>> No.25320343

I'm guessing all of you anti vaxxers ITT think that politicians got a fake vaccine? You have to go back to your containment board /pol/.

>> No.25320376

gringos birth certificate is fucking government bond. Better buy now before they are enslaved with the mark of the beast and prices skyrocket. I'm buying nigger birth certificates since they reproduce alot

>> No.25320384

No, the demand is high because of coon riots, election year, COVID, etc. Demand will stabilize and leave you with 100’s of millions of dollars of debt from building the factory, tooling, etc. when ammo prices normalize again and you’re not selling 5.56 for $1.00 a round.
And yes they will. They did after Sandy Hook, they did after Parkland, they always settle.

>> No.25320390

None of that is happening. Biden will be the ultimate lame duck president. He will be under constant investigation and suspicion of being a Chinese asset. Its 4 years of a worse deadlock then we had under Trump and Obama..

>> No.25320408
File: 1.19 MB, 1781x1602, 3C976C21-8D64-4E14-A94A-28BB901E4B4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pointing out typos as a method of argument is a plebbit thing. Please escort yourself to the nearest oven kike. Your pilpul is weak and nobody except retards believe your msm and “science” bullshit.

>> No.25320433

Ill NEVER take that vax and it has nothing to do with being "anti vax" or some bullshit Qanon larp. Enjoy your muscle dystrophy.

>> No.25320490

>just take the injection that will possibly kill you for a fake virus that could possibly kill you

>> No.25320645

Trying telling the NPCs that it's risky taking a rushed experiential vaccine

>> No.25320664
File: 8 KB, 250x232, 1599077922873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you dont want a rushed big pharma vaccine for a disease with a 99% survival rate you're an anti vaxxer

>> No.25321078

redpill me on mRNA technology, what makes it so dangerous compared to regular vaccines other than being new?

>> No.25321406

Any and all effects (most of which are unknown) will be irreversible.

>> No.25321748

okay but it's just a script that encodes a version of the China flu spike protein that is stable in the cellular environment, so your immune system recognizes it without exposure to the real thing
how is this any worse than being infected with the sneeze itself or traditional vaccines that do the same thing using an actual virus (viral vector) for delivering the sequences needed to provoke immune response? or other common types like attenuated virus?

>> No.25321821

>never been approved before
>rushed to the market
>Greater chance of having an autoimmune response since they target your immune cells (if you do you're fucked for life and if it's bad enough you're dead).
>Hypothesized to cause pregnancy/fertility issues, but we don't know this because there have been no long term studies yet.

Anyone taking a this thing is guinea pig. If you really want to get vaccinated for a mild cold that you have a 0.5% chance of dying form, get a normal DNA vaccine that doesn't mess with your immune cells.

>> No.25322285

>normal DNA vaccine
thank you for proving that you know literally nothing about vaccinations or viruses, though there are absolutely some concerns

>rushed to the market
true, but plenty of work was done on similar viruses like the MERS and SARS viruses so it's not like research only began when people started getting sick in Wuhan
>auto-immune response
literally every vaccine provokes/targets your immune system, that's the fucking point
>no long term safety studies
this is an issue
>pregnancy/fertility issues
if this is actually an issue, and it's due to the spike protein causing irregular cellular fusion or other events, the people who were actually infected are fucked
this is a limited dose of the spike protein with no replication potential where as with infection you're going to have sustained spike production with blood/cellular concentrations far higher than the vaccine would result in transiently

>> No.25322314

Let the jewish gollem die, nothing of value will be lost. China will be the new host nation for jews

>> No.25322447

>real science
Holy fucking shit lmao go ingest Mercury, maybe it’ll cure your retardation

>> No.25322464

They can't infiltrate China. Nose job won't do them any good there.

>> No.25322528

Go learn your gender studies at your global homo university you tranny

>> No.25322552

This is a placeholder phrase for “I don’t know shit about what chemical compounds go into vaccines”. No maskers were complaining about co2 being a “toxin” too lmao

>> No.25322598

Can you just define “real science” for us so we can all laugh at what a moron you are please instead of arbitrarily shitflinging

>> No.25322600

>thank you for proving that you know literally nothing about vaccinations or viruses, though there are absolutely some concerns
>literally every vaccine provokes/targets your immune system, that's the fucking point

Nice projection, retard. An autoimmune response targets your own body. A vaccine is not supposed to do that dipshit

>> No.25322657

So why do you think things will calm down?
Biden and those around him are clearly gunning for everything from 80%s to “high capacity” magazines to “assault rifles” and pretty much anything else they can get their filthy mitts on.

>> No.25322665
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, C31344A1-C730-45BA-BC93-C89977AA8EC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people die of random causes every day by the thousands
>put a smiley sticker on a fuckton of people
>someone dies soon after a receiving smiley face sticker on their hand, exactly as predicted by statistics

>> No.25322679

if i die then why would i care lol

>> No.25322749

You literally didn't address a single one of my other points and I really doubt you have any understanding whatsoever of how the immune system even functions at a basic level

>Greater chance of having an autoimmune response since they target your immune cells
You wrote it, not me you fucking retard

>> No.25322771

Damn Biden will ban all guns and they will just magically disappear. Yo they should do this with drugs wtf.

>> No.25323176

Go back to Reddlt and take your I love science t-shirt with you if you can't understand what an auto-immune response is or what the pfzier vaccine does to your immune systems vs traditional vaccines. I'm not wasting anymore time with you idiots.

>> No.25323506

>Flu shot
literally weakened or inactivated virus, -ssRNA segmented genome, no fucking DNA
>Polio vaccine
inactivated poliovirus, +ssRNA single segment genome, no fucking DNA
>Mumps vaccine
attenuated mumps virus, -ssRNA single segment genome, no fucking DNA
>Rubella vaccine
attenuated live virus, +ssRNA single segment genome, no fucking DNA
should I go on?

you're the retard who actually has no responses to anything I've said and thinks only DNA vaccines are "normal" vaccines

if you knew what you were talking about you'd be giving lectures instead of posting frogs and losing money on the stock market you fucking mouthbreather

>> No.25323883

>taking a vaccine for a virus that has 99.95% survival rate in the 15-40 demographic
>takinga vaccine that was rushed out and approved in a year when it typical takes 10+ years of development and approval to get one through to the public

>> No.25323964

Because nothing will happen, nothing ever happens. Biden will be a lame duck, even more so than Trump and Obama.

>> No.25323977
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I'm always bullish on guns and ammo. And locking down at least 30 days of food.

>> No.25324019
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also Trump won, cope, YWNBAW, etc.

>> No.25324236
File: 32 KB, 555x555, 1607665244750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25324493

Americans don't need guns. They're lazy and dumb and will never EVER "rise up" to da man. All the gov needs to do is just say it's for security and they will gladly accept full surveillance and restricted freedom, like they did when Bush signed PATRIOT act

>> No.25324761

This anon is based and actually knows what he is talking about.

>> No.25325471
File: 366 KB, 1950x2048, 1584915307557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren, I always knew that years of grad school would reward me with recognition on 4chan one day