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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25315417 No.25315417 [Reply] [Original]

There was a guy who told you to buy at $40, then at $60, $90, and $150-60

I’m not that guy but if Jollen delivers on his promise then this thing is still massively fucking undervalued even at $200

>> No.25315459

very based Jollen

>> No.25315810

funny how everyone is overlooking the next uniswap, blinded by overhyped billion mcaps that will at most double their lunch money

>> No.25316080

Any clue what the price point could be with a Uniswap marketcap? I’m not good at tokenomics but I know a practical idea when I see one

>> No.25316161

DEXG at the same mcap as UNI would be an 89x
Of course DEXG would be better than uniswap and would take decentralized exchanges to another level

>> No.25316233

Is this another IDEX?

>> No.25316857

no, it is much more

>> No.25317060

DEX that is on par with a CEX. Stop losses and limit orders will be a thing as well.

>> No.25317327

what was the initial offering like? this looks like it could be huge

>> No.25317806

there was no ico, it was listed on uniswap, ckeck their tg

>> No.25318744

Already up 2.5x :) and there's at MINIMUM a 5x from here.

>> No.25319228

I think this will challenge uniswap rather quickly and we will see mc at 100-200m by q2

>> No.25319514

ok but stop the fud please..

>> No.25320163


>> No.25320173

Dextoken Governance - $DEXG [451]
Price [USD]: $203.03
H: $206.98 | L: $170.30
Price [BTC]: 0.00719 ₿
Price [ETH]: 0.276 Ξ
1h: -0.37%
24h: 17.72%
7d: 78.80%
Volume: $545,843
MarketCap: $9,356,646

Double your bitcoin in 3 months

>> No.25320230
File: 5 KB, 200x99, cIHJZE3bMX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pretty comfortable hold right now. I have 120 of these things too

>> No.25320238

Looks shit to be honest, stick to parsiq for quick gains

>> No.25320293
File: 76 KB, 512x512, 8333D5A6-8A03-46F9-BAC7-BD765D3405B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was unironically me starting threads on biz trying to spread the love, I’m not sure how many people listened to me but I hope I may have changed some peoples lives massively and I truly mean that lads.

>> No.25320354

I have both, not as much Parsiq as I should have though (12k). Got on the train at around 30 cents and ran out of capital due to indexing my GRT

>> No.25320356

Also $10,000 a coin would still put us quite a way below UNIswap, which is absolutely batshit crazy.

>> No.25320547

I think if it hits uniswap levels of 900 million the price should be around 15-16k. Assuming there are no more tokens added after the 55k, which I dont believe there can be now? Even if the number were to magically double it would be around 9k per token

>> No.25320614
File: 82 KB, 903x405, fsdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total supply is locked after 8 staking rounds, no more mint
supply will be around 54,500 dexg as rewards dropped compared to last medium article which predicted 55k total supply

>> No.25320647

I'm thinking 50m marketcap is more than doable for this token. It won't be a smooth ride to break 100m and truly compete with uniswap, but 1inch will index dexg and potentially bring more users that way.

>> No.25321271

I was somewhat late to the party but have already gone x3 on it. Have been swinging it at the peaks just so I could accumulate more. But I think from now on I'm going to just wait for the dips and hold what I have.

Thank you anon.

>> No.25321453

Ah neat. All my math was factoring in 55000 so a small bump is nice

>> No.25321751

looks like this shit hasn't dipped in a month except for one day and "nothing goes up forever" so is this really a good time to buy?

>> No.25322922
File: 31 KB, 1116x578, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have until end of January before it really takes off, and I'm not sure we're going to see a significant dip anytime between now and then. I'd wait until the next time it dips at all in the chart because there is a clear upward trajectory here.

>> No.25322992

nobody really wants to sell this right now
straight moon mission with no brakes

>> No.25323677

this article does a good job explaining it (even though it seems like it was machine translated)

>> No.25323813

Sick project

>> No.25324308

Thank you anon I bought 10 at 120

>> No.25324455
File: 1.66 MB, 1562x1562, 1608143095068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy anon, can kick myself I only bought 4 kek.

But then I think that holding 4 tokens with this low supply is comparable to holding 1,5 million UNI kek.

>> No.25324752
File: 1.95 MB, 328x328, 1597331578552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been staking since the beginning and it's brought me to over 500 with an average cost of $60. Lots of true believer wallets that aren't going anywhere. Moon mission hasn't even started.

>> No.25325024

Youre all dumb niggers if you havent bought into dexg yet

>> No.25325085

Chad Holdington checking in.

>> No.25325161

Sold this shit a long ass time ago for a small profit. Was this always planned to be a DEX.
Makes sense given the name but I had no idea what it even was lmao.
Just saw it kept bleeding after staking rounds and pieced out.

>> No.25325196

>Youre all dumb niggers
welcome to /biz/

>> No.25325351

everybody who staked from start doubled their stacks

>> No.25325427

Yeah and they were still in the red for months because it kept crashing, until it started being shilled.

>> No.25325520

shilling doesn't matter in 1 month full launch of dex and real party starts when trading fees from exchange will be paid to all dexg holders

>> No.25325723

I only was able to acquire one token with the funds I had at the time - but still am glad to have it.

>> No.25325762

How do you get your fees paid to you? Must you stake them with the exchange?

>> No.25325982

no, just hold your dexg in your erc20 wallet but fees for dexg holders will be paid when exchange is live in end of January

>> No.25326112

Worst mistake of your financial career

>> No.25326433

I honestly think the main reason /biz/ is sleeping on this is because of the lack of zeroes at the end of what they can afford. If this had 100 times as many tokens and you could buy them for $2 each they would be all over this like flies on shit. The /biz/let mentality is that literally every single token can theoretically be the same price as Bitcoin, so they only want something they can own 100,000 of.

>> No.25326869

please someone help me ive been trying to get an answer for a while but i havent found anything on the whitepaper or online that says how much i can get per coin in rewards. right now on bancor i am getting 210 apy from the link/bnt pool, how much dexg does it take to get that kind of apy?

>> No.25327041

actually 4 tokens is equivalent to about 73k uni.

t. 1billion/55k = 18181

>> No.25327450

There is no answer because its not out yet.
I could pull a number out of my ass, but you will be retarded to trust it. Because of the low number of coins, the pool is unlikely to be profitable, your passive income will come from trading fees. If you can get 10$ per week, 520$ per year, 260% apy assuming you buy at them at 200$. Then again they might not deliver and you will only get 1$ per week at best. Nobody can see the future anon.