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25315288 No.25315288 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Quantitative Easing.

>> No.25315348
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It works and is an actual high iq strat for currencies.

Some say the world is ran by Jews and that's bad. I say the world is a better place because it's ran by Jews.

>> No.25315439

>what is wikipedia or investopedia

>> No.25315448

>stonks go brrrr

>> No.25315471

kys kike

>> No.25315536

It sucks. It's a type of central planning, where FED decides, who will get the money. And usually money is given to the elites, and some goes to single mothers, and niggers. Only Austrian economics work in long term.

>> No.25315726

I know how it works, I'm simply wondering how corruption such a level is possible where a former senior at Goldman Sachs gets appointed to manage the purchasing of bonds from GS.

>> No.25316025

it was good, saved the economy, ignore the retards.

>> No.25316290

Makes taking more risks cheaper. I can leverage out my whole life and not face any consequences because I'm a sophisticated investor.