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25306917 No.25306917 [Reply] [Original]

>Why does it work?
Because the government is the one doing it and there’s nothing anyone will do about it
>How does it work?
By coercing anyone and anything that will take their dollar/currency through means of force and/or legal pressure

>> No.25306965

what if outside countries start setting up a new reserve currency system? do you really believe that the US would go to war with china to stop that? i don't think we can. meanwhile, if we keep printing dollars, people will eventually stop buying our bonds/treasuries and the fed will be 100% self-monetizing the debt which will lead to hyperinflation no matter what. fuck the fed, fuck america

>> No.25307014

It works but over time it requires more and more juice to oil the wheels of growth. Helicopter money has already started

>> No.25307022
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>Because the government is the one doing it and there’s nothing anyone will do about it

>> No.25307121

>implying we aren’t at war with China already
You mean it hasn’t gone kinetic, that we know
Am I wrong though?
Helicopter money not only has been a stealth thing both in the Wall Street and welfare sectors for a while now, they’re doing another round of airplane bombing currency dumping.

>> No.25307131

Your being ironic i hope?

Your asking for an authoritarian state that controls the means of the market. Founding fathers did not die for kikes to set up a ussr or facist regime to take over the free market.

>> No.25307186

Also the fed self monetizing is the blatant insult in plain view that The public doesn’t understand so it will continue to many’s benefit ie the third world and the welfare state and much burden to the few ie the middle class while the high class is shielded through massive foundational and structural wealth like food and clothing brands, machinery and technology. Shits fucked, bros

>> No.25307288

No, you're right. MMT is a ponzi that requires more units of labor to expand and increased taxes to shrink, over shoots on both and brags about how everything is fine cause government can't be insolvent. And some people wonder why economics, even though supposedly the most quantitative of the social sciences, is often laughed at when you have schools like this that exist within it.

>> No.25307318

Founding fathers are dead and most likely in hellfire as we speak. They’re not here to set the example and follow through. We are. And the entity being faced today is way more ahead of the curve than we are. I see very little chance for mmt to fail due to the magnitude of the complacency of the people and also the amount of power possessed by them. It ogre man

>> No.25307349

Based dubsposter

>> No.25307472

>founding fathers are dead, in with the new out with the old.
What a commie cocksucker welfare motherfucker mentality.

Your idea is to make people serfs, conpletly dependant on the government and in the inefficient and corrupt system that mmr would provide.

Unironically i hope you get raped by a group of Uighurs in a ccp camp.

>> No.25307778

Easy with the projection, lad. I’m not being subjective, I’m being objective. Yeah we can try and fight it but the reality is that there is little that we can do to stop it. You’d have to get all the McMansion boomers off their ass, as well as their douchebag sons who are too busy rigging their new toy, for any real chance of overturning the trajectory of this mess. In other words, if you’re at least in the high-middle class tier, you’re not going to do anything about it because it won’t hurt you in the meantime. MMT like I said earlier, benefits the entire low class, and the middle and high high classes. The entire middle class and low-high class are going to be sucked into the high-low class slowly, except the high-middle class and low-high class will take longer to get there and since they won’t be feeling the same pressure right away as the lower two middle classes, they’re not going to fight it. The group that has the power and strength to overtake this “reset” are going to get split into two to three lesser groups, which will have not enough power by themselves to challenge the system.

>> No.25307922

Let me put it this way: in what category of wealth do you consider yourself in? And what are you doing to resist the situation?