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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2530477 No.2530477 [Reply] [Original]

Comfiness overload.

So I talked to 2 different friends of mine and they both are self employed working in social media via:
>Facebook Power Editor
>Google Ads

They are both making loads and apparently this is relatively "new" and expanding field in which still lots of room.

Basically a company wants to promote something, they hit you up, you manage their FB pages, make posts, design pages or make a whole campaign from scratch, click some sliders and buttons and viola.You get paid very well, especially if you can design yourself. Oh you do everything from home/laptop so you can theoretically even travel. Sounds too good but I know these people and they live very comfy lives.

Has anyone here had experience with these?
Specifically Power Editor and what's the best way to learn it or general approach (tutorials and such).

>> No.2530598

Hey annon. This is mostly true! It is a bit more hard work. I work at an agency. I do SEO, and paid google searches. 2 of my coworkers are Social media experts. They are always out taking pictures, and writing copy. I usually track the progress in analytics and write reports on how we can be preforming better. It is not a hard job if you are creative and good at keeping with trends. It is also quite flexible. Like I said I work with an Ad agency, but I have done some freelance work pretty easy in the past. I make $54k before taxes.

>> No.2530700
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cool. Do you have an advice to how approach this in terms of starting from scratch?
Any advice will greatly help, ie some good tuts on SEO or Power Editor, or forums or anything really.

>> No.2530758

50k a year isn't worth your time.

>> No.2530794

you can make 50k in a week daytrading
dont be such a faggot

>> No.2530820
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I need money to start trading, ever though of that? But it is in my plan.

This is perfect for me to save up, also where I live 50$K is enough.

>> No.2530908
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invest in your self .

learn a skillset that is truly useful and will net you more than a slaves wage.

if crypto were to crash with all your hard earned money you would have nothing to show for it cept to say you know how to spruce up a myspace page.

>> No.2530974

It is a comfy job and I meet all the local business owners in the area. I am working towards investment real estate. Have fun establishing credit with no job, or documented stream of income. I work at a computer all day so I can trade whenever I need to. I do not even have to go into the office most days, usually only during creative meetings and client pitches.

Now OP, there are a few ways to approach this. If you want to become a social media expert you can freelance it. What I have done int the past is I go on yelp and I find businesses that have bad ratings, or businesses that have not claimed their business on yelp and I send them an email letting them know, and telling them how I can help. Can you build a website? learn WordPress. There are tons of youtube videos. Make a website for yourself so that you have some credibility. Learn how to grow followings on twitter, Facebook, and Insta. They all have techniques, and times that are best to post. Start marketing yourself. I have gotten a bunch of calls from people on craigslist wanting to have a website built, or someone to manage their facebook. I charge $500 a month to manage facebook if I am freelancing. $500 to build a website, and I add $100 for each additional social media platform. You can charge more if you want, I do the bare minimum because I am busy. I would also learn Google Analytics. It is a free course provided by google, and having the certificate is huge in this industry.

Since you are starting from scratch, I would recommend going on Linkedin or indeed and searching social media expert, or social media intern jobs- it is probably the best way to learn. It is pretty easy to get hired if you are young. Hiring managers assume all young people are social media experts, and there are a lot of people looking for social media managers.

>> No.2531090

Also, figure out do you want to do social media, or do you want to do SEO. I was doing both at one time and it was awful. You never leave your computer. Idk if you are aware of waht SEO is, but it is sort of in the background. You are influencing google to have the websites you manage rank higher. This involves somewhat strong writing skill, and a more advance knowledge of the back-end of websites, and google search algorithms. This route will make you more money, and it makes you more competitive, but it involves a lot more work and keeping up with all the google updates. Social media management is a lot more talking with business owners and making sure that their message is conveyed through SM. It also helps to have a nice camera and decent knowledge of lightroom/photoshop to produce quality IG photos.

>> No.2531096
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good for you .
>learn word press
or you could , you know...
learn to code for real...

im sure after you did all that bullshit it would have probably taken the same amount of time and effort.

>> No.2531160

possibly, coding seems to take longer, we have a developer at our office and he makes good websites, but they take like 3 days. I was able to whip one out in a few hours. What is important is selling the notion that you are going to make the business see an increase in revenue. It is not guaranteed but you need to make the business feel that way.

>> No.2531255
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so you would rather try to bullshit and sell vapor, than learn an actual skill.
real coding is more than "making good websites"

but i understand your attitude now.

good luck with that. some people are excellent bullshitters.
personally it isn't my taste.

i am of the opinion you will rise and retain a rank of longevity worthy of your calling if you employ real classical skills, hard work, wisdom and integrity.

instead of wasting all your waking breaths rolling the dice trying to catch the next flash in the pan quick dollar , but , whatever makes you feel alive...

>> No.2531266

Yea that all sounds great but specifically HOW do you get into it?

These friends of yours didnt specifically say HOW?

If they didnt give you specifics, they dont really want competition. And, i imagine you have to at least have some basic background in advertising and social media

>> No.2531339
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wear a low cut top and lean over alot.

>> No.2531347

sales is a skill freindo. Also what advantages are there in learning coding over wordpress. It is much easier to explain a wordpress site to a small business owner, than it is to explain HTML.

I keep iterating this, you market yourself. Post your skills on craigslist. Find businesses that have a weak social media presence. Approach them. TIP- find real estate agents and lawyers. They are always looking to have better viability.

>> No.2531351

>Social Media management and promotion
You mean shilling.

>> No.2531379
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>Also what advantages are there in learning coding over wordpress.

i suppose its the difference between shilling on facebook , and creating facebook....

>> No.2531393

I have an offer on the table from one of the largest ad agencies in the world. Considering currently if it makes sense to move to Manhattan for financial reasons. Shilling is a multi-billion dollar industry. Every successful brand shills. That is why you drink Coke and not RC

>> No.2531413

not any more. i can tell you that

>> No.2531436

OP asked the easiest way to get into this industry. I agree that Coding is a good skill. However it is not important for what he is trying to do atm.

>> No.2531477

Lol that clown face. Do they really think that a tin of paint on their face will make them look great

>> No.2531481
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google is the largest marketing agency in the world.

created by coders....

hint , they weren't coding wordpress.

sales is a numbers game for a building full of cold callers.

>> No.2531524
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On a related note, what about content writing (freelance, of course)? Anybody have experience with that?

When I graduate from my master's program in a few months that's what I want to start getting into (just for a couple years of comfy living before jumping into a PhD program). I think to think I have a natural talent for creative writing, but I'm also current on trends and social media, own a decent DSLR, and am decent with Lightroom. Is there a chance I could make more as a Social Media Specialist?

My dream is to one day land a publishing contract and live as an author, so I figure content writing is the best course of action, but if social media is in higher demand then I might as well throw myself at that for the time being.

>> No.2531611
File: 195 KB, 1024x638, mercury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you stop with MUH CODING meme nigger? coding is either doing shit tier entrance slave jobs (after learning at least 25 languages) or making loads of doe (after working in the industry for 10 years, possibly since you are 15)

oh and look what is this?

coding is for those who started it in their teens, or it's NOT FOR YOU.

Especially now that now only 0.0000000% write in C, since all possible blocks of scripts were written.

fuck you are annoying

>> No.2531628

Yes. This is where I started before moving into marketing. So many websites need content writers. Learning how to write SEO blogs is becoming increasingly more lucrative. However, there are a lot of small news websites, and special interest blogs that need content. It is a very hot market. Just look at some of the stuff you read online, some of it looks like it was written by a 6th grader. got to freelancewritinggigs.com it is an aggregate of remote writing jobs pulled from all across the web and it updates daily. Also, make sure you set up a paypal. That is usually how payments are handled.

>> No.2531705
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Fuuuuck I hate PayPal. But thanks for the encouragement. I'll look into this. Will be based out of Toronto, and if I can rack in about $2400 a month after establishing a solid client base in the few months, then I'll be over the moon.

Would you mind divulging a bit more information? How much were you making about 3 months, 6 months? Did you work for content mills at the outset, or directly search for clientele?

>> No.2531725


That's only 2400 Canadian, of course

>> No.2531738

Sorry, I skimmed over the second part of your question. Yes you can make it as a social media specialist. Most moderate to large sized cities have local ad agencies that have intern programs. Go after those have a portfolio of your writing and pictures. I know you are just finishing up school and the last thing you want is an internship, but I did one out of school and it taught me so much about SEO and social media. It eventually turned into a full time job. In my experience it is the best route. You can also start your own agency. In this industry everybody copies everyone else. It is so new and changing that people jump on trends every day. Look at some of your favorite brands and see what they are doing. Let the successful advertisers be your guide.

>> No.2531776


i could address all that is wrong with your post but i
but you are clearly , just a lazy , angry, no talent, non contributing leech and excuse maker.

ts really not worth it.

common sense is foreign to people like you.

but if thats how you like to live i am not attacking you.

i'm sure youll find that job being the office bimbo /butt of jokes before you know it .


i truly wish you the best.

>> No.2531891

I agree. Payapl is an absolute racket. I started writing my Senior year of college. I made about $50 for 500-1000 words about 30 min an article. A lot of it comes down to how much you want to write. Usually employers want some strong writing samples that are in line with their website. For example, in the past wrote some music reviews. I got hired by a music review website and was putting out 4 articles a day on average for them. That is $200 a day. I then started writing for this small conservative news website that payed $200 a week to have me on retainer. I would do around ten 150-300 word news blurbs. Then I would pick up some random articles here and there. Craigslist and freelancewritinggigs where where I got most of my clients. I was making around $4k-$4.5k a month but I was working my ass off, and I got lucky. You could easily make 2.4k a month with minimal effort. You might not make $50 an article off the bat, some people I know only make $25-30, like I said I got pretty lucky. Start setting yourself up now. The most competitive jobs in freelance writing are the ones that keep you on retainer. Also make sure to document your expenses. You are self employed.

>> No.2531918

>reddit spacing
>ultra butthurt tantrum in all posts

yea you can leave the thread now honey

>> No.2531934

I would say the most amount of time spent in the freelance writing world is not actually writing, but trying to find gigs. That will be how most of your days are structured, until you start racking up 3-4 consistent gigs.

>> No.2531943


This is great advice, thank you man. But what's this about documenting expenses? Is this for tax purposes?

>> No.2531992


its just food for thought.

>> No.2531997

exactly. If you buy a new writing laptop, or pay for gas. There are a lot of deductions. Oh, and hold onto everything you write because you are expanding your portfolio. The more you write the better your portfolio gets. I wish you luck. It is competitive. Everyone likes the thought of working at home and on your own time. Diligence is key.

>> No.2532091
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>It is competitive. Everyone likes the thought of working at home and on your own time

>vs not learning to code cuz furturism bots

>somehow how im an asshole

>> No.2532137

Also, I don't know if you're interested, but I manage a craft beer/ wine website that is in search of writers. it pays $25 an article and needs about 2 a week. The website is crushbrew.com apply through the website if you're interested.

>> No.2532200

buddy. Nobody is saying Coding is bad. It isn't for everyone. Same reason why people aren't flocking to HVAC even though the stability and pay are great.

>> No.2532249

How do you make your money?

>> No.2532344


How the FUDGE do you learn this?
I've read so much, but I still don't understand.

>> No.2532455
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100% passive income .

however managing those streams of passive income usually only takes about 15 minutes out of my day .
i spend most of my time coding my online gaming ai blockchain service, reading books on math science physics compsci etc, or trying to teach and help people live better lives, and also fucking chicks which are my passions .

i find that its key to separate how you make money from what you spend most of your time doing.

you have to start living the life you want to live now.

you can with the help of Jesus.

>> No.2532510
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of course my job title is in my 4chan name tag...

i faithed my way into managing a portfolio worth over 1 billion dollars, so , prioritize Jesus first if you can .

>> No.2532636

Right, so you're a NEET

>> No.2532677
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i'm a business owner and employer , and college educated , does that count?

>> No.2532697 [DELETED] 
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How's that ETH bag going anon

>> No.2532705
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thanks for the feedback bud, much appreciated.
have a comfy pic as a form of gratitude