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File: 502 KB, 1440x3521, Revenge of Keynes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25303543 No.25303543 [Reply] [Original]

>Um sweetie. Deficits dont matter

>> No.25303587

Opinion disregarded

>> No.25303600

>um sweetie. we can just import more units of lab i mean immigrants to keep the ponzi up for another couple decades

>> No.25303639

>"She also served as an advisor to Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign."

>> No.25303654

I disregarded at

>A New York Times Bestseller

>> No.25303698

>line spacing
you must leave. now.

>> No.25303717

No, also I made $220K this year.

>> No.25303733

This is technically true. They can always print more money and then remove money from the supply if inflation gets too high.
How do they remove money from the supply. They tax you to death.
So you either are robbed via inflation, or by extreme levels of taxes. Stephanie is helping them enslave you. Literally.

>> No.25303754

you better pay up goy, da gumbmint that can't become insolvent needs their cut of that.

>> No.25303779
File: 58 KB, 641x606, fox haunted house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this argument at all. Should I try?

>> No.25303815

I mean she’s not wrong, modern central banking is clown world. They can just keep kicking the can down the road forever

>> No.25303892
File: 207 KB, 1000x750, MMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare for an aneurysm

>> No.25303913
File: 479 KB, 857x941, Best girl stuck in a shittttttttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true for as long as other countries who's products the US consumer enjoys accepts worthless pieces of US paper in return. Also you do not owe that debt to 'yourself' you owe that debt to a international clique banking jews.

If you borrow to do what you could do with savings in a hard money system all you do is sell the future of your children for a temporary gain today.

>> No.25303924

Thanks for the explaination. Is this Keynesian economics?

>> No.25303951

>If you borrow to do what you could do with savings in a hard money system all you do is sell the future of your children for a temporary gain today

what is it with moderns and their boner for child sacrifice?

>> No.25303965

>If you borrow to do what you could do with savings in a hard money system all you do is sell the future of your children for a temporary gain today.
>But I'll be dead by then! I don't care!
-t. every fucking boomer
They all deserve the rope, along with many many more.

>> No.25303980

Think of it as "yea Keynes is cool and all but I dont think he went far enough" or "Keynes is an austrian in comparison"

>> No.25304066

It's called "Modern Monetary Theory"

>> No.25304091

>Moreover, there will always be a market for U.S. government debt at home because the US government has the only means of creating risk-free dollar-denominated assets.

This is retarded on so many levels I don't even want to lay them all out. Nobody will want dollar-denominated assets, no matter how risk free, when real world prices are rising at double digit percentages every day.

I mean, think about it. Retarded unemployable basement dwelling goblins and ogres are already fed up with fiat and are all in on experimental internet money in an attempt to escape it. Older libertarians are all in on gold and silver. The only real purchaser of federal government bonds is the Fed, and they only buy them to issue more federal reserve notes in exactly the same way Tether buys BTC with minted tether. It's seriously only a matter of time before people realize the dollar is dead and they start jacking up prices and instantly spending what fiat they do get on crypto to escape the madness.

>> No.25304117

But they do still matter. Especially when it gets to the point where banks will refuse to let you rollover to manageable debt levels that's part of the reason why lower bound interest rates are poison. This has been known by the 70's and 60's. They "don't matter' to the reserve currency until in mass the world doesnt use the reserve currency. The alternative is not another currency i.e. china. Its Assets because it fucking breaks. That's why there's the barter myth in fucking economics but they ignore debt contracts in Sumeria or free market economics in Persia. We have been through this shit before, only newer thing is cryptocurrency.

>> No.25304127

Eventually we really will have to devolve back to tribal expulsion and execution for people who put themselves before the tribe. I know I'm not giving my boomer parents a fucking dime after the shit they pulled with me.

>> No.25304151

Interesting... but what if people start using crypto?

>> No.25304166

Keynes believed that the economy was a separate thing from the government, and he was concerned with regulating the business cycle.
I dislike the man a lot, but he was still working with a general framework that his critics could understand.
This um honey is speaking moon language.

>> No.25304190

i recognize that nose..