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File: 221 KB, 1361x2098, SmartSelect_20201229-231446_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25303391 No.25303391 [Reply] [Original]

Well we had Christmas at my dads last night and now I'm officially kicked out of the house. I still haven't sold my linkies and I'm never going to but my dad seemed really pissed off with how things went and how I didn't even try to find an apartment so now I'm living in my car. The true link marine lifestyle. Maybe I can complain to the state and claim I can't get evicted because of Covid? I'm not sure. Really hoping things turn around soon though feels like I shoulda just held BTC, could have made $20k instead of. being down but now its too late. Cya on the flip side marines hold strong

>> No.25303429

I remember these posts from a few months back 50k anon. If this isn’t a roll bread literally all you have to do is sit and wait.

>> No.25303452

That's why you don't give a child 50 thousand dollars. I'm not sure who's dumber. I'd say equal.

>> No.25303472

>one shot at life
>all in on link

>> No.25303474


>> No.25303490

>down almost half

did you buy at 20? fucking lol

>> No.25303495

kek, I remember this post as well. Guess it was no LARP after all. I would laugh at you and tell you how retarded you are, if I would not have done the same once (buying at ATH)
Keep it up buddy, never selling is the right way.
Just update us from time to time how things go and when you are in profit again

>> No.25303574
File: 364 KB, 640x738, Kneel..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with literally less that 10% of what daddy gave you. Because I was intelligent and diversified (also got link at 2.50 cuz even if I'm a normally, atleast I'm a fucking based normie.) I will surpass your trashfolio before the new year. God I hope your father is disappointed.

>> No.25303582

Just Hodl anon. You'll realize those massive LINK gains soon.

>> No.25303643

at least youre honest kid most nulinkers here cope and say they bought 50k at .$.10 lol

>> No.25304147

Lol that would be pretty pathetic, and LINK is a retarded thing to buy, moneys come and gone. This is an obvious shill though, corecucks getting desperate. Buy BCH.

>> No.25304212

You won't make it with 2k link.

>> No.25304239

Another victim of the russian pump and dump scam.

Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.25304294

Stay strong anon, literally all you have to do is wait and soon you’ll turn the $28k into $2.8k

>> No.25304317

For those of you who are too dumb to see through people:
>Well we had Christmas at my dads last night and now I'm officially kicked out of the house.
implying only kids buy into link, when the media was just shilling it endlessly. Establishing lack of maturity, spiteful person.
> I still haven't sold my linkies and I'm never going to but my dad seemed really pissed off with how things went and how I didn't even try to find an apartment so now I'm living in my car.
Pretty much "Im a pathetic loser and I dont know how to manage my life" - this is how OP sees link holders, and desu a lot of them are.
>The true link marine lifestyle.
>Maybe I can complain to the state and claim I can't get evicted because of Covid? I'm not sure.
This sounds serious to you people? Mocking a fake image of himself.

>Really hoping things turn around soon though feels like I shoulda just held BTC, could have made $20k instead of. being down but now its too late.
BUY BTC DUMMIES THATS MY MESSAGE HURRR DURRR I mean I could have made like 1/3 of my money! Thats why people invest in crypto right, to turn ten thousands dollars into thirteen.
Heres your real tip:
>could have made $20k instead of. being down
>instead of. being down
>of. being
He paused on that break in the sentence to think his words out, because hes not writing from the heart, hes writing from a calculated way to mock Link holders. Youre being manipulated, by a simpleton.
>Cya on the flip side marines hold strong
I have nothing to end this post on, Ive already injected my agenda - buy BTC, Im worried its going to be replaced and become irrelevant. Im scared guys, hold me, hold my bags. I pity you OP.