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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 219x230, kleros comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25298444 No.25298444 [Reply] [Original]

as you may know, the largest kleros court case yet (#532) will end in just 2 days. millions of dollars are on the line. we citizens of athens will profit no matter the outcome.

the question is deceptively simple:
>Will Joe Biden win the 2020 United States presidential election?

>> No.25298501
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Nice digits, feeling comfy tonight

>> No.25298530

Nice digits, and what the fuck. Where can I learn more, Kleros anon?

>> No.25298576
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>> No.25298589
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HOWEVER, the issue is more complex than that! Here's a QRD. Other anons please chime in here if I fuck the details up.

>Omen is a crypto gambling platform
>Users gambled millions of dollars on the above question with a resolution date of December 20, 2020
>Omen's Rules provide that "If the outcome is not known by the resolution date, whether it is due to a wrong setting of the resolution date or an unexpected event delaying the knowledge of the result, the market will resolve as invalid."
>The "Yes" side maintains that Biden won and everyone knew this on December 20, 2020 (just check the news bro)
>The "Invalid" side maintains that Trump is contesting the election and so the question was NOT resolved on December 20, 2020, so the market is invalid
>the kleros jury will vote for whatever protects their money
>there are whales that could heavily sway the decision in either direction
>no matter what, PNK will be the next big thing in crypto

>> No.25298596

>Will Joe Biden win the 2020 United States presidential election?
>United States
Didn't say America. Case is invalid. Seethe and dilate. Trump won, Ivanka 2024. If Kleros fucks this up it is going to zero.

>> No.25298642

Do you pinksters stake 100% of your pnk? If im not trading I guess that is the sensible thing to do.

>> No.25298681
File: 14 KB, 480x360, comfy pepe winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, bros. I honestly believe Kleros will be top 10 by end of 2021. There will be wild ups and downs along the way as more high profile cases come up, but we have two things going for us:
>disputes are inevitable, and kleros court has a real use case
>citizens of the future will serve on juries as a full time job, kleros will be the first platform to allow this

I'm interested in hearing from anyone who stakes/serves. Tell me what you've reaped from it so far.

>> No.25298739

What the fuck is with reveling the jurors' votes before everyone has voted? That's Realit.io and not Kleros, correct?

>> No.25298795
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It sounds pretty based. I'm currently mostly in GRT but I could put some money in. I'll find more on it.

>> No.25298846

>What the fuck is with reveling the jurors' votes before everyone has voted? That's Realit.io and not Kleros, correct?
Yes, that is correct. I believe it's called the Commit/Reveal protocol. Currently, Kleros allows this feature to be turned on/off.

The retarded cocksuckers at Realit.io are the reason this case has public voting. One interesting takeaway here is that it seems the biggest whales are waiting until the last possible moment to vote.

>> No.25298916

I have 250k PNK and 0 ETH... and 5,000 Link.

If I hold that much PNK which is a sizeable stack do I even really need to worry about ETH? Since I can just be a juror and accumulate Eth that way?

>> No.25298975
File: 78 KB, 640x434, iu-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, good. I was looking at picking up some more pinkies, but if they were going to run their shit as some kind of open-forum-look-around-to-see-if-the-cool-kids-are-raising-their-hands type of thing, I was going to bail.
Grassy ass, anon.

>> No.25299070

Will you earn more eth the more pnk you hold?

>> No.25299076

Cheers, and agreed. I think the Kleros devs actually recognized early on that most (if not all) use cases will benefit from anonymous voting. This fuckup is exclusively on realit.io. Same with the lack of any appeal mechanism in Case 532.

Is that all you hold? I think you could be in for some seriously based gains, but I'm personally too risk averse to go so balls deep in one second page alt. I always recommend holding some BTC, ETH, and an unknown amount of XMR.

>> No.25299188

It looks to me like Realit.io is doing everything they possibly can to influence the vote. This is honestly a solid test of the system and a check on how many permissions they should grant.
I'd like to see this come back as "invalid" just to show that Kleros isn't an online polling station, but either way there will be some good "lessons learned" to improve the platform.

>> No.25299205

where to buy?

>> No.25299235

uniswap sir.

>> No.25299239

The more you stake the bigger the chances of getting picked as the jury more than once for one and the same case. Yes, that's possible. Yes, your rewards and punishments get multiplied accordingly.

>> No.25299243

unabomba sirr

>> No.25299296

Anybody know what the cost or raising a case is? A base level no-rare-technical-knowledge case?

>> No.25299433

Fair warning to newfags, this is an old scam pump and dump shitcoin from 2017. The team behind this one are beyond a joke. at least with LINK we know the team had skills and that the project was going somewhere.
The pnk team has never built anything before this.. They were garbage men, welders, and other shit before they became desktop grid enthusiasts turned "Token Founders"..
Not to say those jobs don't take skill, but they have no business running a software team, let alone building a decentralized platform.
Every kleros side project has been borderline a scam/heavily mismanaged. Some of those by pnk “Founders". Kleros has 0 chance at success. It is a shit show used to enrich the founders with very little given back to community for actually keeping it going and contributing.

Kleros founders keep their stash in BTC for the most part(some 6,000 BTC). Should be all you need to know in their own faith of their project.
I'm a worker who has seen the show from the inside.. I only keep my node running to turn it into other more valuable coins at this point. Trust me when I say it's a complete shit show. If it weren't for a few very smart worker pools, the wheels would have fallen off already.
"Invest" at your own risk, but i assure you it won't end well.

Also the head dev is from the scam fake university called "Singularity" look it up. They pump out scammers like it's going out of style.

>> No.25299438

checked and agreed. the outcome of case 532 doesn't matter, we're going to be walking away from the decision with valuable lessons either way. if anyone is getting fucked by the decision, it's realit.io and omen - not kleros.

it's a fantastic test case because it's like basically every SCOTUS case - the spirit vs the letter of the law. we're in the VERY early stages of something that is going to be a mainstay in crypto for a very long time to come.

>> No.25299480

I also got 10k Algo, 300k Fantom, 7k RLC and 10 million Holochain.

What do you think?

>> No.25299519

sirs why can't i get a courtcase? I have 25k staked in different courts and nothing

>> No.25299594

Sorry kid you bought a judge judy coin and got scammed. Sell to a greater fool and get out with your skin.

>> No.25299641

begone vile fudder my pnky stays super stinky 1k tuktuk eoy

>> No.25299651

>but I'm personally too risk averse to go so balls deep in one second page alt

I also feel like I have just enough LINK where I could load up on kleros and potentially make out huge. But if I don’t, my link stack will be more than enough to be at the bottom end rung of making it -ish

>> No.25299665

I'm not going to claim I know the secrets of the universe or anything but I personally think you're too deep into small time alts. I know - high risk, high reward. But at least get some ETH and XMR. XMR especially. Thank me later.

I'm interested in hearing more from you. I know there are some smart people on the kleros team but it does look like there are some grifters as well. I figure that's inherent in crypto, though. What is your area of expertise, involvement, holdings ,etc.?

>> No.25299693



>> No.25299748

I feel like I’m too low on the totem pole currently to be accumulating XMR and ETH. Would rather start accumulating once one of these other alts I have moons hard. And I still have 5k link stack. So that’s kind of my hedge

>> No.25299776
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i bought 38k kleros tokens because the indian memes made me laugh. Lets hope i don't get burned

>> No.25300114

>I feel like I’m too low on the totem pole currently to be accumulating XMR and ETH
I know this feeling with BTC but XMR is a guaranteed bet for the future man. I wouldn't leave it out altogether.

I think Kleros is one of the few coins with long term meme potential desu.

>> No.25301000


>> No.25301165

why does this coin attract so many digits and where does the turbo pajeet meme come from

>> No.25301407

praise kek sirs

>> No.25301453

Kleros is keyed

>> No.25301606

>One interesting takeaway here is that it seems the biggest whales are waiting until the last possible moment to vote.
That really is interesting, because it kind of implies that even jurors would rather not know how other jurors are going to vote. Game theory would dictate that once one person as voted, that vote would become the new schelling point and everyone would just ape into that option to save their own PNK. But that's not happening, and if it is whales that are holding out, it implies that they're worried a bigger whale could come in and try to steal their PNK by aiming for a 50%+1 situation.

But I think we can all agree that realit.io is a bunch of tremendous faggots for not using the commit/reveal protocol.

>> No.25301679
File: 151 KB, 964x897, 2F91BAEA-17D9-494F-B034-EB2098EE1F95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can all agree that realit.io is a bunch of tremendous faggots

>> No.25301843

I’m a total retard... and what you just posted makes it seem like kleros voting is a total shitshow. My question is does this power get diluted as the price increases even if you hold massive amounts? And is that how this ends up working out in the long term?

If Kleros moons to 20$ you aren’t
going to have some asshole with 1 million PNK putting up 200k PNK for a court case, like you might have right now because the price is so low, right?

Or the fact the the price gets that high you won’t even be allowed to put that many coins in a case.

>> No.25301977

I'm screen capping your retard ass.

>> No.25301981

>But I think we can all agree that realit.io is a bunch of tremendous faggots for not using the commit/reveal protocol.
100% fuck these idiots
especially where they have it set up where appeals aren't possible
the entire fucking point of kleros is if you don't like a ruling you can dispute it and go through a larger round of voting to try and achieve the "correct" answer

>> No.25301989

>That really is interesting, because it kind of implies that even jurors would rather not know how other jurors are going to vote.
It's VERY interesting but another way to think of it is that jurors would rather other jurors not know how they are going to vote.

There are plenty of other possibilities, of course. But one thing is for sure - Kleros court is a different ballgame. I would imagine that most use cases will be high volume, small value transactions that simply require a handful of humans to agree on something in front of them.

But big cases like 532 will teach everyone a lot about how to structure their contracts and their disputes.

>> No.25302012

>and what you just posted makes it seem like kleros voting is a total shitshow.
The commit/reveal protocol has been in place for a while now, the shitshow is entirely on realit.io's end. As others have said, they're even trying to influence the vote.

>My question is does this power get diluted as the price increases even if you hold massive amounts? And is that how this ends up working out in the long term?
No, price increases won't dilute whale power unless they unstake and sell. In the long term, case outcomes will converge to truth as appeals happen and even whales will be forced to vote honestly or be stripped of their PNK a little bit at a time.

Read the white paper and the book. It explains everything very clearly.

>> No.25302130

What this guy said->>>>25302012
The Realit.io guy stands to lose a lot of money if this comes back “invalid.” He got all hopped up on addys and made a rambling video declaring that they wouldn’t use Kleros anymore if they don’t come back with a “yes” vote.

>> No.25302138

>It's VERY interesting but another way to think of it is that jurors would rather other jurors not know how they are going to vote.
Yes, that makes more sense.

>I would imagine that most use cases will be high volume, small value transactions that simply require a handful of humans to agree on something in front of them.
Yep. Basically with Kleros smartcontracts are ready for widescale adoption across internet communities right now. Especially in the art commission world.

>especially where they have it set up where appeals aren't possible
It makes sense if you assume reality.io is trying to influence the vote and they don't want anyone to question it after one big push to get the result they want. I'm guessing they have money riding on a Yes answer or outright lose money on an Invalid answer. It's scummy as fuck and I wish they could be banned from using Kleros in the future.

>> No.25302240

I don’t know. I’m not reading all that legalese bullshit. I’m too low IQ to understand what I’m reading is legit or not anyway or if it makes sense. I have 250k and I’m just trusting you guys.

>> No.25302280

based fellow holding retard

>> No.25302302

>doesn’t know this is pasta made by kleros holders
Come on anon

>> No.25302320

What? It's really not that complicated bro. Serious question: do you have brain problems?

I have 100k and I read and understood it and I think it's the most innovative crypto project since bitcoin.

>> No.25302358
File: 41 KB, 750x669, bros for life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right my rigger

>> No.25302464

>Yep. Basically with Kleros smartcontracts are ready for widescale adoption across internet communities right now. Especially in the art commission world.
This is what I think people will soon realize about Kleros. The whole court LARP thing is interesting but it's not nearly as big of a deal as the decentralized human bureaucracy possibilities that come with Kleros. Every little transaction that requires any third party human supervision will benefit from Kleros.

I'm starting to think I'm retarded for not buying another 100K.

>> No.25302470
File: 173 KB, 1080x1044, 88695D57-D4E9-428B-A50F-783400B5714B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. This right here is what I love about this place.

>> No.25302643

I’m too stupid to understand if what I’m reading makes sense or not, and even if I did, I wouldn’t trust myself to make the correct decision. But I more than enough make up for being that dumb in being able to tell if someone knows what they are talking about even tho I don’t even know what they are talking about tech wise AND I can see the overall picture of where things are headed in the world very well.

I started shoveling money into link in early 2018, and 3 weeks earlier I didn’t (and still dont) know how to set up 2FA authentication and needed a friend to do it for me. And what made me pull the trigger wasn’t that I knew they knew what they were talking about, but that for the previous 10 years I’d always occasionally catch the media shilling of UBI here’s and there on the Today Show or wherever... and i always thought what in the fuck these commies talking about? Then with understanding the basic gist of chainlink I was like oooooh... now I get why I’ve been hearing more and more about UBI the last 10 years. So with link, you might have had some semi smart coder, something I don’t know Jack shit about... maybe only buying a suicide stack, whereas I was putting good money in it because I could see the larger picture even tho I’m retarded. And i get that larger picture view with PNK too.

>> No.25302799

Can anyone tl;dr me the courts system like if i had, idk, a game where ppl cheated with haxx could i use kleros to get justice somehow?

>> No.25303000

>he thinks it's too late to buy more
do you understand how cheap 10c PNK really is? Even if BTC shits the bed I don't think we'll go below 5c ever again

>> No.25303524
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Another kleros General with trips coincidence?

>> No.25303685

How do I vote on this case

>> No.25304101

You can't. the jurors have been selected.

>> No.25304209

You'll need to borrow a time machine.

>> No.25305266

the most based boomer

>> No.25305967

I'm not going to argue with those digits. You're right. 10c is cheap and I'm going to load up on a lot more.

Bro I've made 3-4 of these threads in the past month and I've had trips like 50% of the time.

>> No.25306131

Wow I had no idea they were garbage men, this is worrying.

>> No.25306260

>you make this comment and 5 minutes later the 22m PNK whale buys another 15 ETH of PNK
If it really is you, can you tell me why you pooled your eth-pnk, then bought pnk, then withdrew liquidity? I understand it impacts the price less but don't you also suffer an IL which offsets it?

>> No.25306454

Wasn't me desu. I wish it was. But it's a good sign.

>> No.25307130
File: 127 KB, 927x578, baddie PNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well done, sir. well done, playing that kleros game

>> No.25307291

It would be retarded not to until it gets listed on major exchanges and even then it's questionable depending on you court/juror odds
t. 318k juror chad

>> No.25307350

Some of the most brilliant people I know are garbage men.
I trust the team

>> No.25307394
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>only 25k
>spread across multiple courts
please don't make me explain to you why you are not having the results you want

>> No.25307417
File: 77 KB, 305x305, Sajajalalalawawarlal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir i assure you that you will not experience any burning with Kleros coin

>> No.25307441
File: 264 KB, 900x1199, Kleros Team Head of Development poop poop madoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25307574
File: 1.36 MB, 1544x1544, 04D4F8BE-D2F9-48F8-82B6-A52FA6FC5778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most /biz/ post I’ve seen in a while

>> No.25307760
File: 39 KB, 512x512, MrXIJaFM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling comfy sirs.

>> No.25307999

Thanks K4RL

>> No.25308057

It’s pretty fucking based but also entirely possible you miss big gains this bull run, personally I’ve got big stacks in both PNK and ETH as ETH is pretty much a garunteed 10x from here this bull run

>> No.25309077

You're welcome my trips getting friend. Duly checked!

>> No.25309445

why do so many indian people post in kleros threads? I dont get it. this is like australians with bsv

>> No.25309740

Sir, i will guide you through the team viewer installation and explain afterwards. Greetings from Hyderabad.

Bless you , sir! Praise Vishnu.

>> No.25309764

How to buy PNK sirs?

>> No.25309820

uniswap is where I got mine and it seems like the best place to get it right now. just install metamask and move some crypto there and it's pretty easy.

>> No.25309845

Sir, pleaae give me your teamviewer ID. I will guide you through buying process on unicef, Sir!

>> No.25310048

Thanks... is it as straight forward as it looks?
I have ether on mm, open uniswap in mm browser, select pnk from dropdown, and swap.
Will the pnk immediately show in my mm wallet? Or do I have to move it there?
Am I missing anything?

>> No.25310050

its a bad coin sir you cannot to into it sir
my ID is green sir you must listen me

>> No.25310090

pnk threads are the most based little outposts on /biz/, 200iq chads and based retards are all going to make it

>> No.25310096

Please givee your Teamviewer ID, sir. I am waiting. Thank you, sire!

सर प्लीज गोवे आईडी यू ब्लडी बेस्टर बिच!!

>> No.25310122

huh? why do I need a teamviewer installation?

>> No.25310185

Sir, is of easy. Me and my cousin Ravindra will be checking if you do needful!
We always checking also curry meantime making sure its of good taste! No worries Inhabe checked also people from all over india. No charge! I own 20.000 rupies worth of kleros myself. Village blessing roches to come!

Sir, please click on teamviewer.exe and press continue untill installation is done. Then give ID please (note: please dont gove telephone number!!).

>> No.25310195

Praise Vishnu sir I am trying to install. Internet in my village is low as bastard bitch...
Please be answering my questions here sir

>> No.25310246

Sir, your instruction seems copied out of my manual? You also working for New Delhi Kleros support team? Which floor you located? Me is in k3. Lets have curry together im canteen. Thank you sir!!

>> No.25310316

ok but cant i just buy the kleros myself using my own eth? why do you need to help on team viewer

>> No.25310346

Sir i will not having curry in canteen today, I have 4 hours in shitting street after curry before. I will taking chef Raneesh to kleros court for paying new sarong and sandals.
You wil helping me to do the needful sir?

>> No.25310354

He's just trolling. Don't you realize?

>> No.25310390

how can you tell? there are heaps of people in this thread from india

>> No.25310500

Sir!! I am shocked. I will do needful! Raneesh is known bloody basterd bitch! No eat curry from him. Always use Ravindras Curry!!

>> No.25310519

> All I check in 2020 is mtlx

Check this one and forget about cheap shittokens. Not yet on Binance exchange, but has featured on Binance exchange Christmas Special Contest today!


>> No.25310533

Sir even though I am from Hydrrabad I want you to know thatyou should always DYOR! No Teamviewer nevessary.

Have vishnu in your heart but uniswap on your mind

>> No.25310571

You made me the brainlet now. How is Link and UBI connected??

>> No.25310658
File: 126 KB, 600x600, pepe44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much PNK do you guys have, and what price did you buy it at?

>> No.25310681

Sir, noatter what price you buy now be wealthy in future! Easy as. Please visit unicef, uniswap, unibet, university or similiar to do needful.

Praise ganesh and vishnu for many riches and vagene and bobs.

>> No.25310701

Sir I must do the needful buying PNK to take bloody bastard bitch in kleros court...
My manual >>25310048 is correct sir?
I worry Ganesh will snatch my eth with his many arms if I am doing wrong

>> No.25310715

thnx for kind words sir,,

>> No.25310773

Sir your manual is exactly as mine here lying in front of me. From my perspective is good. Feel free to do needful.

*Larp off for a sec* If vyou are very unsure how to use check archive on warosu for detailed information. Threads from february march will contain info you need. However from my point it is fine. *Back to larp*

So, have you tried the chana masala in canteen yesterday? Was receipt from good friend Ramjesh Riswarma.

>> No.25310803

Sir always hapypy to help. At these price levels consider yourself lucky man.

Also say hallo to future archive. People wont belive how early you are.

All thanks to ganesh, voshnu and last but not least Shiva!!!!

>> No.25311035

Sir I am not having chana masala we have slaughtered village goat for two weeks ago. We are not having electricity so I am eating everyday to keeping fresh. You are many help to me and I welcome to sharing two week old goat when I am finished doing the needful.

* thanks man, see you in kleros court :) *

>> No.25311062
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>> No.25311140

High quality food
Meanwhile this guy

>> No.25311324
File: 101 KB, 1651x1227, 1FBE49DF-D119-4B4A-B2C3-752D6B4E8657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What time does the case finish sirs? I want to know when we’re going to either 2x or crash

>> No.25311531

kek this entire thread has been top notch laughs cheers kleros chads chat later

>> No.25311629
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, Pnkpolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pnk police is looking for a new suspect involved in an attempt to takeover the Kleros courts. Said individual is stealing hard earned pinakions from indian villagers to stake in the Kleros courts. If you have any information on the location or identy of said suspect please inform officer Clément. We urge everyone to be very wary during this time DO NOT put your hard earned pinakions onto Uniswap. Justice will prevail.
>the pnk police

>> No.25311716

January 1 at 2am. It will 2x because it will prove Kleros can "fix" faulty inputs. You have a prediction market which ended to early, but thanks to the magic of autism and human input, it will still resolve to the right answer.

Yes this is fine. It will show immediately. You might have to "add token" on PNK in metamask if it doesn't appear but I think it does it automatically now.

>> No.25312026
File: 12 KB, 213x128, c2367888541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based whale wasn't lying when he said he would stop dumping

>> No.25312027

unagi sir

>> No.25312311
File: 221 KB, 621x414, 3AC17F12-D3B4-45CA-A3FD-F1CD567E79E4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25312710
File: 507 KB, 500x519, 1593895888914.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros...moon when?

>> No.25312739

Sorry it’s dumping right now because I just bought

>> No.25314044

How the fuck could you even answer the question when it's just predicting the future. There literally is no correct answer, just good guesses. There is no right or wrong. What the fuck is this question setting?

>> No.25314890

bump for kleros