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25296392 No.25296392 [Reply] [Original]

I've made it but I'm still depressed. I literally waste my time just staring at numbers on a screen 24/7 and none of this is going to matter when I die. It's going to be like I never existed at all and no one will give a shit about my internet money. How do i cope with knowing that it'll all be over for me in 30 years or so and my consciousness just simply won't exist after that?

>> No.25296446

Try some mushrooms

>> No.25296471

How old are you OP

You should have kids. They’re the secret to your immortality. People only don’t want kids because Jews convinced them to eliminate your bloodlines

>> No.25296499

Life has no meaning bro you can either suffer through it or get high on brain chemicals 24/7

>> No.25296520
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>I've made it but I'm still depressed
Thats because you haven't made it. Having money =! making it. Money simply buys you the tool of freedom (which is amazing in its own right) but on its own, it will never give you a purpose. Making it is all about leaving behind a legacy, something bigger than your own existence. That being said, by having money your already in a greater position to do that than most of us. Godspeed anon

>> No.25296521

You need a hobby, creative outlet or purpose/mission in life. You cant just do fucking nothing all day long and expect to be content. Learn a skill, get good at something, build stuff, etc

>> No.25296536

This seems like a sadly common problem in the way our society presently exists. If you imagine back in the way old days, when people lived in either a tribe, or village, or maybe some other more simple form of society, there was always a sense of community. You may have still used money to pay the baker for bread, but you also knew the baker, and you also knew the tailor, the woodworker, and everyone else, atleast a little bit. You all were part of the same whole, you had a deep connection, having local celebrations and festivals, religious gatherings, and lots of other forms of connection. You were almost an extended family in your village, and shared your lives in major ways. Now while there were also a lot of real problems in that form of society, you did have a sense of community back then, which many people now have largely lost in their lives. Part of the reason this has been lost is because of the ethos of individualism in our culture that comes from ideas of free market competition, and the social alienation caused from our economic structure. Now that doesn't mean capitalism is all bad, but just that we need to strike a balance between the individual, and the community. We should acknowledge a modern variation of the old phrase, "no one is an island." Or in other words, nobody is self-sufficient, and everyone relies on others in some way. We're social creatures, and we need to be part of a community in some form. We can't just live with only ourselves.

>> No.25296590

you consciousness will always exist Anon