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File: 6 KB, 225x225, ans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2529623 No.2529623 [Reply] [Original]

New ANS thread

the pump is coming lads

>> No.2529631

Are the Chinese those people who make anime, fucking weirdos

>> No.2529632

>something good happens
>based chinks
>something bad happens
>fucking chinks

top kek, this scapegoating is comedy gold

>> No.2529639

that ant has blowjob eyes

>> No.2529642

Poorfag over here with only 24 ANS ,
gimme some of dat mooning coin !!


>> No.2529658

I wonder what they will be rebranding to. If it's something chi-related to compete with Ethereum it'll be pretty badass.

>> No.2529662

People begging for crypto should be permabanned. Shoo shoo faggots, nobody is going to give you shit

>> No.2529660

china will rule the world

>> No.2529669

One hour before final moon

>> No.2529670

literally 0
>tfw I get my pay in two weeks
anyone willing to spare, every single little ant will be aprpeciated and taken care of ;w;

>> No.2529672

Chinese actually have started making their own animus, South Korea too.

>> No.2529768

once the ants get hungry enough to eat up this 400k sell wall they will go on a mad dash

>> No.2529769

Is this linked to ant financial!?

>> No.2529775

Why is this shit slowly going down?

I can get around the idea that a pump is is building up or something, but someone with proper brains explain the current situation to me.

>> No.2529778

I like this stability. It is not going to crash anytime soon

>> No.2529780

Weak hands BTFO. ANON FUdding saying every coin drops after conference. TOP KEK. Microsoft China is their mine client for the conference, and Tsinghua University (top tech school in world ahead of MIT) is their main speaking presentation. ALIBABA willl be there too.
The peoples bank of CHina (national bank) is probably going to use this public blockhain for their first step in 5 year globalization plan.

This will be huge, normies with weak hands stop shilling for the love of KEK.

And ANON this is not connected with ANT financial, there own proprietor is ONchain group.

>> No.2529781

Yunbi is nearly back at the ATH. Be watching!

>> No.2529787


>> No.2529797

It's going to drop sub 350k levels, just sell to be on the safe side

>> No.2529805

Nah, man, they're the ones who wear the funny hats.

>> No.2529807

buy wall forming on bittrex

>> No.2529810


>> No.2529812


look at the chinese exchanges

>> No.2529819

who /AntsInTheirPants/ here?

>> No.2529821

This. We are currently at (or near) the floor. Time to get in, this isn't going lower than $9 ever again.

>> No.2529826

here we go

>> No.2529835

which exchange?

>> No.2529838

do you not see the huge buy support at 360k? fucking idiot

>> No.2529849

Bittrex, but watch yunbi. It's climbing.

>> No.2529851

don't beg, you're better than this

>> No.2529855



>> No.2529870

ANONS with this volume the sell walls could be torn through at any second. itll happen within the next few hours, its consolidating right now. GET yer sub 11 ANS while you can

>> No.2529882

why does bid wall grow but the price is going down

>> No.2529883

this shit is about to moon, cap it

>> No.2529889


i would if my eth wallet wasnt disabled :(

>> No.2529891


>> No.2529892

if this reaches ETH levels I'm gonna fucking blow myself on webcam, screencap this

>> No.2529894

If this reaches ETH I'll be so happy.

>> No.2529902

Thank you for the kind words, stranger anon, but do you really think people beg because they are bored or because they want to, I missed every moon so far, this is my first real chance and I got cucked by salary date, I'm afraid it will be too late. Begging was a final act of desperation. ;w;

>> No.2529915

Why are you guys so hyped when it's standing still on Bittrex? Stupid question maybe, I know.

>> No.2529918

who tf keeps propping up these 400k sellwalls

>> No.2529924

why does bittrex react completely diffreently than yunbi?

>> No.2529933

If it reaches eth levels i will stick 10 sharpies in my anus and post a series of photos on biz.

>> No.2529934


ans on chinese market is climbing

decent indicator of upcoming pump

>> No.2529935

Chink exchange going up.

>> No.2529940


>> No.2529941

i've missed plenty of moons too anon and this is my first one, more will come around. There will never be a final moon just be ready for it next time

>> No.2529945
File: 152 KB, 1288x807, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in now guys ;) new ath soon

>> No.2529951

slant eyes detected

>> No.2529954

Some consolidation is a good sign after the huge run it had. It's forming a meme triangle on the 5 min chart right now. It will be interesting to see where it takes us.

>> No.2529955
File: 101 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-06-20-17-11-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zooming out makes me feel better

>> No.2529959

One anon probably joked yesterday that he will send me ANT if it gets to $7, might as well: AH9A3SBVKzPjmwTvWXWGHiPfUMJ4TMhDFi

>> No.2529971


>> No.2529981
File: 112 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-06-20-17-14-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many ants you holding?

>> No.2529987

Thank you for those words. I truly hope so.
Hopefully some kind soul will actually answer my prayers with some jumpstarting ants, still.

>> No.2529989

New holder. Here for the posivibes. Can contribute.

>> No.2529990
File: 10 KB, 251x242, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still 390-400k range even though its climbing hard on yunbi

>> No.2529992


>> No.2529995
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>> No.2529998
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just sent a bunch of money to a chinese cartoon ant

what the fuck timeline is this?

>> No.2530000

cca 110

>> No.2530002

633 We'll make it anon. Guys should I dump all my ether into this ? (20). I wanna be in lambo land

>> No.2530005

Safe to go to sleep? only got 6 coins

>> No.2530007

Just 6 because I'm poor.

>> No.2530009

burgers are a bit on the slow side, they'll catch up eventually

>> No.2530010

Questions my nigs. Anyone used the Antshares Android wallet? Is it legit? Will I accumulate Antcoins with it? Is it still 1 ANS to transfer ANS?

>> No.2530015

this is going to moon when china wakes up, not before.

>> No.2530021

So Let me get this straight

You guys are buying ant shares and not ant coins

What's the difference?

>> No.2530022

sell one of your kidney, and All-In in ANTS

>> No.2530024

How do we know there will be a huge pump today?

>> No.2530026

well its 10x more likely to double in value than eth right now so its probs a good idea

>> No.2530028


>> No.2530032

It took about 30 mins for bittrex to react yesterday. If it keeps going up on chinkexchange buckle up buckaroo

>> No.2530039


>> No.2530045

im scared

>> No.2530046

it is fuckin falling on bittrex

>> No.2530049
File: 18 KB, 825x513, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill say it agaim, I'm not trying to FUD. This isnot a moon mission you all being tricked in holding bags. Do you want to be the next digibyte holder?

Yunbi is also going down.

>> No.2530053

sent ;)

>> No.2530064

the gooks have tricked us

>> No.2530070

fuck you im not selling my ants

>> No.2530076

>this is going to moon when china wakes up, not before.
Yesterday they sold it down when they woke up though.

>> No.2530081

1503 ants. Will this make me rich anon?

>> No.2530082
File: 191 KB, 396x389, evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the high sell the news
>sell low buy the rumors
>dont sell short the dip
>L A M B O L A N D
>this buy wall is fierce

yfw you realize nobody here has any fucking clue what is going on

>> No.2530084
File: 76 KB, 1382x650, ¥60-8 ANS-CNY - Yunbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell that gookcoins

>> No.2530086
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No "HODL" will not save your ass.

>> No.2530096

That means nothing. It won't go up and you know it.

>> No.2530099

please enlighten us wise one, master of ants

>> No.2530101


>> No.2530102

>bought in at 400


>> No.2530111

>Tricked into holding bags.
Sure I made 5k from not even 500 base investment. Ohh I have been tricked poor little me.

>> No.2530112

I think we're good...

>> No.2530114
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>> No.2530117

I'm holding bitcoin after selling at 0.0044, currently don't have any ANS. Waiting to see where the Yunbi price goes.

>> No.2530123

youre a pussy, fuckin weak hands tards

>> No.2530125


>> No.2530129

I bought in at 520. Forever holding bags.

>> No.2530138

Im not talking about you bro. Im talking about people late to the party.

>> No.2530142
File: 75 KB, 1744x521, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get it on the ORIGINAL shitcoin guys

drop those smelly ant bags

>> No.2530144

set that shit to 1min

>> No.2530145

i have to go to work in 4 hours where i will have no power over what happens, i bought in at 4 dollars where do you think it'll be in 4-5 hours bros?

>> No.2530148

GUYS dont listen to people fudding. weak hands will get burnt. these are clear bear traps by chinese wales helping to stabilize the price. The volume is there, it will shoot off anytime now.

>> No.2530150

Big ass Beijing Conference with Microsoft and alibaba in two days .buy the dip now faggot

>> No.2530151

Good, I hope it drops off so I can buy more

>> No.2530156


>> No.2530157

I hope they go rly low ^^

>> No.2530161

Fuck it, I went all in on ANS with my poorfag money. Now I got 51 little ants. If this fails me I will sudoku.

>> No.2530163

its fucking dying on bittrex

>> No.2530165


>> No.2530167
File: 47 KB, 865x501, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean

>> No.2530169

.0040-.0050 imo. i refuse to sell until the conference happens

>> No.2530171

>Big ass Beijing Conference with Microsoft and alibaba in two days .buy the dip now faggot

>investing in 2017, the webster dictionary

>> No.2530175

cheap ants lads

>> No.2530176

sold everything it was a nice ride

>> No.2530179

now we enter the age of darkness

>> No.2530184

I'll hold these ants even after the news.
For once I'll trust the chinks and if this shit reaches ETH levels i'll tattoo the logo on my back.
Holding 1400, bought at 1 dolar.

>> No.2530187

it means you're a fucking retard

>> No.2530190

stay poor, bye!

>> No.2530191

Kek all the people who FOMO'd yesterday are dumping everything they have

This shit is dead

>> No.2530195
File: 17 KB, 763x524, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not FUD. I f you wanna make gains sell now and buy back low.

Ye me too.

>> No.2530202

that would be pretty sick brah

>> No.2530208

>I'll trust the chinks

>> No.2530210


>> No.2530223

It's coming back on bittrex lads

>> No.2530224

I think it would have been smart to sell when it failed to break .0045 resistance but now seems kinda late. i can't imagine it falling much more this close to the conference

>> No.2530226

are you going to use 30 second graphs next

>> No.2530232
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trusting the chinks

>> No.2530233

pump will start in 10 min approx.

>> No.2530235

bought back in at 377k

comfy or no?

>> No.2530242

meh, still holding. my profit is still 171% (1.72 btc)

>> No.2530246

>to the moon
>chig, chonk, ching, ping pong
>puff, your money gone, here bomb

>> No.2530250

Wow great information

Ps. Kill yourself

>> No.2530261


>> No.2530266
File: 55 KB, 1205x441, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my meme triangle is holding still

>> No.2530270

Are you a child?

>> No.2530281

Keep zooming out further and further so you can keep drawning it.

>> No.2530283

for real

I'm a chink and you'd have to be retarded to trust us

this is the reason I don't trust jihan, he's one of my kind

>> No.2530288

Chinese whales making bear traps to fool sirry waitu piggu FOR THE SECOND FUCKING DAY???

>> No.2530290
File: 36 KB, 729x434, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ure no supposed to be there

>> No.2530292
File: 137 KB, 768x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystery guests on tomorrow conference could be Jack Ma.

>> No.2530309

you can build the same triangle that i did using the points i did

>> No.2530312


>> No.2530313

I believe in my heart of hearts ive wasted most of my holdings on this coin.
A fucking Ant at that.

But im fucking hodling anyways, fuck it

>> No.2530326

Chinks are smart and selling off all the hype so they can buy back in cheap later.

>> No.2530330

So I'm wondering, why the fuck are you guys holding this? I've been selling when it goes up, buying back up when it goes down. So far working out amazingly. It's not that hard to time if you keep an eye out on the volume + Yunbi prices.

>> No.2530333
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>> No.2530340

DOE act kinder to ants now? they are so genuine and productive. I say hi to them whenever i see one now

>> No.2530349

No, burn em all with magnifying glass

>> No.2530350

i was doing the same, i panicked bought back in at 490k

>> No.2530364

Chinks going to sleep, will it dump before they wake up?

Yesterday it mooned while they were asleep

>> No.2530365
File: 717 KB, 1050x600, jack-ma-blue-resize[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so. How high this shit will go if he announces he will integrate ANS on alibaba?

>> No.2530372


It's fucking Jeff Bezos. They are partnering with Amazon, AMZN is entering crypto.

Last chance. BUY BUY BUY

>> No.2530374

you're probably scalping max 50 dollars every time though. if something big happens you might miss out on much more.

>> No.2530377
File: 23 KB, 600x484, c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawning lines to cope.

I was the anon that kept telling you sell lul. You could have bought back in later ya know.

>> No.2530378

Because I bought high.

>> No.2530386

Ah, that sucks man, hopefully it moons today again. I saw that it crashed on Yunbi a few minutes before Bittrex so I got out before the big dip, then back in when it was 340k. Have made like 20 trades since then.

>> No.2530398

im tired looking at the screen

i drew these lines a long time ago

>> No.2530409

I'm holding because it's stable at 10-11, I don't think it will drop more to sell off. If it pumps again to 15 I'll sell and then buy at another dip, but it's basically been the same exact price for 12 hours now.

>> No.2530418

I'll buy back in when it's looking good. I'd rather do it this way than to be holding bags right now. So long as I get in under 440k (we're a long way off from 440 right now), I will have as many ANS as before.

>> No.2530428
File: 160 KB, 1880x641, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw this

>> No.2530431

kek, technical analysis is a meme. Just a tool for autists who like pattern recognition

>> No.2530433

Highly possible. Jack Ma love the block chain tech. Probably integrate to alipay.

>> No.2530435

This. I've made most of my profits from the dumps, not from the coin mooning itself. The pattern is very predictable.

>> No.2530441

I been doing the same, but get trapped on the big dump to 36k, cuz i had an order set at 50 and leave pc, now i can only bag hold now

>> No.2530444

it's all about entry points

>> No.2530458

Onchain, an open-source universal blockchain system, has announced that it will provide framework for Alibaba’s blockchain-powered email evidence repository.

Alibaba cloud uses Law Chain, a consortium chain. Though the technology is from Onchain's technology, Law Chain remains a different entity, so it does not constitute Alibaba-Onchain cooperation. Ali Cloud, Alibaba’s cloud computing branch, discussed the partnership at its annual cloud computing conference, Yunqi Cloud Conference, in Hangzhou, China.

Email is one of the most frequently used communication tools for corporate business, and is used as evidence in courtrooms and recognized by judiciaries. Until now, it’s been difficult to extract original email files as digital evidence that can be qualified in court due to the time, resources, inter-departmental cooperation, and technology required. With Ali Cloud’s blockchain-based email evidence repository, users will be able to synchronize and store critical data (along with hash values) of important emails to third parties. In the case of conflicts, users can download the emails in question and send them to judicial departments. Judicial departments can then conduct reviews of the data to produce reports as evidence in a courtroom.

Onchain is the first open-source universal blockchain framework with its team based in Shanghai, which enables fast re-constructions for public, permissioned (consortium) or private blockchains, and will eventually allow interoperability among these modes. Antshares was also powered by the Onchain framework, and received USD 4.5 million in funding, with more than half of the participants came from outside of China.

>> No.2530471


>> No.2530475



>> No.2530480


old news

>> No.2530487

why has nothing shown up in my wallet

I sent my shares from bittrex to my local wallet, but it says i have 0 shares or coins. When I click on my account address it says I have 6 shares on antchain.xyz/address/(my address)

why no show up in wallet.

>> No.2530488

No, its resistance. Small chance for it to be turned into a pump.

>> No.2530491

already price in

>> No.2530495

Yep. Bounces down to 380's, sometimes hits 360, then back up to 400's, 420's if lucky. Very easy to make buy and sell orders on this.

Was shocked to see people leaving sell orders at 600k last night, like come on.

>> No.2530500

on bittrex
have 0.02990000 btc

>> No.2530509

Why the fuck are people trying to day trade this shit? I can't believe I have actually seen people post here that they sold this for a loss.

This is a long hodl. You either hodl the bag til it hits the bottom of the ocean or you cash out in December after making 20x gains. Fuck off trying to read the day trade chart, it means jack shit right now.

>> No.2530518

For those who have been keeping an eye on Yunbi to make buy/sell decisions, keep in mind that Bittrex now has almost the same volume as Yunbi (35.9% vs 36.5%), so it's not a very reliable indicator anymore (yesterday Yunbi was like 50%+ vs 15% on Bittrex)

Still worth keeping an eye on it though

>> No.2530520

will it go back to 400, thinking of setting an order

>> No.2530527

I'm not trusting these chink niggers with a fucking dime of my money.

>> No.2530530

by doing both, you can maximize profits
>have long term position
>do day trading when it's comfy

>> No.2530531

Or you know. You sell when you clearly see a crash is imminent and buy more back later.

>> No.2530535


please tell me you sold at a loss

>> No.2530541

I'm eating gook-instant noodles like a retard for good luck.

>> No.2530543

Wew a lot of fudders today. If you have so much free time and aren't invested in this what are you doing in this thread? Trying to drop the price to buy in eh.

>> No.2530550

Is that mainly from a bittrex volume increase or a Yunbi volume decrease tho?

>> No.2530551

I can't believe the coin died 2 days BEFORE the conference. what the fuck

>> No.2530561

Ye totally bro, we just want to buy in when the ship has been crashing now for 1.5 days.

>> No.2530565

>everyone who criticizes the coin is a fudder
you're retarded, it's impossible for one person to fud and drop the price for a coin with this much volume, kys

>> No.2530569

it's not dying, retard

>> No.2530571

Then why are you here wasting your time bro? Trying to help random strangers over the internet with their money? kek

>> No.2530573

The gave a shitload of ants to Gates as a welcome and he immediately transfer them to BTC

>> No.2530581

I can't sell now. So this better not go to shit forever after the conference.

>> No.2530589

Yup you got baited hard.

>> No.2530609

>people are screaming it's dying
>it's actually stabilizing

GTFO with this bait

>> No.2530613


>> No.2530618

the crazy pumps happen late night here

>> No.2530622

Actually yes BRO. I have been trying to warn you guys for 2 hours that their assholes here who are offloading their bags on you :^).

Of course Ill buy in again later for cheap :D

>> No.2530633

I probably bought back in a little too high (420ish) but it looks steady in this range, so I'll just wait for another lift off.

>> No.2530637

The man who enabled you to shitpost here by using his pirated OS

>> No.2530638

(citation needed)

>> No.2530645

Everyone believes in this shit, all the bots are programmed according to TA, so it isn't stupid to use it

>> No.2530652

LOL if you think bill gates will actually speak at the conference, how retarded are you?

>> No.2530653

Holy kek it's the same amount of my initial deposit

>> No.2530654

>thinking he was being serious
Neck yourself

>> No.2530667

(amount of BTC)

>> No.2530672

Wasnt it about 7/7.30 pm Euro time yesterday?
Could it be about the same today? Just gone 6pm now

>> No.2530678

Guys, not trying to FUD but desu this coin will be worth less than RDD in the next few days. Trust me I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.2530686

that's when i sleep and i saw no movemet at those times

>> No.2530705

Was this a massive pnd or something? If it was it has to be one the biggest I have ever witnessed to.

>> No.2530713

What country are you all from?

>> No.2530724

Chinks are very experienced at currency manipulation

>> No.2530730


>> No.2530731


>> No.2530734

Source this please, hilarious if true.

>> No.2530738


>> No.2530744


>> No.2530747

Go poo on your designated street pajeet.

>> No.2530751

10k btc volume removed in last few hours

>> No.2530761
File: 148 KB, 768x551, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2530771

all technical analysis that isn't backtested is bullshit. drawing lines and using random macd's and shit is 100% useless

bots are usually programmed to test their algorithm on datasets and shit.

>> No.2530773

Do any of you know absolutely ANYTHING about the history of China?


They entire scheme was so that Westerners funnel BTC into China. Hopefully none of you actually stored your coins into their wallets either.. get that shit back into an exchange and stop giving your fucking money to chinks.

>> No.2530774
File: 86 KB, 1111x496, Definitely a pump and dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was this a massive pnd or something?

Yes anon you figured it out.

>> No.2530785

I know that anon, but it seems like the market went off and running with it after that for some reason. I wonder why.

>> No.2530787

There is no way that shit is gonna fly up again, or am I wrong?

>> No.2530797

>Dropped back to 300k sats
What went wrong?

>> No.2530801


Same lad where at?

>> No.2530802

If it got to 1/3th of Eth's market cap it would be a 20x gain

>> No.2530805

you got caught in a classic P&D

>> No.2530818

yes you are

>> No.2530825

ANONs if this breaks support at 3700 will it drop back to 3k?

>> No.2530841

more like 250k

>> No.2530848


God I would love that. I'd buy more

>> No.2530855

Kildare, not far from Naas. you?
I pretty much dont know what Im doing with Crypto, was just buying Bitcoins steadily then decided to check out some other this week

>> No.2530858
File: 62 KB, 600x900, 1497786706419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only bough 30 at 4

>> No.2530864

We will keep falling to ~330k, and then the chinks wake up to ignite a massive moon buying all our dips, going to a new ATH the day before the event. Just HODL.

>> No.2530870

Starting to sound a lot like DGB at 19k sats

>> No.2530875

>people are screaming stabilizing
>it's actually dying

GTFO with this bait

>> No.2530878


Donegal. I'm in a similar boat. having fun with it but I really enjoy gambling so eh, right up my alley.

>> No.2530882

this whole thing was a scam wasn't it? time to sell.

>> No.2530886


>> No.2530894

Let's be real you didn't own any.

>> No.2530895

sell its dropping to 300k

>> No.2530900

I will hold till 200k

>> No.2530903

Better let Microsoft know they've been scammed.

>> No.2530905

it's plummeting on bittrex...fuck this i'm out

>> No.2530906

nope, not comfy, got out at 370k thank god.

>> No.2530907

This is why many people were saying to treat this as a day trading PND.

I sat at my computer all day yesterday and followed ANS up and down. It's clearly on a down trend now, at least temporarily, so you should be buying now (if you have faith) and not holding bags. If you sell every time it peaked and saw resistance, you may miss out on some gains, but you won't be holding bags like a total loser.

Come on guys. Now below 370k. Instead of "hodling" like a moron, you should have sold at the recent spike around 415k or so, and be buying up this current dip...

Open a window with https://yunbi.com/markets/anscny - you can be ahead on the trend by a few minutes. Anyone looking at Yunbi was able to get out when it was above 50k, because it crashed on Yunbi a few minutes before it did on Bittrex. I just don't understand what some of you are doing. There's a reason the Chinese bots are buying and selling; if you follow them you'll make a lot, if you buy into the hodl meme like a low IQ fucking idiot, you'll be holding bags.

>> No.2530909

actually kinda happy right now that I have only like 30 ANS in it and my wire transfer takes so long...

>> No.2530920

Yeah, I dont bother gambling much anymore, but I find the crypto more addicting I guess as Its constantly there on the fly you can be up and down in seconds. Mad shit!

>> No.2530922


wrong. own 100. bought in on the 17th at 3.40$. going to cash out and take what i can get. fuck this.

>> No.2530928

Prove it

>> No.2530932


I've always seen ANS as a long-term hold (STRAT too). It's a genuinely good coin and developers seem serious. People who expect mooning 24/7 and big dips are goddamned idiots. Plus the damned conference hasn't even happened yet

>> No.2530939

im buying in @ 29k 1000ants

>> No.2530940


Lol gj shill

>> No.2530941

How do I get BTC from Coinbase to Bittrex again? Newbie here, want to get on the rocket to the mon

>> No.2530947

pump and dump, avoid

>> No.2530948

Now reaching 350k lmao. Anyone who is not a hodltard can easily make huge gains buying now as the Bittrex price gets very close to the price on Yunbi.

>> No.2530953



>> No.2530956


get a wallet then send it to bittrex. don't send from exchange to exchange you'll get your account closed that way.

>> No.2530960


>> No.2530963


>> No.2530965

Alright, time to sell and rebuy at the lowest point, before the evening pump.

>> No.2530967


>> No.2530968

Spain, olé

>> No.2530971

guys where to buy back in help? how long will it dip

>> No.2530985

any wallet you would recommend?

>> No.2530987

on coinbase go to your btc wallet, hit the plus, select send, and enter the address

>> No.2530988

under 300

>> No.2530998

>Price is 0.00310 on yunbi

>> No.2531002

Time to abandon ship

>> No.2531004


>> No.2531006

we pumpin boiiizz

>> No.2531008


i use exodus desktop wallet

>> No.2531014
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1441753184481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinks are baiting way too hard

>> No.2531018

what are your profits on this coin so far? in terms of % of your portfolio before trading this coin and in terms of USD

>> No.2531026

going back up

>> No.2531027

Kek. There are no "developers" and "team" in China. Chinese treat everything if it was in state property. Make some profit in one day, turn everything in a literally shit around themselves- and move to British Columbia... or buy a good position within CPC

>> No.2531030

I send 2.4451000 BTC. How much time till is processed?

>> No.2531033

Stop shilling this. It will drop right after the conference.

>> No.2531036

last time i become a victim of this fucking hodl meme, could have actually made money selling and buying when i thought i should

>> No.2531038


>> No.2531039

Fuck im still in profit but don't wanna sell before new ATH..
Its.not a scam coin it's like eth and Chinese and conference and blabla.
It's a real coin, no way the pump isn't coming in the next 1-2 hours

>> No.2531041

Volume picking up like crazy. Here we go!

>> No.2531044
File: 102 KB, 863x752, the ride never ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell at 360
>starts going back up
At least I made like $17

>> No.2531047

>bought in at 440k
Guys what should i do? Hodl or cut my losses?

>> No.2531052
File: 926 KB, 1500x1483, 108498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold
I can't handle the stress. I'm up over 300% so can't complain

>> No.2531053

wow. this coin is dead

>> No.2531055

god damn

i take a 10 minute nap yesterday right before the dip appeared on chink exchange

i missed the pull out opportunity

now i'm left holding bags

>> No.2531057

probably like 20-30min for confirmations to go through

>> No.2531063

>tfw i almost clicked sell at 360

>> No.2531072

cut your losses and buy back in at 300k

>> No.2531073

Mother fucker just got burned 7 ans. This is too wild for me to trade. HOLDD

>> No.2531077

Everyone sell now so we can buy the dip at 280k

>> No.2531084


>> No.2531085

Volume is again going up (and fast)

>> No.2531107
File: 182 KB, 866x635, 1497811691195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that yunbi tip actually works

>> No.2531108

hold bitches. tide is finally turning

>> No.2531110

Odin give this coin the power to Moon. I know that it will happen if I truly believe and I do. I don't even care about my digits over this

>> No.2531112

This shit happened yesterday. I remember seeing in one fucking minute going from 12 to 8 back to 10 back to 11 back to 9 then back to 12.

>> No.2531113

Volume just increased 170btc in 10 min

>> No.2531118

it's been around 10 all day you plebs. This shit isn't going anywhere.

>> No.2531121

Just shaking out the weak hands nothing unusual happening

>> No.2531124

nigga you wat?

>> No.2531128

hon mayo!
crypto capital of the wesht

>> No.2531129

I really hope no one sold lmao.
Are you getting them to scare you when the price is stable at 10 dollars? Stop chart watching this shit is about to MOOOOOON

>> No.2531131

>File: hqdefault.jpg (19 KB, 480x360)
>>i just sent a bunch of money to a chinese cartoon ant
>what the fuck timeline is this?

>> No.2531135

Hello friend I two am wale my china friends ready to make as you say "moon" happen but first need basic help for these ant love you long time


>> No.2531136

>Just set my stop loss to just a life under break even

Could have gotten out 500 bucks richer, oh well

>> No.2531139

18 more ants, would;ve been more if I hadn't chrashed as hard but still, nice

now up you go!

>> No.2531141

Thats still nice digits for what you said

>> No.2531144

yall fuckers ready to bag that shit for months! it is crashing and it aint coming back up .screenshot this nigger

>> No.2531148

has the panic sell set in but smart people scooping up?

>> No.2531155


>> No.2531156

300% on my initial 0.1BTC in this (not much of course, and I got in rather late at above 200k), but if someone had done the same thing all in on ANS, they'd have had massive gains.

But I guess some people have to hold bags for others to make money.

>> No.2531158

Don't fall for this meme.

>> No.2531171

this is not mooning, it's dying.

>> No.2531173


Did you make /biz/ proud by buying high and selling low?

>> No.2531175
File: 54 KB, 917x840, mao's a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2531183

playing with fire with this right now

cut your losses and buy back if/when it starts getting pumped

>> No.2531188

>Just shaking out the weak hands nothing unusual happening

...says increasingly nervous man for seventh time this hour

>> No.2531189

it will go down, probably around 300

>> No.2531191

nice. how many trades have you had in this coin?

>> No.2531202

It really is a profoundly stupid one. Notice how there's people constantly selling for huge amounts. ANS is 320k on Yunbi. Even when you factor in transaction fees etc., the Chinese whales are making huge gains every time they transfer ANS to Bittrex.

>> No.2531204

Bro sell. Seriously sell! We are not trying to trick you. You can always buy back in a new hype train back later.

>> No.2531217


Yunbi is terrible for arbitrage though, shit takes forever

>> No.2531227
File: 487 KB, 320x240, 1492293076355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this coin is legit.
But remember don't let your emotions trade for you
Be happy with your gains
Don't get greedy

>> No.2531234

GUYS srs help. I WENT ALL IN at 440k Am i going to get rekt? or hold till pump later? feeling cucked by chinks

>> No.2531237

Is this the end of ANS?

>> No.2531238
File: 83 KB, 1360x568, ¥60-8 ANS-CNY - Yunbi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chink ants just flatlined


>> No.2531243

you got cucked, anon

>> No.2531246

Who wants to hold my bags of ANS, PTOY and SWT?

>> No.2531247

No one knows, but this will probably continue to fall for now. Sell now buy back in later and hold

>> No.2531261

small pump, lets see

>> No.2531265

If you didn't sell at 15 you are fucked.

>> No.2531267

jelly hands BTFO

>> No.2531270

It will never go back to 500k sats isn't it?

>> No.2531271

You guys are all such weak handed faggots, the conference hasn't even happend

>> No.2531274

Back over 10 green shoots

>> No.2531283

It just shot up two dollars on the Chinese exchanges. It's 420. Pump incoming.

>> No.2531285

Cucked beyond repair. You can HODL for a few months.

>> No.2531286

i dont care i have 1000ants and i hold ;)

>> No.2531290

It went up like 7x in what 3-4 days a correction is normal people are profit taking chill just dont sell and hodl these days will be all forgotten in few months

>> No.2531292

I've held since 409, one more dump and i'm selling.

>> No.2531294

You will be okay. At least if you didnt put your life savings in it. Just buy some knee pads and offer to suck dick on craigslist and you will have the money you lost back in no time

>> No.2531295

Wow lol. You're pretty fucked. Why would you buy at an ATH?

>> No.2531298

THE GUEST SPEAKERS: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OG5KU6Y-jfvB3lRlmBLCbg

>> No.2531300

>bought in at 440k

Why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.2531309

>still below 400k
It'll drop further.

>> No.2531310

It will floor even harder at the conference kek. Are those bags heavy anon :^) ?

>> No.2531316

>440 was ATH
You know the meaning of ATH mate?

>> No.2531327
File: 153 KB, 374x349, subway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest in piss...

>> No.2531337

That wasnt the ATH

>> No.2531342

>buying ANS over 100k

>> No.2531343

>conference hasn't even happened yet
>panic selling.


>> No.2531353


>> No.2531354

thats not including the SECRET guest speaker though.
Probably gonna be the janitor but it COULD be Jack Ma from alibaba

>> No.2531356

Ok so went all in at 44k sold all at 37 k and just panic bought back all in 37.5k. I feel molested and about to puke

>> No.2531360

Wew, at the first sign of recovery the whales put down the sell walls to stop it

>> No.2531363

Sell the news

>> No.2531366

i got what happened

the coin was overpriced on bittrex so some chink whale transfered is coins from chink exchange to bitrex and pumped the coin

a group of whales i believe

>> No.2531372
File: 7 KB, 280x180, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge sell walls set up


>> No.2531374
File: 1.08 MB, 680x680, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you have to give a speech about your new product while it is free falling so you get more depressed every second and jump out the window in the middle of the conference and just after that it skyrockets.

>> No.2531385

it's either the starting blocks for a pump or the signal to head and shoulder shakeout

>> No.2531386

>those sell walls


>> No.2531394


Why the fuck would you do what the whales want you to do? They want cheaper ANS because they believe in it

>> No.2531398

Im bad at trading bcz of my nigger genetics. SRS Im down 5k / holdind till eoy

>> No.2531408

Yes sell now, but in later.

>> No.2531409

Nah just a dead cat bounce and another crash.

>> No.2531412

Wait till it hits other exchanges

>> No.2531414
File: 136 KB, 698x658, 1481138879513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... I'm so sorry...

>> No.2531421

>Buys at $4
>Sells at 500K after noticing the Yunbi crash
>Buys back in at 450K

Don't try to catch a falling knife boys

>> No.2531423

Just put my ANS into CANN and now back into BTC before my +50% gains melt away.
Can I come back to ANS or should I wait?

>> No.2531429

Part of life is recognizing your shortcomings, not everyone can be the jewish master race. So don't worry friend I will continue to help you get easy gibs as long as you keep muh dicking the white women.

>> No.2531433


A dead cat bounce wouldn't need to be officiated by whales putting up 22 BTC sell walls

>> No.2531444

or whales want to keep price down to scoop up more

remember a whale can not buy all at once

when you have hundreds of BTC, you make too much movement

the whole refuelling meme is just whales scooping up to sell later

>> No.2531460

that fucking sell wall keeps pushing back right in front of whatever price is current - is this manipulation?

>> No.2531463


>> No.2531466

>no new thread even
RIP OP went to kill himself

>> No.2531468

Sold this shit.

>> No.2531470

To buy in later cheaper

>> No.2531474

im out boys, might get back in after the conference

>> No.2531484

I see, thanks trading bro's. Just made my first 500$ in crypto. Already learned to sell at ATH no and never buy at ATH.

Keep learning more every day.

>> No.2531486


i bought in at 2$ so i'm not going to kill myself just yet

this is AIDs though

>> No.2531496

Well I sold the majority of my ants. Made 20k profit in a few days so I'm pretty happy.

>> No.2531504

wtf I hate ANS now

>> No.2531505

When is the conference again?

>> No.2531508

You're retarded and probably shouldn't do trading

>> No.2531510

This is when the pump started yesterday..

>> No.2531528
File: 149 KB, 1000x667, lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys calling 21 BTC a sell wall? Holy fuck guys, that's nothing. Yesterday there was a 230 BTC sell wall at 450k and it got torn to shreds.

It's just idiots dumping their coins in anticipation of a disappointing conference tomorrow. Just hodl a few weeks and you're gonna make some big money on this coin.

Screencap me faggots

>> No.2531535


>> No.2531536

GUYS i put my life savings in at 44 k and dont know what to think. Feeling cucked like president macron. I am praying to lord kek for this god blessed pump. Where are my holders?

>> No.2531539


Pump doesn't start until the whales let it

>> No.2531555

This is the new theme song of ANS.

>> No.2531557

The ant looks hot, has bj eyes

>> No.2531562

you're a fool

>> No.2531574

Wait a sec, if the volume is really high, why the fuck price is bouncing for 5% up and down every second since 17th of May? It's more common for low-volume PnD shitcoin

>> No.2531587


It's not huge, but it's enough to discourage people if a coin has largely stagnated/dropped for a little while

>> No.2531597

just hold it. The coin had a promising future ahead of it.

>> No.2531599


>> No.2531612

looks like a pump is coming

>> No.2531618

holder here. still at a 155% profit though, so i'll just hold and see what happens. how much exactly were your life savings?

>> No.2531630

you hopefully mean "has"

>> No.2531634

Also, tripps of truth.

>> No.2531643

Because of the slowness of the Chinese exchanges. Arbitrage is slow, so they price is bouncing from people dumping huge amounts of coin then people snatching it up because it's a bargain compared to the price on Bittrex.

>> No.2531655

yes. thats what I meant.

>> No.2531667

does anyone have any idea why its dumping?

>> No.2531681

because it skyrocketed 100s of percents over the course of a day or two you dumbfuck

>> No.2531682

profit taking, panic selling, anticpating bad conference. take your pick

>> No.2531703

ez cheap ans, thx weaklings

>> No.2531709

It grew unnaturally over 2 days from false hype alone. DGB all over again.

>> No.2531713

my life savings are 10 k. I think it is possible for it to hit ATH again before conference, if not probable, right? Im trying to get out of this fucking hood desu so hoping for good things

>> No.2531740

Who the fuck is selling at $10? These people are retards

>> No.2531739

fuck this dead coin. it already increased 8x there won't be a massive increase

>> No.2531746

it will moon to 600 the next days no worries

>> No.2531747

Shut the fuck up you cunt.

this isn't selling the news at all why would whales dump so soon?

>> No.2531750

Thank DGB. I really did learn from that disastor.
Threw away mad +500% gains and traded them for just a decent +50%. Never going to let my greed overtake me again.

>> No.2531754

if this doesn't pump while the Chinese are sleeping it def will when they wake up and see cheap Ants. sell if you want to lose your ants

>> No.2531756

buy wall quite strong on bittrex. Just you wait

>> No.2531763

going up a bit

>> No.2531765

Sell now before it plummets further.

>> No.2531766


>> No.2531771

Sell at $10? You have to be a moron

>> No.2531772

>If it doesn't pump now it must pump later
>I.E. I bought at ATH and want my gainz

>> No.2531779



>> No.2531780

There goes the sell walls kek

>> No.2531783

sell walls gone

>> No.2531786

Holy fuck

that buy wall is too real

went from $10 to $10.50 in 1 minute

the chinese are asleep

>> No.2531789


>> No.2531801

well that was one risky move anon. never invest what you can't afford to lose. i can't give you any advice but i'm still bullish on this thing. it's still up 167% the past 3 days and you really can't expect a new ATH everyday.

>> No.2531804

See you on the moon;)

>> No.2531815

holy fuck

>> No.2531840

watching bittrex is so entertaining right now. That fucking buy wall.

>> No.2531865
File: 50 KB, 1024x984, photo-167103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I bought it for 0.00390000, do I have a chance to profit properly?

>> No.2531875
File: 6 KB, 210x230, st,small,215x235-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's gonna happen to this after all?

>> No.2531879


>> No.2531893

might as well hold now

>> No.2531964

Way too much interest in this coin for it to tank before the event. Chinese traders definitely had some fun just now though.

>> No.2531983

The buy walls really don't mean anything, it's the sell walls you need to watch.
People are pumping coins huge amounts of coin for sale constantly right now, and the walls are just getting demolished almost instantly.

If you look at the volume, even after dropping significantly today it's still competing with ETH for volume traded on Bittrex.

Pretty spectacular for a chink shitcoin.

>> No.2532041

Really don't think microsoftpenis and bancor are going to put their name on a pump and dump shitcoin. Huge branding mistake for no gain. This is however some whales flopping about taking advantage of the news. Legitimacy of the event and partnerships should not be in doubt because of that.

>> No.2532065

i think this is the case. however eth still had a lot more announcements to inflate price with

>> No.2532101

Seems like everyone here is only interested in shorting, or making quick gains and selling. I'm holding this for at least a year, has potential to take off but you have to be PATIENT

>> No.2532116

Still a few days to go and plus we can't read chynese. Bigger announcements will be during and after. Rebrand, partnership deets, etc. Might not be a normal "sell on news" situation. They're pretty much telling us the news already.

>> No.2532151

Bro I'm here for at least two days, maybe a week, maybe more. Depends on what Sia does too. Might also swing some over to DGB for some July news that's not being publicized hardly at all.

>> No.2532154

I cant wait! I love China <3

>> No.2532185
File: 11 KB, 667x200, ants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the profits already though

>> No.2532287
File: 50 KB, 960x720, IMG_3006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you know?

>> No.2532352

In the red...