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25295813 No.25295813 [Reply] [Original]

Instagram's new TOS:
>collect information from and about computers, phones, and connected TVs and other web-connected devices that integrate with [instagram]
>will collect information about other devices nearby or on your network
>will collect information from address book
>will collect call history
>will collect SMS log history
>your probably didn't read this, but if you continue to use our service you consent to the TOS

Hope you anons aren't looking at instagram on any of your devices you use for crypto...

>> No.25295902

who is that man

>> No.25295977

How do you know? Is it legit? I am a really good programmist and i've written some nice bugs that are waiting to get implemented into someones devices and that migjt be my chance...

>> No.25296032

She is perfect.

>> No.25296723
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>> No.25296743

please tell me its not a man

>> No.25296748

jesus christ that is the hottest woman i have ever seen

>> No.25296758


>> No.25296818

White women never stood a chance

>> No.25296845

good luck programmist sir

>> No.25296914

What difference would it make with crypto?

>> No.25296916
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>> No.25297131

the worst is even if YOU don't use instagram, they will mine data about you with your friends who use it

>> No.25297162

This is why I'm only friends with people that don't use social media

>> No.25297224


>> No.25297269

plez use hiragana next time :(

>> No.25297283

help a brainlet out here...what if you have an instagram account you cannot log in anymore, but you don't use it, no app no nothing?
iam fine am i?

>> No.25297313

I use vpn.

>> No.25297321

>want to look at cool stuff and pretty girls
>app data mines you and installs a keylogger
>whoops anon, sorry we stole all your buttcoins - but you consented to our terms by having this app

>> No.25297336

she do jav?

>> No.25297394
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gib gt asian gf

>> No.25297442

why cant you just appreciate beauty

>> No.25297506

implying they didnt do it before, once you give access to your location, file, address book, SMS, not to mention any API will have your computer info.

oh yea and you dont use WhatsApp or Facebook? They do the SAME.

i hate stupid chinks like you.

>> No.25297527
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>> No.25297676
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>> No.25297792

Is this a genuine concern or schizophrenia?
Facebook already has too much money to knkw what to do with it why would they want everyone’s crypto and face severe legal penalties?

>> No.25297945

>why would they want everyone’s crypto
anons having an alternative to fiat is enabling white supremacy!

>and face severe legal penalties?
they pay a few million in fines at most, if at all. not a concern for faceberg.

>> No.25298150

fud, post source

>> No.25298177
File: 56 KB, 951x525, EprXCCeUYAAEMLT~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the way the underwear squeezes that healthy fat ratio
I'm literally going to coom rn

>> No.25298190

never heard of it, dont care about it
probably because im the most based being