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File: 24 KB, 727x352, nyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25295559 No.25295559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Amazing how pissed off the nyt gets when one refuses to play their silly games. This is like the third hit piece in a few weeks.

>> No.25295662

>pakis chinks and nerds are the only ones who actually know crypto and can manage an exchange
>women are for hr type reception shit

>> No.25295675

Fuck Racism. I hope Biden shuts Coinbase down.

>> No.25295744

fud to keep niggers and thots out of crypto? fine with me

>> No.25295824

That's why we call it Coinbased
I don't get this mentality, why would we not want their money?

>> No.25295954
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You can’t underpay someone. The wage they’re willing to work for is exactly what they should be paid. Prove me wrong.

>> No.25296009

This frankly. If it hurts one poor little niggerinos feelings it simply should not exist.

>> No.25296069

have you seen what black people spend their money on?

do you know what useless shit women value?

>> No.25296121
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coinbase is one of the most cucked crypto exchanges and even they're based as fuck compared to boomer companies. crypto will bring an unprecedented revolution of sanity and efficiency to all aspects of life, not just the financial parts.

>> No.25296176

nyt is just pricing the sjws out until the point of no return, what ever shall we do?

>> No.25296210

yes. I worked at nordstrom for the holidays. It's absurd.

>> No.25296252

coinbase is owned by kikey jews so dont get too excited about so-called "based" behavior there

>> No.25296256


>> No.25296269

They're on a vendetta tear lately, might have something to do with the rumors about them gearing up to let go of a ton of their "journalists". Probably everybody just trying to publish tabloid-tier smear pieces to show their boss that they're bringing in readers

>> No.25296391

ok. you are wrong because you're a kike

>> No.25296403

I'm always sick of their disingenuous trick of saying women get paid less than men. In any situation where this actually deliberately happened between EQUAL POSITIONS there would be thousands of civil rights lawsuits, and that company would be driven into the ground.
This anon gets it. Women make less than men, because they usually avoid risk and are largely absent in cutting-edge and rapidly evolving industries such as crypto. They only get involved once an organization or space has matured, and is much more stable.
More Risk = More Reward, and is why men always top highest earnings lists.

>> No.25296663

Employees and employers do not have equal amounts of power in an economy with a deliberate, massive labor surplus created by h1bs and other economic tourists

What you are is jealous, you see people being treated poorly and exploited, and instead of feeling outrage, you feel envy- you wish you could be the one exploiting(and you won't be, you delusional bootlicker)

>> No.25296798

I know it's bait but I can't resist.

>Gets job at McDonald's
>"So anon, what were you thinking in terms of your hourly wage to be our newest drive thru attendant?"
>"W-well that's pretty uh *adjusts necktie* steep heh, are you s-sure we can't talk you down to something a b-bit more reasonable?"
>"*sigh* Okay, well according to the law the wage you're willing to work for is exactly what you should be paid. Welcome to McDonald's."

2 weeks later
>McDonald's Bankrupt After Brave Proletariat Demands Being Paid What He Wanted, Thousands of Employees Lose Their Jobs In Historical Victory for Socialism

>> No.25296855

>I know it's bait
nah you're just retarded

>> No.25296920

How to profit from this?
I've told you all before but I'll go ahead and repeat it for those in the back of the bus. These blatant smears will escalate as CB gets closer to IPO. A lot of the investors will want to jump in, but the woke mob will give them pause. So they will look at alternatives. They will look at VYGVF. They will dig a little deeper and find its a better platform at a fraction of the marketcap and it's run by seasoned tech titans. They will buy. And if you are smart, you will be selling them your bags. Easy 10 - 20x with almost no downside risk. And it's on sale after a failed hack attempt today.

>> No.25296940

Dumb nigger they don’t get hired and the next person in the stack of 200 resumes from various Ramirez and shanaqyuas is chosen

>> No.25297355

I hope Biden shuts all crypto down. crypto is racist and sexist because women and pocs don't possess composure and intelligence needed to invest, according to neoliberal sources.

>> No.25297451

collectively, two of the stupidest posts i've seen in a while

Checked and Based.

>> No.25297512

They belong at home, raising the youngin's and keeping them in perpetual fear of the asswhippin I'm going to lay down once i get home.

>> No.25297540

Why do girls doing stuff like marketing or pr work expect to make the same as a programmer/developer actually building and maintaining the thing? This is coming from a guy who makes the majority of his money through marketing as well.

I'd be willing to bet 0% of those girls being "underpaid" were programmers

>> No.25297554

Goodness what a faggot you are.

>> No.25297768

You Cryptofags should be afraid

>> No.25297814

No one cares

>> No.25297854

Women should be paid less than men and the market is being fair by paying them less.

>> No.25298430

Fuck off nigger.

>> No.25298621

I think for the most part people need to push themselves more towards this opinion, but it's not like this opinion is entirely correct either

When people can't take risks or have little alternatives, they can't be fully rational market participants, and people who have enough capital to tolerate risk gain advantages when trading with the risk-intolerant participants. This isn't a moral statement, this is a practical one: if we want markets to have in practice the incredible properties they do have in theory, we need to enable people to be rational participants by positioning them to take risks and negotiate: wages will be fair when you can afford to take two weeks off to shop around offers, for example

Tl;dr if you're a real capitalist you should want UBI

>> No.25298624
File: 27 KB, 437x500, 1609101172654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the reason why she did it?

>> No.25298658

There's a good chance it just means that women and blacks suck at salary negotiation

>> No.25299002

>why would we not want their money?
What money? Niggers don’t even tip. And women would rather spend money on tangible items like make up or a nice car. On both fronts, we are dealing with children.

>> No.25299053
File: 58 KB, 640x640, 9326AEC0-BBE4-4D0B-A66A-0BF5CB764172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25299061


>> No.25299167


Why do companies hire white men if they’re more expensive? Doesn’t make sense. Wouldnt a company be at a competitive disadvantage if they paid white men more based on the false premise that they are more deserving of their higher pay rate? Either a) white men are actually better and worth the premium, b) companies are being racist for no reason and will pay the price when they get outcompeted by a non racist company, or c) the libshits are making all this up.

>> No.25299212

i think a

>> No.25299223


Won’t people also be less motivated to seek higher wages tho. Min/maxing

>> No.25299224


>> No.25299248

Jessica at Celsius

>> No.25299274

say please

>> No.25299330

aren't a) and c) compatible rather than exclusive?

>> No.25299402
File: 124 KB, 561x663, ruby bhattacharya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25299421

I think the sum of the productivity you get out of people who would be content doing no work with their life and living off of 25k a year or whatever and not accomplishing anything is pretty low and getting lower by the year, frankly. This is speculation of course. But I think you also imagine significant gains from workers being more enabled to find the areas where they are most motivated and productive rather than forced to take the first job that keeps them from starving. Giving people optionality generally results in better long term outcomes

>> No.25299462

Imagine working with Rudy there and she 1. Doesnt get anything you say and 2. Feels mansplained if you explain it.

>> No.25299470


>> No.25299472


Sure you can have both but it depends on how they arrived at their statistics. You can manipulate numbers to tell whatever kind of narrative you desire

>> No.25299507

wtf I love Coinbase now

>> No.25299520


Only works in white societies (that self-regulate population).

In chink, pajeet, and nigger society, humans are genuinely expendable.

>> No.25299564

>wagies were taken advantage of
and nobody was surprised

>> No.25299621

>Born in England to Indian parents
Thanks, bongs.

>> No.25300689

what a useless "human" being

>> No.25300754


>> No.25300783

I know we joke about women being men a lot here, but in this case that is literally a man

>> No.25300835
File: 168 KB, 512x512, 1606368589183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile at coinbase

>> No.25300874


>> No.25300878

god i just got the ideas to make yamakas with that top one

>> No.25300924

Seeing the NYT continually die brings me great joy. I hope you’re right.

>> No.25301056

when is this pedokike paper going out of business? it's not like they can run a negative budget indefinitely and still keep churning out the hitpieces r-right, kek

>> No.25301395

>Why do companies hire white men if they’re more expensive? Doesn’t make sense. Wouldnt a company be at a competitive disadvantage...

Allow me to explain: there are two kinds of companies that employ people in America: old companies and new companies.

Old companies were set up years and decades ago by white men and have reached a stable equilibrium. They have a niche in the market and a very well defined and understood process that takes defined and known inputs and turns those inputs into outputs (products) for profit with no real critical thinking involved at any level. Because there is no critical thinking needed, companies like this can afford to do the diversity thing, and can even profit from it, because non-whites and non-males can do rote jobs and will accept less pay. Journalists and leftists target these companies and they just slowly grind into the dust because they lose their capability to innovate and adapt to changing markets, but it takes longer than a typical career for this to happen so there's no reason for anyone to avoid this inevitable outcome anyway. It's easier to just ride the corpse into the ground.

New companies do not have well defined and understood processes. They're in the process of creating something new or growing to fill a market niche or trying to upset the market and become dominant. Non-whites and non-males are ill-suited to these tasks since they require critical thinking and risk taking and lots of hard, unpaid work. These are also the companies that pay above market wages, and they typically don't employ lots of minorities. Journalists are frustrated and angry that they can't get these companies to replace critical thinkers with minorities and women and assume the only reason new companies won't do what old companies are willing to do is bigotry. It's actually because new companies are different in nature from old companies.

>> No.25301481

Femanon here. You pathetic incels never fail to amaze me with your pathetic excuses for the wage gap. The truth is women and minorities will be far more successful than any of you in crypto and there is nothing you can do about it besides crying on an anime website.

>> No.25301666
File: 16 KB, 500x380, YJSNPI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Linkedin Park

>> No.25301682

You will never be a woman

>> No.25301716
File: 157 KB, 456x597, 1608394469390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25301724

Translations women and black people didnt have the same skillset as based white people so they got paid less

>> No.25301867


>> No.25301902

yeah it's really simple
women and niggers have the skills of... women and niggers
no way in fuck they deserve anywhere near a competent White man's wage that's actually getting shit done