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File: 17 KB, 432x68, Captura de Pantalla 2020-12-29 a la(s) 9.47.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25281345 No.25281345 [Reply] [Original]

I saw him on the $reef telegram bitching aout losing his life savings because of a coma error and was just helpless. My question is: is there a way he van be helped? Fucking depressing man.

>> No.25281390
File: 301 KB, 536x700, Captura de Pantalla 2020-12-29 a la(s) 9.46.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25281518
File: 302 KB, 517x714, Captura de Pantalla 2020-12-29 a la(s) 9.46.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25281555


>> No.25281564



>> No.25281590

fuck roaches. get the fuck out of europe

>> No.25281596

Like, can he fight binance or some shit?

>> No.25281617

Fake. He wants money from you. Let him post his positions

>> No.25281659
File: 24 KB, 374x363, c6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, imagine being in a third world country, going in debt 15k to buy an utter shitcoin and fat finger it

>> No.25281685

Gonna ask him to send the order.

>> No.25281701

I don‘t care about shitcoins so tell me: can’t this guy just hold for the next pump (let’s say there will be one, the case more most shit tier tokens anyways) what’s so special about it? I read about anons buying this shit for 20c+ why would anyone assume this pos stays so low now?

>> No.25281723
File: 50 KB, 500x477, turkey evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25281746

It's a legit 10x away anon. He's fucked. It's also a shitcoin.

>> No.25281798

Why would you put your life savings on metamask? He deserves it

>> No.25281829
File: 300 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201229-110241_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what you get for fucking with crypto scam bullshit LOL

>> No.25281861

It wa fucking binance. BINANCE

>> No.25281881

>It's a legit 10x away anon. He's fucked.

If its going to go up why not tell him to just wait. This is dumb

>> No.25281916

That is fucking painful. If I wasn’t such a poor Bitch I would send him an ETH to at least try and rebuild with. Jesus Christ, that’s actually really sad.

>> No.25282009
File: 39 KB, 691x584, photo_2020-12-19_12-19-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at all these retards defending that roach

>> No.25282083

I think he's trying to elicit sympathy donations. let him show you the order, if not, assume it's larp.

>> No.25282201

tell him to make a case in kleros court

>> No.25282202

you're a good man, but this happens everywhere all the time, much worse injustices happen every second in this world, just stop thinking about it, that's not a burden for you to carry

>> No.25282234

He's hesitant. Let's see if I can get it out of him

>> No.25282239

Not like the lira is worth anything anyways. He’ll be fine

>> No.25282277

he's definitely lying hes probably got 10 other retards on the line, and he is afraid you'll expose him in the group chat.

>> No.25282302


>> No.25282442

It's currently priced at $0.02. It needs to 10x for Turkish nigga to make his money back.

>> No.25282462

+ turks are notorious scam artists

>> No.25282502
File: 426 KB, 825x702, Captura de Pantalla 2020-12-29 a la(s) 10.19.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking prophetic

>> No.25282537

Only 5x to not utterly fuck yourself over. Always wait for the next pump. Doesn't matter to lose some lunch money at that point.

>> No.25282577
File: 26 KB, 421x421, 1560093903544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh its just a scamming 3rd world monkey

>> No.25282701
File: 211 KB, 513x478, Captura de Pantalla 2020-12-29 a la(s) 10.25.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25282722

Typical turkey behavior. Goddamn them.

>> No.25282817
File: 61 KB, 615x1280, IMG_20201229_091521_594[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all the people saying its a larp

>> No.25282838
File: 51 KB, 591x1280, IMG_20201229_091511_438[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my point is

>> No.25282845

I fucking hate Turks just like how much I hate Jews.

>> No.25282861
File: 96 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20201229_091506_248[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are literally hundreds of these poor fags in the telegram

>> No.25282878

I pray one day to reclaim Constantinople from these savages

>> No.25282887

if you feel sorry for this turkish kebab
what makes him any different from the hundreds of others that fell for this

>> No.25282941

I hate Turkey so fucking much

>> No.25282988

Turk here, never trust a third worlder you just met online

>> No.25283049

This is why I QUADRUPLE check every transaction. Also YFI insurances for these kind of mistakes can't come soon enough

>> No.25283057

You /pol/ tourists only respect eastern europeans huh

>> No.25283121

It wasnt a fat finger anons
These fucks bought the first wick of a scam coin
The rest is history
A ton of people bought at .1-.4 just for the shit to dump to .02 seconds after

>> No.25283126

Post it in the group chat.

>> No.25283292

Once you get over this fake larp check out how many fags actually lost their entire life savings on this shit
bottom line is, you cant help them all
if you wanna help anyone just scroll up the price chat group lmao
its fucking pathetic

>> No.25283518

Do u even know how binance works?? If something is at 30c and i enter 1 dollar price, it will just buy at the latest sell price, wtf anon...

>> No.25283553

who cares if some turkish cockroach got JUSTed, fuck him

>> No.25283685

>is there a way he van be helped?
No, this is a perfect case for rope.

>> No.25283726

Probably a pity based scam.

>> No.25284260

There was a thread about germanfag losing 60k eur with this shitcoin lmao

>> No.25284334

based boomerstock chad

>> No.25284372

lol i was seeing some bad reef threads before i went to bed last night
rip lil niggas

>> No.25284444

How do you actually get into a presale? Lots of niggers getting dumped on. How do I get to be the guy who dumps on others

>> No.25284455

Never trust anyone until you've got drunk with them. In vino veritas.

>> No.25284456

Honestly imo no matter how much they lost the lesson itself is priceless, some niggers on that thread i linked literally said
>but i thought this would do like grt
Like what the fuck?

>> No.25284481
File: 30 KB, 426x127, Screenshot (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey thats me

>> No.25284524

Hello, i'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.25284564

I was in the chat too, it was depressing to read.
It was a shitshow everybody was hyped about the launch
It was obvious farmers would dump but they won't listen.
They also didn't care about market cap.
Somehow they got convinced it could reach 1$

>> No.25284599

Its not just farmers, hold up lemme make a thread

>> No.25284717

Only shitty people post screencaps of private conversations.

>> No.25284721

Just suck a few dicks bro it's easy

>> No.25284740

Question: Is INJ the same scam? I'm also excited for it because it's the first Layer 2 DeFi Platform

>> No.25284769


>> No.25284775

He's living in Turkey, mate. I have nothing against them when they live in their own country. Poor guy.

>> No.25284800

If it was Binance it's a larp you can't fatfinger it, it buys the closest price

>> No.25284842
File: 3.28 MB, 480x270, 1607468172209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25284855

How'd you fat finger that shit? Sorry, damn...

>> No.25284865
File: 100 KB, 986x984, 60F57D5A-5262-444D-8CB4-3F262BF6C180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based seethe itt

>> No.25284935 [DELETED] 

GRT scam proof

>> No.25285043

This happens because all of the t*rks generation back were goat farming peasents.
They claim to belonging to turkey when in fact they are a 3rd world country.
other 3rd worlders just accept their fate and blow their little money they have

>> No.25285061

scam proof

>> No.25285064

the price was 0.18 and he legitimately intended to put in a buy order at 0.018 cents, 10 times lower than the current price?