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25278935 No.25278935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]





>> No.25278978

>XRP just got exclusive and rare
Holy shit I want to know this guy's entire portfolio and short it.

>> No.25279003

haha loving all this midwit xrp cope
>i'm actually excited im losing all my money xD

>> No.25279025

he is right tho.

>> No.25279095

With this train of thought bitconnect is a rare delicacy.

>> No.25279147

Short XRP and you basically are already. These kinds of people go all in on XRP, with their life savings.

Seriously how can someone think that’s not at least even a little bit risky, if not completely retarded ?

>> No.25279153

This is why I'm hesitant to tell my crypto interests for people.

>> No.25279162
File: 8 KB, 244x206, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Follow the rabbit hole XRP is Donald J Trump watch as the shock happens.... do not I repeat do not sell don't bet against the sleeping giants. lol the world is about to change.
>Here we go, XRP is finally becoming the one, and number one global digital asset!!
>People who sold XRP at 0.2$..0.5$ they will be back in 2021 buying XRP at 589$..1000$...2500$!!! Just wait and see...the cards are made! The train left the station and now is too late for them!
>I bought XRP 2 years ago when it was at $0.18, I can't wait for it to get lower so I can turn into a Pac man and start gobbling up those tokens! I see my retirement coming sooner than I thought, Oh happy day!!!!!!!!!
>When coinbase added xrp it did nothing for price but when they say they are halting trading it dumps price??? Whaaaaaa???

>> No.25279185

wait, you mean to tell me all this wasn't satire?

>> No.25279211

freezing of trade / delistings are bullish, nobody cares about what the china puppets at the SEC say

>> No.25279399

The delusion in that comment section is unreal. I love how they act like XRP is some sort of hidden gem and hasn't had millions of dollars of marketing behind it.

>> No.25279412

Anyone have the link to the video of the Fat Lard who Bought my XRP Bags.

>> No.25279464

it's the FEAR
buy the F.E.A.R
$2000 is manageable
source: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23xrp%20fear&src=typed_query&f=live

>> No.25279526

what these morons don't realize is that ripple has no usecase or demand outside of speculation. By removing it from exchanges, it makes it's speculation insanely risky and the value will plummet. They are all stuck in an echo chamber where they don't have the balls to admit they made a poor investment.
This is exactly what peak mania looks like in a bull run, so if you are a noobie and you think this looks crazy you have to realize that every crypto is like this during a bubble.

>> No.25279551

The SEC is going to make coinbase stop selling before jan 19 once they read those comments.

>> No.25279567

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

>> No.25279582

>XRP just got exclusive and rare

So did the shit I took this morning but that doesn’t give it value

>> No.25279595

Base tokens is $0.90 and fucking rebase makes it even stronger, who is in? All threads are in this shilling

>> No.25279596

I cannot contain my keks

>> No.25279597
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>> No.25279654
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Holy shit.
Thanks for the keks, OP

>> No.25279754

same talk as from any shitcoiner. sv cucks are not better. they are at atl against bitcoin and still spout the nonsense of buying more. but of course they are capitulating or the price wouldn't sink like the titanic.

>> No.25279768

>delistings are bullish
so bullish another -50% by next week

lol get fucked

>> No.25279914

This shit is QAnon but for crypto, sad to see these people lose it all before their eyes

>> No.25279980
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It 100% is which is funny because Trump has openly said he's not a fan of crypto. He couldn't have made himself more clear.

>> No.25280006
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Is it wrong for me to laugh at them? How many suicides do you guys think XRP will be responsible for?

>> No.25280515
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It'll be like the Great Depression 2.0. Just watch out for falling schizos when around tall buildings.

>> No.25280830

Jokes aside, they literally sound the same as bitcoin maxis (which are delusional to a degree)

>> No.25280876


>> No.25281024

almost every single shitcoin has a culture that was stolen from bitcoin to some extent, because they are all cargo-cults to a certain degree of bitcoin's success.. Most of the reddit faggots who got into ETH in 2017 and beyond had no idea why decentralization was even valued so much by bitcoiners.. They were not interested in the monetary economic side of it, so of course their first interest was just putting shit on the blockchain like apps just in being driven by mimicry/larping as disruptive angels

You are a newfag if you don't understand this history.

>> No.25281115
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Jesus christ at the delusion...

>> No.25281200

This crash is down to smarter traders and holders.

When the retards finally clock on, it will be an unrelenting crash.

>> No.25281226

I do get what you're saying. Just found funny that people that joined after 2018 peak are all screaming "I will buy more bitcoin when it goes lower, It doesn't matter, it will be worth more than 10m in 20 years. so its worth it". When you compare both BTC and XRP communities they are identical in many aspects.

>> No.25281278

I wanna see ozzies fulll comment.

>> No.25281313
File: 18 KB, 540x252, A1919BA6-863C-43FB-BE15-DD7D5928C281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the principle upon which BTC was founded and still have some for nostalgia. however, BTC is unusable. NANO ftw.

>> No.25281338

Go back to plebbit

>> No.25281341

They really fucking are.

>> No.25281385

been here longer than you faggot

>> No.25281400

Qanon is based though

>> No.25281412

Lol, how the fuck are there SO MANY of these delusional XRP bag hodlers?
Who are they, boomers, low IQ gen X'ers?

>> No.25281448
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imagine supporting rent seeking parasites and telling me to go back.

>> No.25281458

I want to laugh at these guys for being foolish. I want to rage at them for doing financially stupid shit and believing in a literal scam.

But for some reason all I can manage is a little bit of sadness. I must be getting old or something. Truth be told you can easily coast by in life while being extremely wrong about everything. There are all kinds of rules and laws to protect people from themselves. But in some places being wrong is enough to destroy you and shovelling all your money into a blatant scam is one way to do it.

>> No.25281496

This whole ordeal is enlightening, and just goes to further show how humans as a whole are very stupid. They'll believe anything to give themselves hope against all reason.

Ripple has been releasing reports for years on all the dumping they have been doing, yet people refused to see the evidence right in front of them.

It's a sad part of being a human, and it's what allows people to get taken advantage of. In this case, Ripple took advantage of these poor folks.

All you can do is try to make it for your own, and enjoy your life.

>> No.25281517

XRP believers aren't wrong though. This shit is all an act being played out on the stage of the world. It's bullshit fugazi. Wait until the SEC suit settles and xrp moons. Garlinghouse is a literal NWO shill. I understand if you aren't big dick enough to buy now though.

>> No.25281521
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>> No.25281528

>But for some reason all I can manage is a little bit of sadness. I must be getting old or something.

W-w-we're becoming boomers, aren't we?

>> No.25281530

what do you mean rare? There is an abundance of this shitcoin everyone is trying to get rid of. There is no scarcity you dumb fuck. No one wants it.

>> No.25281587

There was actually reason to believe that about BTC though, not only because of its functionality but its price history. XRP not only has no price history to warrant this optimism from its delusional holders but it’s also getting absolutely rekt by the SEC. Aside from price BTC wasn’t getting rekt in any way like this to be so skeptical about its future

>> No.25281628

The culture around these shit coins really reminds me of pyramid schemes and multi level marketing.
Affirmation, "belief will make it true", law of attraction, conspiracy theories retarded bs.

I remember all of this during the last crash 2017 - 2018.
People are really dumb.

>> No.25281633
File: 11 KB, 468x101, xrpcow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is who is funding my shorts

>> No.25281638

>W-w-we're becoming boomers, aren't we?
Financially I'm already a boomer.

But what I'm sad about is, I think, the abject innocence of these people who are for some reason cheering on themselves getting ripped off. You don't step into the wild west without a gun or the expectation that you will be shot at. They don't even know the rules, how did they even end up here?

>> No.25281649

This could be true. But why buy in when it’s still even higher than it was years ago?

The case, and thus, the downtrend, has only just begun.

I will consider buying some XRP when it hits a truly low low, like 0.001 maybe even less. And I won’t spend more than a couple hundred if I do.

People are putting their life savings into this thing, this is why they can’t unHODL, they are too emotionally invested.

>> No.25281679

To be clear though, the culture around Bitcoin is pretty fucking similar.
I think Ethereum has the most rational following, but I could be wrong.

>> No.25281694

i use it every day even when i'm asleep

>> No.25281706

>I will consider buying some XRP when it hits a truly low low, like 0.001 maybe even less. And I won’t spend more than a couple hundred if I do.

Same here. It can only go down to zero. But profits can be multiples. The problem is that those people who are supposed to buy your bags, well, they never sold.

>> No.25281744

Lol, I also checked her channel!

>> No.25281758

100%, the only community worth following. Also some idiots there, but much more bearable

>> No.25281828

If you look at the 2 year chart, around this area has historically been the support. And then until just this November the resistance was getting higher and higher. Markets work in cycles and that's what you're seeing play out, if you're waiting for that low of price you'll never get it.

>> No.25281951

that's not a surprising sentiment to read here given biz reads like the dumb faggots on /r/ethtrader most of the time

>> No.25281974

I guess we are finding out who the true XRP Army is now I am glad to have you Brad and I am glad that I have company in believing that this is what a real shakeout would look like. I drew lines going down to .20 cents based on what I felt a real shake out should do. I did that a few days ago so that I would remember when the price dropped that I expected it to do so. If XRP is really what I think it is, I figured that “they” would have to bring the price way down to succeed at shaking out the steel handed hodlers. I knew we’d have to have adamantium hands to ride through the real shakeout. Now we are seeing who has adamantium hands. “They” will reverse this when they see that they’ve shaked out all that they can. I think they have done all they can. Not saying that we won’t see .10 but I still see this flipping by the 6th of January. If not by the end of February. I invested knowing that we were likely to see is shakeout. Especially if they plan on making XRP the new reserve currency. That possibility seems way more likely now than it did before this drop. “They” used investors to fund this process. The process is done and now they want their XRP back. Sorry to them, but I am keeping mine. They definitely ain’t getting it back from me now! Lol. I am so glad I have a wife who is fully on board with this. She’s buying this dip and she’ll buy all the way down. Ignore the fud ya’ll there really is zero point selling down here when we might just be finding ourselves in the .01 percent who are going win huge in the next few months.

>> No.25281986
File: 26 KB, 400x288, 1587739350922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me post your faggots reactions when it was hitting 70 cents, you weak willed mother fuckers switch sides on a dime, it'd be funny if it wasn't so damn annoying. I'd ask you to screencap this for when you inevitably buy in on the pump, but you'd praise me as a seer, failing to see the irony in all this

>> No.25281995

Sure but cycles repeat when there are no major external fundamental factors at play e.g ceo dying, a major supply chain issue (I.e pandemic) or a heckin serious lawsuit and a massive delisting on multiple platforms.

Honestly. Open your eyes.

>> No.25282036

Someone make a webm of this guy yelling from his other vid

>> No.25282081

.15 cents now

>> No.25282103

So rare there is 41 billion of them!

>> No.25282105


lol, this guys are delusional.

>> No.25282118

Yes and I already said I'm not falling for the SEC fud drama

>> No.25282119
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Holy fuck those comments

>> No.25282136

You know what would be the only, the literal only scenario that would create any demand for XRP? SEC forces garlic house and his "foundation" to buy back every single XRP with the remainder of his money or he's going to pound-me-in-the-ass prison. And even then I don't think you would even get one cent per XRP.

>> No.25282146

if you knew there was going to be a shake out and didn't sell while it was at the top and bought in at the dip then you deserve to lose your money, you goddamned fucking retard.

>> No.25282161

There should be a compilation of all his screams so it’s just AAAAAAAAAAAAA

Instead of “I don’t give a fuck”

>> No.25282270

The best financial decision you could make at this point is spending money on a top of the range IQ test, and quit trading for good if it’s double digits which I suspect it might be.

>> No.25282307
File: 288 KB, 587x913, 1607600799811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never made that connection, but you're totally right.
This tweet is why I'm putting all of my "stimulus" check into crypto, even than DCAing amongst asset classes like I usually do. Government 's only solution to their killing the economy to save the sickest 0.1% of the population is to kill the value of my portfolio might as well give them the biggest middle finger possible.

>> No.25282430

Which is why "XMR is the new BTC" might unironically be correct. It's much closer in culture to pre-2017 BTC than any ERC-20 token will ever be.
And no, I don't own any XMR because I'm a burger, but I'm seriously rethinking that.

>> No.25282445
File: 6 KB, 569x510, 1597868904577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those comments holy shit

>> No.25282656

There are tons of these Qanon/Alex jones type XRP influencers / followers:

Listen around 5 min in.

>> No.25282657

You will never understand, XRP is taking a hit for an event that is much bigger. Cap this if you're not scared to be wrong.

>> No.25282833

ahahahahahahahahaah omg i cant get enough off this

>> No.25282853

Maybe so. But right now it has barely hit the bottom. The big brain move would be to buy the actual dip, that’s if there really is this big reversal event but a lot of it sounds like schizo bullshit,

Believe me , this fabled reversal event won’t come in the next few days, it is crashing as we speak.
Anyone holding and buying more XRP when the crash is only just beginning must actually be clinically retarded.

>> No.25282913

Let it go, anon. You sound mentally ill at this point

>> No.25283082

My god so this is what the bottom layer of a pyramid is.

>> No.25283099

we are not 55-year-old white housewives in alabama, anon, your vague blabbering only sounds like mental illness rather than some grandiose pronouncement

>> No.25283111

sad part is hes going to be richer than u

>> No.25283130

They're retards and obnoxious, pompous retards at that, who wouldn't listen to oldfags on this board or even bitcoin twitter; I have no sympathy for them
There will always be those who fall for scams but this was an evil scam actively promoting the death of the principles on which this industry was founded just so number go up (POTENTIALLY), it had to be wiped out

Indeed I truly think this will be a good thing for most cRipples
They will come out of this humbled and wiser
They'll likely finally choose to kneel to King Corn, or get out of investment and crypto altogether
Either of which will be a good thing for them

I've already seen some such threads and posts on /biz/ of BTFO cRipples asking for advice on what to do next, reevaluating with a clearer lens
Good luck ripplefags

>> No.25283153

He's the lamb that will go to the slaughter while discount whales dump their bags and you need to take your meds.

>> No.25283269

All I know is 4IR is coming soon and XRP/ripple is going nowhere.

>> No.25283349 [DELETED] 

Anon, I'm sorry for your loss but you can still get out. My gut is telling me it's over and I mean no disrespect or FUD to any holders but you can still get out.
You see, majority of the XRP holders are in it for the get rich quick scheme, that's where the problem is. It's like Bitconnect 2.0. Up to you anon, best wishes.

>> No.25283444

>Xrp will be biggest thing since the internet.
yep, I'm thinking this retard has never seen xrapid lmao

>> No.25283466

Buy when people are fearful and sell when people are greedy.

>> No.25283496

This only works when your thing is worth a nonzero amount.

>> No.25283555

>All boomers and soccer moms
Truly the QAnon's crypto of choice

>> No.25283596

You won't be able to buy it when it gets delisted, you can't even sell it.

>> No.25283616

More schizo influencers:

>> No.25283625

i love this lil niggas vids like u wouldnt believe

>> No.25283671

Serious question,

Should I buy a shitload of XRPDOWN right now? I've been holding some but only a little bit. I feel like XRP is just going to continue tanking down to 0.

>> No.25283699

That only works if the thing you want has value.

>> No.25283749

Wait because it’s going to drop more

I don’t know about a shit ton but you could easily get a cheap 500 to gamble and hold for the moon

>> No.25283754

i was talking about alexd vlogs btw. he hasn't made anything new since yesterday. hope he's still alive

>> No.25283800

I think maybe you confused my post but I was asking about XRPDOWN which is the inverse of XRP, thanks though fren

>> No.25283945

Where is XRPDOWN on?

I’m trying to short XRP but it’s getting pulled off platforms.

>> No.25284713 [DELETED] 

if you're a retard

>> No.25284756


>> No.25284774

If youre a retard

>> No.25284943

Swingers get the rope

>> No.25285035

He got trips you lose

>> No.25285062

The real shitcoin trader here is you

>> No.25285096

fucking based
milk these goyim for every last cent they have to their name

>> No.25285136
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>> No.25285168

that shit is manipulated anon

>> No.25285184


>> No.25286143

Just two more days before we witness it.

>> No.25286200

All of them are talking about stim checks.
Do burgers really?

>> No.25286292

>rocket emojis
>money bag emojis
Yep, shitcoin.

>> No.25287049

Its sad to see them in this state of delusion. Its like somebody wants to jump of a bridge because he knows he will end up in paradise and cant wait to finally killing himself.

>> No.25287130

depressing and painful to read
like the reef finance rekt group chat

>> No.25287746
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>delistings are bullish