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2527355 No.2527355 [Reply] [Original]

>Have been on biz for 3 years
>Have been neet for 3 years
>Over the years ive missed out on Canadian MJ stocks, robinhood memes and now missing out on cryptogains

I wish I never fell for these memes...

>> No.2527554
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Listen to me and listen to me good frogposter. Get a couple of hundred dollarydos and put down on VIAcoin, tuck it away for awhile, then cash out when crypto gets rocky from normies. You'll be fine, I guarantee it.

>> No.2527731

It's not too late to get into crypto

Just don't listen to the other faggot telling you to buy shitcoins.

Buy yourself $500 of BTC and maybe dabble in altcoins, but not more than 20% of your holdings

>> No.2527747

That is, not until you are confident you know hot to recognize a shill scam coin versus a legitimate project, and when you know what a pump and dump is

Ex: Viacoin = "100x" scam; Siacoin = realistic 5x coin

>> No.2528032
File: 158 KB, 727x1293, IMG_1824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you haven't done research on VIA, have you little boy? This is my portfolio, started with $5k last may. I ain't jerkin' anyone around faggot. Do the fucking math to see how much SIA, a promising but currently overvalued project, needs to increase for that 5x you're claiming. The nerve of some peasants I swear.

>> No.2528070
File: 32 KB, 655x650, 0032 - clDaMk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I never fell for these memes...
If you had fallen for the memes you would have brought Doge @ 24 Sato with BTC you brought @ ~$800 USD putting you about 8 fold up on your initial investment.
Your problem is you didn't believe in the power of the memes.

>> No.2528347

I meant to type "meme", as in the NEET meme.

>> No.2528610

ok kid enjoy your 50 bucks worth of via coin dont shit your pants when you realize that your stupid

>> No.2529104
File: 14 KB, 229x281, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>your stupid

I rest my case. Stay eternally poor. I'll buy you one day so you can give me some succ for .005 VIA.