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2526602 No.2526602 [Reply] [Original]

>100k fags GET IN.

What are your goals? 1M and cash out? Or much longer?


Share stories of success, no FUDing.

>> No.2526616

Nice bro well done

>> No.2526623


>> No.2526638
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A little shy atm, ath is at around 115k tho

>> No.2526639

what are your cores ? like main focuses

>> No.2526663

you mean in terms of starting this thread?

Or my own portfolio?

I hold the big three, and then just put a little in alts to gain. I know, slow slow slow, but I'm doing okay (only caught the falling knife once and after shifting it I made back the losses).

Also have to thank DGB for the miraculous return, but I dumped quite early (about 5x)

I'm a pretty conservative speculator as far as crypto's standards.

>> No.2526665

you know thats like 110K USD right

>> No.2526675

Congrats brutha.

what's your end game?

>> No.2526698


>> No.2526704

Meant portfolio , i don't think i'll personally be fully cashing out for the for seeable future , immediate objective is to gain back initial investment withdraw while maintaining capital so if all this shit gets rekt by the government or some world bank overnight i'll would still be richer not poorer

>> No.2526708

If it ever reaches €400k i'll sell half and buy a nice apt, i'll then let the rest ride into the sunset

>> No.2526713


>> No.2526720
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Started with 250 ETH in March

>> No.2526747
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Reporting in. Expecting some big gains this month.

>> No.2526768

I hope you reach those goals man.

>> No.2526783

Good going.

i fucking bought 2 ETH in December like a fucking moron. Should have gone all in. I'd be sitting on 400K+ now. Oh well, no use looking backwards

>> No.2526791


>> No.2526855


>> No.2526874
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pic on left from March 17.

pic on right from just now.

It's been a wild 3 months. lost more than I care to think about as well, at least another 100 btc.

as for goals, maybe a house? would have to pay 40% tax in that case...

or maybe lend on polo and make a few hundred $ per day just off that.

never expected such gains, still comprehending.

>> No.2526892
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Reporting in.

My goals are just to make as much as possible while we're in the current bull market. Whenever it decides to go bearish, I'll take out a large portion of it, buy myself a cheap place and NEET it up for as long as I can.

>> No.2526901


NEVER cash out completely.

My plan is to reach $400k, cash out half, rinse, repeat.

Maybe if I get tired of doing it, I'll HODL long time and see where it gets me.

>> No.2526924

nah if i hit even 500k i'm taking it out and putting it in an index fund. i can live off that sweet 5% guaranteed gains and get a part time job to live the NEET life for the rest of my life.

>> No.2526943

holy shit Anon.


>> No.2526950

>only caught the falling knife once and after shifting it I made back the losses
So this is the type of person /biz/ is made of...

>> No.2526951


>> No.2526962

>>So this is the type of person /biz/ is made of...

Meh, name me any trader/investor who has not been wrong/caught the falling knife at least once.

Live and learn brotha

>> No.2526997

>Keeping that much on an exchange
I'm nervous just looking at that.

>> No.2527010

That's not the point, you shilled your falling knife here to pass you bags to a fallow /biz/nessman
This is really a cutthroat community.

>> No.2527015
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Just joined the 100 club boys

>> No.2527020


i know, but at this point i figure it's just play money. i mean, i didn't even have it 3 months ago.

>> No.2527029

Well, I was late to the party so the plan is to hit around 200-300k, cash out about a third, then pray the market doesn't crash, then repeat around 500-700k.

>> No.2527044


When did I shill anything?

You gotta lay off the projecting bro

>> No.2527056
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Would like to cash out before the Great Purge coming soon from the influx of normal scum. Hoping to reach a cool mill. Maybe reinvest after the dust settles and all the normies are dead.

I started last year after quitting my job. Had about 8k, gambled 5k into back into cryptos after the 2013 crash. Now I am moon. Never want To wagecuck 120 hours a week again

>> No.2527099
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Looking at 1mil before I cash in.

>> No.2527129

how many % of your liquid assets (bank deposits, stocks, crypto, etc.) are in crypto right now?

>> No.2527151

Use to forex trade. Pulled out 100k and put into crypto. I've made more in the last 3months then I would in a whole year of day trading forex.

I do believe this is too good to be true, and find it very hard to liquid large amounts when needed - to live etc pay bills. Finally got verified on polo for 25k withdrawals. But then to fiat its 10k.

>> No.2527153
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>cashing out before the crypto awakening at 1-2 trillion

>> No.2527154


>> No.2527163

Nobody's blockfolio is true everyone has sold at least some

>> No.2527209

i'm impressed you actually were able to consistently earn money by day trading forex. should be next to impossible

>> No.2527277
File: 65 KB, 540x960, 2017_06_19_22.43.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing good.
I wonder if it'll reach 3m by the end of the week.
My goal is to let it ride for another 3 to 5 years.

>> No.2527319

lol nice dude that's fucking all in. how long have you been in sia?

>> No.2527327

I'm a fair way behind you but been getting more aggressive on some hopefuls to try get a race going. Have fucking blown it a number of times now with too little amounts on 10 - 30x pops, time to get my fucking hands dirty.

>> No.2527329

>tfw 8k off 100k

>> No.2527407

One year.

>> No.2527481

>tfw just passed greater value in crypto holdings than the ~100k sitting in the bank for a house deposit
weird feeling, it probably won't register cognitively until the crypto 2-4x again

>> No.2527508
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Used to be in stocks, but the gains were babby tier. About 85% in Crypto right now because I'm the ride or die type, but since i hit the first milestone I'll be putting more fiat in to my bank account and diversify. With great gains cums great responsipilitis.

>> No.2527513

so your net worth much be much higher or did you went all in with all the money you have?!
I would literally die of cardiac arrest if I did the later...

>> No.2527514
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>started 1 week ago with $20 USD
>up to $90 USD

I-I'll be there eventually

>> No.2527532


After making those insane gains do you think a bear period is coming or do you think you can continue to profit in the same pace?!

>> No.2527536

you don't like free money?
I see you didn't get free GBytes, having all those BTC, you could have gotten quite a lot of GBytes (worth like $700 now)
They have done 6 distributions, next one is July 9th, link your BTC (with a signature) and you get free coins.

>> No.2527540

I put all my life's savings into sia a year ago when it was at 37 sat.
I was called insane by a few people back then but look who's laughing now! I honestly still can't believe it.

>> No.2527555

If you're not doing anything with it, just get a nano or even a paper wallet and make backups. That 200k could be useful someday, like if you want to start a business or there's an emergency in the family. Or at least loan it out on polo for some minor gains.

>> No.2527574

It took years of practice. Had a system in place and i made enough to not work in a job anymore. I wasng going to get rich from it though. You have your bad days. Nearly went bust at one time. Dedication and strategy and not getting greedy kept a steady income.

>> No.2527587

Crypto is fucking weird as fuck. Movements in forex were due to actual news and facts. A whisper in crypto make people scared or jacked up. Something i have never seen before. If you are quick enough gains can be made riding rumours. Then sell on the news. Never failed me.

>> No.2527596

wow nice! congratulations. I would still call you insane but you made it haha

>> No.2527623

so regarding ANS and SIA this weeks, should I sell it right before the conferences/anouncements or shortly after? Sry, Im a newfag, hope you dont mind me asking

>> No.2527633

This is one of the best portofolios ive seen here on biz in terms of real future potential... just HOLD onto what you've got buddy and your in for over a million easy!



Combo is orgasmic, you really know your crypto!

>> No.2527637

>started with 35e
>3 days later at 60e

We're all gonna make it brah

>> No.2527640

you still are insane tho lol

>> No.2527752

jesus christ dude

>> No.2527811

I hoped that luck favors the bold, and it seems that it is true.

>> No.2527835

Lmao if it does keep growing this fast, prepare your anus. After the crash, might see it slow way down, but still be profitable due to it's accessibility. Dunno about shitcoin mooners though.

>> No.2527851
File: 2.27 MB, 179x320, oy vey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls dont dump it all at once

t. 60k hodler

>> No.2527857

Dont get greedy. People leave this game doing that due to masive losses which promotes a crash.

>> No.2527869

i hope you take SOME profit along the way lol

well, unless your savings is already built back up

>> No.2527891
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Thanks bud, I'm cumming at the thought

>> No.2527902

Did you get back the investment yet?

>> No.2527913

I think he said his initial was 20k, who gives a shit about 20k at that point

>> No.2527919

Fair enough.

>> No.2527942

nah it was in the 100k range and he put all his life savings into it...

>> No.2527949

Oh by aggressive I'm talking betting 1% instead of 0.1% of blockfolio on short term hodls, I do actually aim these darts as well but will get tougher without the safety net of the bulls

>> No.2527954
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See this is the problem.
Here's your perfect scenario.
>Guy has large capital at disposal
>Guy invests in crypto
>Guy makes profit in crypto
>Guy gets put on list for investing in crypto
>Guy can't even turn large sums of crypto into usable cash for purchases as basic as paying rent on time
>guy is stuck doing other matters for money or being a NEET, living on limited withdrawals of crypto
>Guy gets fucked by IRS or other entity years down the line for back taxes

You people have got to be totally fucking insane if you think crypto is a viable way to cash out and avoid getting a job or doing something "responsible". You just can't make it this way.

>> No.2527958

Nearly 100%. It's either success or suicide for me.

>> No.2527978

Im thinking that the bjy the rumor approach really works but you have to always assume you be at a loss for each coin during pumps. Loke if you retain your big 3 then their trends will stabilize it.

>> No.2527987

Right?? I feel like the normies will really make this thing boom...think the poker boom in early 2000s, tons of dumb money flying in cause they saw it on the news. So much potential for total marketcap growth imo

>> No.2527995
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Heyguys. I feel like a fucking meme not 96k off the 100k club. Been stuck at 4k for a few weeks. What the fuck do I do? My coins look like fucking memes here. Do I sell half my ark, strat, and all my xby for ltc or a mix of what some of the succesful anons have?

I wanna make it guys help a 18 year old lad out.

>> No.2528011

>$4000 at his disposal to put into magic internet money

Fucking Americans. I'm over here with $200

>> No.2528018
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c o p e

USA nocoiner cope harder

LAND OF THE FREE am I right?

>> No.2528023

? There's a million ways to exchange crypto for cash for a minor fee. If you're paranoid, you can even exchange it for gift cards or prepaid credit cards or shit.

>> No.2528033

I really love factom. Hope I see u on the other side bro

>> No.2528038

If normies get in governing bodies will try to lower caps by burning coins and also increase fees on withdrawls. Itll be a dark age.

>> No.2528039

I mean I work a lot. I am sitting on 11k worked my ass off. I am going to college in a few months so I will have to go back to 25 hours a week instead of 46. Working at Walmart has made me like 15k over 2 years.

Help me out lads please.

>> No.2528041
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>anything new is insecure and non-viable
>stick to traditional™ ways of warning money guys

I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.2528063

How the hell do you guys do it?

I'm really struggling. I started in March with about $2,500 and I'm only up to about $8000 now.

How the hell do you guys manage to double and triple your money in just the past week?

Please, somebody explain to me? I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.2528067

Eh, didn't mean to insult you. It's just that as a second-world poorfag I'd have to work the same job for 10x less what you're making. Can't even make large gains when my starting capital is so low.

>> No.2528089


you're morally obligated to let /biz/ know when you dump all that fucking truck load onto us anon

>> No.2528091

Chinese ethereum

>> No.2528093

Not insulted I have been very fortunated. I have a college fund so I will have no debt when I graduate an I hope to go to law school which I will have a ton of debt from. I have been doing this for a hobby but it would be really nice to kill law school debt. But I haven't had to pay bills only gas and food. Also am an only child so I have had it handed to me.

>> No.2528100
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This shit's been out for like 10 years.
Governments and banks are very aware of what's going on, so you're fucking daft you think this shit's gonna work.

Nice meme. It seems a big portion of the people investing in crypto are thirdworld twats that know next to nothing about business.
It's gonna crash, gentleman.

So, if I'm trying to turn my 100k into cash--that's simple?

>> No.2528103

I had no idea that I was supposed to have bought ANS yesterday somehow.

Everything I buy just kind of seems to stay put or jump 20% once every 3 weeks or so.

And sometimes if I get lucky and something really surges, I've only put in like $200 so I don't gain much. Maybe I'm too diversified, but I'm like 80% in ETH so I don't have much else to work with I guess.

>> No.2528104

I look for coins that appear undervalued or undershilled relative to other cryptos and try to grab before rumors, worst performers have merely doubled. This won't work once the market finds it's sanity so I'm careful not to throw too much at those but have probably been too cautious, I don't chase pumps either but if I see something mooning I'll check it out and try to work out what I missed / if there's a genuine reason.

I keep it all relative to the coins I'm trying to accumulate and keep in balance, in a mini bloodbath like we've been having I'll see if I can find a deal on say BTC with gains on something that's stuck better.

>> No.2528122

>So, if I'm trying to turn my 100k into cash--that's simple?

Coinbase will do it for you no problem. With fees, of course.

>> No.2528144

In one single transfer?

>> No.2528162

> avoid getting a job

If you can't work out how to not be a wagecuck you should probably be a wagecuck.

>> No.2528167

How should I know? I've never cashed out $100k. Go to their website and read the rules. I really doubt they'd have a problem with it, the more money the more fee they get.

You're acting like this is something shady and illegal. It's not. Just don't try to evade taxes on a sum of money like that and you won't have any problems.

>> No.2528182

kraken has $100k/day / $0.5m/month withdrawal limits. not enough for you?

>> No.2528196

I have only turned $2500 into $8000 in the past 4 months and I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong. I would like to know, where do you look for these coins and how do you know how much to put into them? I know all the names at this point and have a rough idea of what most coins intend to accomplish but I don't know why the coins I hold just don't seem to do so great.

I regret not simply buying and holding ETH back when I had the chance. I did this, but only with a small percentage of my portfolio.

Now I'm pretty diversified into 15 or so coins.

What's a strategy that works for you?

I'm thinking I should designate the majority of my holdings into long-term holds with 3 tiers of potential, the highest potential getting the most funding, and another part simply to day-trading and trying to get a few percentage points per day.

Any advice?

>> No.2528212

The problem is that theres an illusion of proportionality. None of these coins scale to each other but people think eth rising means we should dump etc or ltc for it. Its more lile testing a theory to me. You read the trends and follow a rumor with a small investment and if it works you go in when the signs align for another coin.

>> No.2528215
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, B8XsiM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is "no". They put limits on how much you turn back into cash, even with their tacked-on fees.

I remember when I was 19.

Is this reliable? I imagine they still report your gains?

>> No.2528231

Did you notice how most of the posters here just got lucky on one coin?

Here is the methodology:

> Go all in on a coin you think has potential.

> Pray.

> If you're one of the lucky few who picked the correct coin post your blockfolio on biz

>> No.2528232

Oh no, there's a daily limit? Does that really matter? Even banks have limits without filling out forms and legal documents.

>> No.2528235

Maybe, but in the meantime there is a lot to be gained.

>> No.2528242

I'm pushing 30 m8, and I haven't worked for anyone else since I was 23.

We don't all like being dominated.

>> No.2528252

How would one make money transferring money into and out of bank accounts?

Do you understand the most simplest of concepts behind financial transactions and how to make profit? Or are you just meming and somehow latched onto crypto?

>> No.2528266

Except ETH, which is most of my holdings at this point, I can't seem to bring myself to put more than like $1500 on a coin...dealing with a total $8000 portfolio here.

I see the logic behind what you're saying but it's just crazy.

Like who here really was all in on ANS, just ANS, until yesterday? How?

My second biggest holding besides ETH is MNE minereum so I hope you're right.

>> No.2528270

Yeah but who is gonna gain and who is gonna lose? The distinction has to be non-stochastic. You are literally outthinking everyone. That level of power deserves my money desu.

>> No.2528271

That's not the issue, but you sound like trash.
No one logically wants to work for someone else, there are reasons behind working jobs, you simpleton.

>> No.2528272

Mind sharing some of that fortune? :^)

>> No.2528281

Luck is a part of it, but theres plenty of research you can do to find undervalued coins with real potential, solid teams, and practical use

>> No.2528295

Maybe luck was the wrong word.

>> No.2528300

I want to be in the 100k club. Maybe in a few years senpai.

>> No.2528303

from what I can see, they only deal with bitcoin and ethereum, so if you're trading other crypto, you'll have to go through other sites. Which means you're bottlenecked.

>> No.2528363

yes kraken is reliable. probably depends on your country but you have to report your own gains for tax purposes if your bank doesn't do it for you

dude pretty much any altcoin is traded through either btc or eth. alts are not traded directly in fiat. do you even crypto?

>> No.2528371

basically this.
i still need to see a single fucko that cashed all his coins into cash.
well? where the fuck are you?

>> No.2528380
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Oh well, worth a shot

If any other richfag is feeling generous today:


>> No.2528392 [DELETED] 

Step up the crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2528401

They're not here dude, this shit is a fucking meme.

>> No.2528402

Of course he doesn't crypto, read his other posts in this thread. He's a bitter nocoiner.

>> No.2528421

>I still need a single retard that cashed all his coins into cash
Keep searching, noone's stupid enough to sell of their full stack of an appreciating asset. You will find plenty who've cashed out more than their initial investment though.

>> No.2528423

>do you even crypto?
Yeah, I've done it.
And as a finance guy, I find it appalling. Go ahead and ask me why.

>> No.2528468
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>as a finance guy

>> No.2528503

>Yeah, I've done it.
you probably shouldn't have. based on your posts itt, you're completely ignorant

>> No.2528514

Just remember sia isn't currency.

>> No.2528539
File: 3.81 MB, 460x259, smug Tony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dismiss it, you fucking loser.
Good luck getting your chink currency back into pocket, and getting fucked over by the government when they break it all up, you delusional faggot.
Instead of looking for the easy way out, why don't you read a book and figure out what's really going on.

>> No.2528566

And based on your posts you're shilling for crypto because you're trying to make your money back.
You fags never have anything to add when people criticize crpyto, other than
>no coiners btfo
>stay mad no coiners
>you obviously don't know ethereum XDD
It gets old shit posting, don't you think?

>> No.2528596

kek you sound miserable. Good luck, living life with such a cunty attitude

>> No.2528605

lmaoing at your fucking life

please proceed to illuminate us with the true path to financial independence while I lay here playing with the monopoly money I already used to pay my car and half my mortgage

enjoy working at mcdonalds

>> No.2528634

>lmaoing at your fucking life
Do you have prerecorded responses for when people shit talk about crypto?

You want to know financial independence? I'll give you a hint, no one is going to tell you how to make money. Enjoy getting scammed big league you moron.
People like you are the reason I know crypto will fail.
You don't know the first thing about it.

>> No.2528650

You've yet to come up with an argument that's not baseless.
>can't cash out
Demonstrably false.
All income is taxed, completely invalid argument.

>> No.2528669

It's a meme you dip

>> No.2528687

>You don't know the first thing about it.
>I do, as I obviously stated some posts ago when I told some anon about trading alts for fiat

stick around nocoiner, you're really gonna enjoy seeing every neet in here make your years salary in a week

>> No.2528704

I guess he got in, invested in the wrong coins, got burned and got out.
Now he is hating on people who have made decent gains.
Like the great intellectual of the 21th century, James Franco, used to say: They hate us cause they aint us

>> No.2528754

I don't think that people realize that whenever they talk about how we'll have high tax rates on shortterm gains they are implicitly admitting to having made less wagecucking than we are with crypto as shortterm gains are simply based off of regular income tax rates with the benefit of not having to pay FICA taxes on top of it.

>> No.2528757

You cannot turn large sums of money that would be making capital gains on back into cash. That's a fact.

>All income is taxes
That's wrong, but thanks for trying, you smug retard. Also, the issue is with the legality of the matter and future implications.

I've been on /biz/ for some time.

>> No.2528765

Jesus u sound bitter lmao. If we're all just wasting our time, energy, and money then why do u care so much? It seems like u want us to fail, not that u think crypto will fail

>> No.2528778

>the issue is with the legality of the matter
Goddamn, you really are a fucking idiot.
>You cannot turn large sums of money back into cash
You can, this is nothing but a stupid meme. .

>> No.2528813

First of all there's that guy who proved he cashed out $40 million, retired, and is now traveling and having fun, a few weeks ago. He proved the best he legally could via 4chan.

Second of all, nobody is cashing out large amounts because these assets are still extremely heavily appreciating. I'm not going to lose potential month just cause you need something proved.

I have, however, cashed out a few thousand at one point into cash, but then I bought back more a few weeks later so it went back in. But the point is I've cashed out a few thousand and there's nothing stopping me from cashing out more if I need to.

>> No.2528825

>I've been on /biz/ for some time
You realize that 90 percent of threads are about cryptocurrency, nowadays?
You muste be into cuckolding, otherwise I cant explain why you still here and keep arguing with people over crypto...

>> No.2528826

Because I'm playing the devil's advocate to see if you losers have any excuse for your investments, and it all seems to be for the memes; and a large portion of the people here have no idea how finance works.

Nice response, enjoy your life.

>> No.2528836

Dump the night/morning before. Crypto is weird, all the gains come from the anticipation leading up to the announcement usually not from the announcement itself

>> No.2528844

Yeah, I came here today thinking I'd find some way that these people think they can make money on bitcoin, because I see this shit in the normie feeds these days.

It's a giant meme ready flop.

>> No.2528848

>crypto is weird
Litearlly all speculative assets (stocks) work this way.

>> No.2528862

So buy in, set a stop loss, and if it "flops" you lose next to nothing. If it succeeds you are rich. Do you not see the upside here?

Stop losses are like free insurance if you're really that doubtful of it.

>> No.2528881

Fair enough. Well I guess you and I will have to agree to disagree then, but I'm sure the others u got riled up will hang around lol

>> No.2528886

You people have been saying the same thing for years.
I'm talking a major flop. There will be regulation.

>> No.2528914

Well if everything does down that means btc is also down...so he'd have to be quick on cashing out to avoid the btc hit

>> No.2528931

Not for 18 months minimum. The bill proposed by Feinstein(that will likely fail) merely called for a report to be made at the end of 18 months on how cross-border transactions with crypto could potentially be addressed.

>> No.2528946

Again, you fuck. Set up a stock loss. You cannot lose if you do this.

>> No.2528952

>saying the same thing for years
You realize this is only a valid argument when what's said hasn't been true, right? You could pick any point in the last few years and if you'd listened then you would have more than doubled your money. Meanwhile the"saying this for years" argument is completely appropriate when it comes to claims of regulation coming because they still have not.

>> No.2528955

Stop diversifying so much, just pick 3 of your favorites outside the top 30 market cap with room to grow. No memes, this requires a small amount of research

>> No.2529011

Quoting one liners from your debate class isn't going to help you when the big banks regulate it internationally.
They don't need the government's approval.

>> No.2529020

mind to give some UBQ? I only have 21.32711753 :( thanks my friend


>> No.2529028

You sound more like a /pol/tard than someone involved with finance.

>> No.2529059


current rates on polo would bring me in close to $1000 a day.

>> No.2529063

you sound like a delusional liberal sitting on his ass waiting for someone to help him--hence the crypto.

You're a joke, I'm done.

>> No.2529092

I'm not a liberal, I voted for Trump. Thanks for confirming that you're the typical /pol/tard that thinks jews control everything though. As far as someone helping me out I'm more than capable of doing my own research and noone is to thank for the money I have made other than myself.

>> No.2529177

Trade your alts to BTC and then cash out. Is this that hard to understand?

>> No.2529329

Live off of 25k+ minimum wage part time, or moon mission and NEET dream life? I think the option is clear anon

>> No.2529354

It's about god damn time, thank god