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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25255363 No.25255363 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more jewwy?

>> No.25255417

If you don't appreciate and take advantage of the bonuses and offers, cash back, etc - you're just a fucking moron.

Sure, go spend money on your debit card, faggot.

>> No.25255421

They have bailed me out on more than one occasion. But they do have their price, the trick is to pay back what is owed as soon as possible so you only get fleeced a little.

Of course DEBTMAXX is also based.

>> No.25255466

I wrecked up 40k in credit card debt before moving to the US. Checkmate

>> No.25255538

Young people need to be educated about responsibly using credit, but then credit card companies wouldn’t be able to milk our youth for billions of dollars a year, ultimately hobbling a generations finances for the benefit of a few pieces of shit who were already billionaires.

Quarter over quarter growth, right? That must be sustainable....

>> No.25255636

>outjewing the jew
Can’t hate you for that

>> No.25256303

>t. Kike

>> No.25256347

No. I never pay interest and get 1.5% cashback. Also pulling out an Amex makes you look like you somewhat have your shit together.

>> No.25256517

>have your shit together.

It's not normal to me to pay with anything other than a credit card. At this point it doesn't even signify having your shit together; it signifies that you aren't a complete moron or degenerate. I judge people paying with cash for anything over a dollar or two extremely hard. Imagine using a credit card only for purchases you can actually afford and paying your bill every month. Insane how thats a strange concept to a lot of Americans. The cash back bonuses are basically neglible to me; it's just nice to constantly be maintaining credit history/responsibility and not having a lot of cash on you at any given time.

>> No.25256669

Not just any CC. Amex. If you pull out a discover card nigga imma think you're a poor ass fag

>> No.25256802

I've taken out 12 cards in the past week, and have used cash advances to buy $210,000 worth of bitcoin and chainlink. See you in the billionaire lists, niggas.

>> No.25256826
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Post proof

>> No.25256863

Mastercard gave me $870 cashback this year, I gave them $14.99.

>> No.25256945

Ngl. I just open credit cards and max them out. I have so much crypto i don't care anymore. Make the minimum payments on all of them. Somewhere there's a J rubbing his hands together thing he's got me cooked, but every dollar I have will completely negate any interest paid. I might not ever even pay it back - I simply don't give a fuck!

>> No.25257029

This. My interest rates are 20% a year and my crypto is going up 20% a week.

>> No.25257078

Unironically bitcoin

>> No.25257098
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payday loans

>> No.25257178


I plan on refinancing with a fat loan from AAVE at some point and then the big banks won't be bleeding me dry either. Feels Good Man

>> No.25257220


you will have a jew dumping loads in your rear end if theres a crypto crash.

>> No.25257264

Sam Hyde?

>> No.25257328

Post high res fgt

>> No.25257389
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> get credit card
> funnel all my purchases through it
> don’t buy things I can’t afford anyways so I pay it off before my statement on the app
> get like a 2% discount and fraud protection in one thing
> never accumulate any debt because I’m not a fucking moron

Easiest shit ever.

>> No.25257442

You'd have to be an absolute retard to lose money with credit cards

>> No.25257443

high res where?

>> No.25257466

credit cards are fine, usury is the problem

>> No.25258748

Im totally fine with my Visa

>> No.25258874

>I judge people

You sound like a middle aged white woman.

>> No.25259433

This >>25257389
Also opening a new card every couple months to get a $100-$200 sign on bonus. Hit the minimum spending, pay it off, then just leave it open. It's called cycling credit cards.
>free $1000 every year
>builds credit quicker than just using one card
Can be done with bank accounts also. I don't know why this board doesn't post about sign on bonuses all the time

>> No.25259463

even if you're a deadbeat that pays off their card every week or every two weeks, you're still spending more money than you would with cash

>> No.25259500

You disgusting rat jew

>> No.25259535

They're literally 30 interest free loans if you're not an idiot

>> No.25259542

>gives you free money if you’re responsible
>punishes you if you suck with money
Based as fuck

>> No.25259572
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who the fuck wouldn't use a credit card to get cashback if they can pay it off in full every month

seems like a no brainer

>> No.25259630

>get credit card
>use it instead of cash
>get 1.5% back
>pay off as soon as the charge posts
>never get charged interest
>don't use to buy a new TV every month like a nigger
if you're using credit cards for anything besides the offers and cashback you're a nigger

>> No.25259661

debt and credit are merely tools
some people know how to use them, others don't

I love credit cards. I use them for everything.

>> No.25259674


i only use my credit card for purchases i can pay back at the end of the month, i also get 1.5% cashback and i dont have to carry cash and change around

why do people hate credit cards? are they buying things they cant afford?

>> No.25259696

Most underrated aspect is fraud protection. Have fun getting your checking account drained.

>> No.25259744

this. just use the card instead of debit go home and pay off with debit. earn cash just for using it.

>> No.25259818

>why do people hate credit cards? are they buying things they cant afford?
is that a serious question? most americans that are in debt are eternally poor because they can't stop constantly buying and consooming stupid shit.

>> No.25259860

>spend $100,000 to get $100 back
gee wow what an advantage

>> No.25259906

1.5% of 100,000 is 1,500, if you can't do this simple math then no it's wonder so many retards go into debt

>> No.25259967

missed the zero, but my point still stands

>> No.25259990

Retard Tier
>hurr durr I can buy [some worthless toy] and pay later

Normie Tier
>I get 1% back on all my purchases; I'm so smart an self satisfied because of the extra 239 dollars I get back each year!

Big Brain Tier
>A credit card acts as a layer between my checking account the thousands of merchants I do business with, reducing the risk that my actual cash reserves are compromised.

>> No.25260027

Most cards have a spend 500 get 200 sign on bonus. I do this every 3 months.

>> No.25260147

now that you mention it...hmm

>> No.25260203

I have a 100% credit score (UK) and have taken the bonuses from every card on the market. once i've received the bonuses i just cut the card up. Most of them cancel automatically after a couple of years if you stop using them. I must have had £3000 or so in bonuses. Nowadays I use an Amazon card which gets me an amazon voucher every so often, which is better than nothing. If you get fucked over by a company, a credit card card will take the issue up on your behalf, unlike a debit card from a bank. It's a no brainer and anyone who can't control their spending deserves to be poor

>> No.25260217

yeah, i've seen the offers. its just not enticing to me to spend my usual budget per month, pay it off and have my credit go up a few points.

>retard tier
yes i've done that, but only for things that i actually had the cash for but chose to get a loan on things instead. haven't taken out a CC but my score has gone up because of this

>big brain tier
this is about the only reason why i'm looking into CC at all

>> No.25260286

oh wow 1000 dollarinos per year lmao

>> No.25260418

>acts as a layer
how do i profit from this? why do i need this 'layer'?
>reducing the risk that my actual cash reserves are compromised
I have no idea what this means. Don't spend what you don't have, be it on a credit card or otherwise. Trying to make yourself feel bigger than everyone else with this retarded stuff is kinda sad

>> No.25260443

no you 'tard, he's referring to fraud

>> No.25260587

you can open a CC in like 20 minutes, you could save $1000 for a hours work over the course of a year and spend the money on gifts or oil changes or w.e

>> No.25260601

why didn't he say so then? wtf is the guy some kind of salesman who has to use BS language to sell us some shit? next he'll be reciting from the t&cs
People who can't talk straight are NGMI

>> No.25260666

I get it you're a poor village pajeet it's ok

>> No.25260681

Scintillate, scintillate, globule lucific
Fain would I fathom thy nature specific
Loftily perched in the ether capacious
Strongly resembling a gem carbonaceous

>> No.25261011

Discover Card is useful. They have rotating 5% cash back categories. If you don’t have one I’m gonna assume you’re a poorfag.

>> No.25261054
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>> No.25261351

this is why you're poor

>> No.25261441

hail satan
Haha not poor, I'm just autistic about it. I have a whole spreadsheet. $1,000/hr is not bad, it's a fun side hustle to outjew the banks

>> No.25261815

is there something wrong with that aside from you seething and being inferiorly upset?

>> No.25261915

>is there something wrong with sounding like a seething 50yo roastie

See >>25261054

>> No.25261981
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>Readily accessible loans that they will allow you to gamble on the stockmarket with but not invest in crypto since it can function as a bank alternative
Very jewish.

>> No.25262032

Interest is always jewwy, but only retards pay credit card interest. Nigga just pay off the balance before interest accrues + make a bit off of rewards. I put all my bills on autopay on one credit card so I only make one payment.

>> No.25262064

I have never been poor in my entire life. Zero debt as well.

>> No.25262079

>if you're using credit cards for anything besides the offers and cashback you're a nigger
Correct, 2% cash back Chad on all purchases here. Haven't paid interest in the 5 years I've had it, and the rewards will pay a big chunk of my kids college

>> No.25262165

I really don't see the problem with usury if it's to mitigate risk.

>> No.25262303

You are very stupid, the reason for this is because you're going to buy things that you need anyway, so you might as well earn 5% back on that. It's literally free money. You know how hard stock traders have to work to make even 8% a year?

>> No.25263454

Absolute poorfag mentality. Use credit cards for your everyday expenses. I've gotten roughly $10k over the past 3 years from credit card bonuses spending not a single extra penny I would not have otherwise spent and doing zero extra work. If you aren't churning at least 5 new personal cards and 5 business cards every 24 months, you are an absolute fucking retard

>> No.25263599
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>> No.25263666
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>> No.25263692

>pay with anything other than a credit card
how do you deal with utilization though? do you have multiple + high limits and hit 10-20% on each? i keep mine at 20% and even though I'm decently made it's such a small amount that I barely use it a few times a month

>> No.25263746

>how do i profit from this?
shut the fuck up rajesh, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.25263757

you cant buy crypto with credit cards anymore?

>> No.25263803
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>be you
>use credit card
>get 5% back on cwedit cward
>redeem for amazon to buy more funko pops

>be me
>use debit card
>get 5-10% back in crypto
>in 5 years the crypto cashback surpasses the value of the fiat purchase made
>i got it all for free

>> No.25264153

Banks started taking action against crypto purchases on credit cards since 2018 and especially in early 2019. It's not something they will tell you unless you phone them an ask. Otherwise you'll just get vacuous payment rejections on most cards. There are stragglers and workarounds.

>> No.25264176

Are you using CRO?

>> No.25264216

I wanna get one of these but is there anything that isn't attached to a website/company that uses ponzi scheme methods of generating revenue?

>> No.25264231

I fucked up with credit cards and currently have about $6500 in debt, but I’m slowly getting out of the hole.

>> No.25264272

CRO is going to pump hard. People who get into ponzi schemes early make monie. I don't have to believe in the tech of a coin to see that normans are all going to want metal cards and free spotify.

>> No.25264287





>> No.25264316

10k here man
we'll get out

>> No.25264322

omg who cares about hot girls. Get yourself an uggo that cooks for you and does your laundry. Shit is cash.

>> No.25264356

What's the tax situation with these? If you pay and the crypto on the account is converted to fiat to pay the retailer, isn't that a tax event and subject to capital gains tax?

>> No.25264406

>oil change
pop the cap, drain the oil, burn it or dump it, and refill

>> No.25264490

you can use cro or fold card or the upcoming cuckbase card. im sure a lot more competitors will show up next year.

deposit fiat, spend fiat, get crypto cashback

>> No.25264529

Visa considers crypto a cash advance, meaning you’ll pay ~20% extra if you use one of their cards on cuckbase. Surely they aren’t the only bank to do this

>> No.25264605

You're too retarded to live, holy shit. People like you are poor because you're retarded, then blame the jews for it. Exactly what niggers do.

>> No.25264632


> implying I didn't lose 80% of my portfolio in 2018

Opened another credit card

> implying I didn't lose 50% of my portfolio just recently

Opened another credit card

> doesn't understand I'm still up 2x from my 2017 ATH and only God himself can stop my All Alt RLC NOIA LINK GRT Godfolio

I sleep like I never left the womb, anon. They just can't beat me!

>> No.25264645

Rather than post retarded soijaks because you don't know how the financial system works, read this post instead. Simply put, if you are using a debit card for any purchases, you are a fucking moron, as you are subsidizing credit card holders. Credit card processors charge additional fees to companies that use their services. In order to recoup the cost of these fees, the vendors and manufacturers offload these costs onto to customers (baked into the MSRP. Most items you buy in the store already have this 3-5% fee baked as overhead. Ever notice how some stores (small or shady ones) give you a discount if you pay in cash? It's because the cost of the item doesn't include the credit card transaction fee (sometimes they tack it on at the point of sale).

TLDR: If you buy stuff without your credit card, you are subsidizing credit card holders. Go ahead and pay for your purchases in debit, its free money for us "COOOOMSUMERS"

>> No.25264935

Don't forget to put the cap back on.

>> No.25264956

What's it like being a nigger

>> No.25265021

Ah jeeze dude they expect you to pay alla that back?

>> No.25265028
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>I can't wait to spend $100,000 on my card to get "free" airline miles

>> No.25265083

if you aren't utilizing credit cards with up to 5% cash back to pay for shit you would normally do anyways (groceries, gas, bills that take credit cards, etc) you are a brainlet of massive proportions.

>> No.25265184

solid post.

>> No.25265214

no one goes out of their way to spend the 100k, dumbass. it’s just a benefit added to what you’d purchase regardless.

>> No.25266169

Debt is slavery. DE-FI insurance is freedom.

All in UNN and wait a year. Sell when euphoric

>> No.25266201


See if you can refinance the credit card bill at a bank or credit union. I used to work at a CU and we'd sometimes to promotional rates on personal loans to refinance credit card debt. 22% APR on the CC refinanced to a 10% APR loan

>> No.25266823

This. Literally put every single expense and bill on your credit card. Now set you account to automatically pay off by the end of the month. Wow, a 1.5% discount on literally everything you bought in an entire year. but I guess retards don't know you don't pay interest when you pay back on time.

>Buy 1k laptop
>get 15 dollars back
>Buy Chipotle for free

"duuuuuuuuuuurr You're getting jeeeeeewed"
How fucking retarded is half of biz? Put every goddamn bill on the credit card. My debit card is literally never used if I can help it. My credit score is fucking perfect.

>> No.25267546

Based and Hydepilled

>> No.25267587

>allows me to pay bills while investing whatever fiat into stuff i want
>this is bad
The interest and usury is bad, but the concept of credit is good for people with 90iq or more.

>> No.25267638

plus "protection" and charge backs from the credit card company

>> No.25267690

just have a max of like 50k and not worry about it

>> No.25267740

makes sense, so you just generally stay under 10% or something? is this fine for your credit? i assume it's better to be lower than way higher regardless

>> No.25267759

credit score*

>> No.25267767


Lmao and the Fed just keeps printing money! While I accumilate hard assets! Truly I cannot be stopped.

>> No.25267865

tell me the truth. if i am on welfare with 50k debt in collections. will they sue me?

>> No.25268107

recommend me a card to get with a credit score of 605

>> No.25268418

Get those points on those cards so you can basically get a free vacation or two. Also, don't pay more than what you have so you don't pay (((them))) interest.

>> No.25268542

>having a credit card
Enjoy having your entire purchase history easily accessible to every glowie, bank, and credit reporting agency.

>> No.25268666

that's not the fault of credit cards

>> No.25268722

>endless booze, fast food, and amazon purchases
oh the horror

>> No.25268809

So the whole design of this is to take advantage of people who are pressured to over spend?????

>> No.25268848

you're a retard.