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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 200x200, A8819C9E-5466-4BBF-97E8-8C944152C07D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25248110 No.25248110 [Reply] [Original]

Is fantom good tech or a scam?

>> No.25248240

It's a top 30 scam

>> No.25248247


>> No.25248288

products are working great. I have a decent stack atm. But the price movement is really disappointing. I will still hold till the end

>> No.25248296

is there a Fantom discord?

>> No.25249503

Altcoin "tech" doesn't matter.
You could literally make a new ERC20 and push in into the top 30 if there is enough hype and marketing.
FTM has been pretty bad on the hype side, so purely based on that its not an interesting hold regardless of whatever tech they're working on.

>> No.25249623


>> No.25249934

I'm convinced everyone who keeps calling this a scam is just fudding to keep price low while they accumulate, especially considering fLend is coming soon.

For those that wonder though, this is a long term hold.
Not for 1-2 month moonbois who actually never make it.

I don't care either way, don't need /biz/ to pump my bags for this one, it will do just fine on its own over the coming years.

>> No.25249972

Adoption matters.

>> No.25250074

Totally a scam. But look at neo and tron

>> No.25250156
File: 164 KB, 965x846, Eth Helper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart contract platforms are a winner-takes-it-ll market and ETH has won. Even Fantom realized that "ETH-killer" is so rediculous given the dominance of ETH that they switched their marketing to "Eth-Helper".

>> No.25250195

>f-fmint i-is coming soon!!!! F-fantom will moon just watch!!!!!!!!
>fmint releases
>price dumps
> f-fswap i-is coming soon!!!! F-fantom will moon just watch!!!!!!!!
> >fswap releases
>price dumps
> f-flend is coming soon!!!! F-fantom will moon just watch!!!!!!!!
>flend releases
>price dumps

Yawn. Do you retarded faggots have anything new? You’ve been dancing to the same tune for the past three years. Why do you think this piece of shit is still below ICO kek.

>> No.25250345

They’re waiting for the fScam to release for these fantom jeets to finally collectively neck themselves when they realized they wasted three years holding an absolute chink scam when they could’ve made it already with Graph, PRQ, SNX, Lend, Yfi etc. kek.