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25246084 No.25246084 [Reply] [Original]

>Biden already shilling more money printing during his administration
>Trump signs new the bill to inject more money in the economy
>DXY doesn't collapse
>metals dip
What the hell is wrong with this timeline?

>> No.25246271

No point being in metals when stonks will go up faster

>> No.25246359

Fuse is the key to not staying poor in 2021.

>> No.25246408

Blue chip stocks are the new safe haven where people park their money instead of metals. Amazon, Apple etc

>> No.25246488

>What the hell is wrong with this timeline?
Anybody who isn't a tribalistic retard knew that this would happen. Of course Biden would continue the money printing. The top democrats have made it known that they approved of Trump's economic policies prior to the pandemic. It was the one thing that they (publicy) agreed was good. But people here keep believing otherwise because they're so caught up in useless culture wars. In reality, the old guards of the democratic and republican parties are like birds of a feather. They agree on a lot of things when it comes to policy such as military spending.
Everything else is just theatrics. A means of control so that they could excite their core and brainless political base so that they could maintain their stranglehold on American politics.

>> No.25246892

the news has been known for weeks by insiders
this is 100% true as well

>> No.25247016

clown market
happened right before 2008 crash too
everything was going up, making new heights despite all the warning signs up until it crashed
i can easily see a stock market crash happening some 12-24 months from now

>> No.25247072

priced in

>> No.25247107

Metals are not really for speculation.
It only rises once M2 actually rises.
Currently, it's still only a news, but hasn't affected M2 yet.

>> No.25247691

metals will melt faces retard. The only reason silver is not over 100 dollars right now and gold not over 5k is because COMEX jews are allowing the sale of literally 20x annual production of non existent metals on their gay littel exchange, and still somehow getting the world to believe that this is the true price of gold and silver.

The real gold and silver market is many times bigger than what is traded through COMEX - and they are going to decouple any day now - once this happens you will see a green dildo in gold and silver prices like no one has ever seen before and stockfags will rope, unless they are holding miners. This will also signal the end of the USD and other fiat shitcoins like the euro and GBP

I have over 100k in OOTM 2023 calls on silver and gold miners

>> No.25247828

How far OTM?

>> No.25247956

extremely, like strike prices between 2 to 3x the current stock price - its still a good time to buy as IV is comparatively low and miners are still lagging the price of the metals

>> No.25248375

I only just got into soccer stacking two years ago. I cannot imagine living through a decade or longer in such a fraudulent world. Yet.

>> No.25248394

* silver stacking

>> No.25248559

then you got into it just in time. You are already ahead of 99.9% of the normies who have no idea what is coming. I have over 100kg of silver kek but as little as 100 oz will be enough to make it

>> No.25248609
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I've been hearing that the USD is gonna collapse all the time since like 2007 when Ron Paul fans were still a thing. I'm sure the USD will collapse at some point in the future but I'm not gonna hold metals my whole life when I can dollars on the stock market.

>> No.25248689

you're talking like you'd have lost money holding metals anon. They have outperformed the S&P 500 consistently. And im not even a goldfag I actually prefer crypto

>> No.25248730

What's a good metal stack? I'm looking to diversify out of stocks.

>> No.25248812

just put 25% of your portfolio into it

Mine is:
50% crypto
25% stocks and options (although vast majority is miners)
25% precious metals

Obviously if you're storing precious metals space and security become an issue, so you'll need to plan accordingly

>> No.25248890

What about metals ETFs? Not talking about apocalypse scenario here.

>> No.25248928

>just put 25% of your portfolio into it
Into what? Gold and silver? Just gold? Gold, silver, and platinum?

>> No.25248989

Bro the USD collapsed in 2008, we're living in a zombie finance world and the Fed is a fucking necromancer, the USD is so shit that people park their money in stocks of zombie companies that have never been in profit like TSLA

>> No.25249097
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Yeah the value is totally fake unlike the value of gold which is 100% due to its utility in microchips and has nothing to do with the fact that it's shiny, can be used to make pretty jewelry, and is naturally scarce.

Never mind the fact that I made $200,000 this year just holding a 'zombie stock', enough to buy enough gold to kill a small animal by dropping it on it.

>> No.25249152

The price of your stock was literally propped up by the Fed printing 40% of the total USD supply in existence in 9 months.
And it's not over.
The day even half of that money enters circulation Weimar Germany will look like a deflationary nightmare.

>> No.25249234

Month, maybe two. Real bad nigga, we basically hit a jackpot when the casino collapsed.

>> No.25249263

they dipped yes but i won't buy any more i got 1k oz of silver and 30 oz of gold that i bought last year for cheap. But i agree the prices should be way higher.

>> No.25249277
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Good thing I'm buying gold then. Good thing I got in and out in a good timeframe instead of hunkering down prematurely. If the economy is a bubble, the smart thing to do is ride the bubble to get leveraged gold, right?

>> No.25249352

Thanks for agreeing with me you passive agressive faggot

>> No.25249534

Sorry, I guess I took issue with calling the USD 'fake', when gold's value is largely determined by its history as a store of value and scarcity rather than its utility. I just think it's all kinda fake and the way to win is to play the entire economy. I thought you were a gold bug and one-investment purists (whether it's crypto, metals, or trading cards) kinda piss me off when they shit on other investments. My apologies.

>> No.25249614

Dont buy metal ETFs they are unnecesary counterparty risk for a bit of extra liquidity and convenience, not worth it

I'd go gold and silver, equal $ amounts of each

>> No.25249685

Thanks! I'll buy in a few weeks, I think. Gonna see if the price of gold goes down a bit more.

>> No.25249816

the USD IS fake though bro

>How much does it cost to create 1000 USD?
nothing, some faggot at the fed types it into a computer and steals wealth from hardworking people's bank accounts

>how much does it cost to create 1 ounce of gold?
Company has to buy the land, survey, mine out the ore, which then has to be refined and cast into bullion for us to buy

>how much does it cost to create 1 BTC?
someone has to create custom built machines that use huge amounts of electricity at cost to mine a single BTC

now read those 3 and tell me which is not like the other

>> No.25249848

Just DCA in each week, you don't want the stress or risk of having huge amounts of precious metals potentially going missing in the post - buy little and often

>> No.25249860

metals didn't dip, gold did(1886 to 1877) but silver is up a dollar, which is like 4%

>> No.25249875

Only retards hold metal and miss on all the opportunities to make more fiat to buy more metals with. You could have made a shitload of money if you bought btc or stonks within the last 10 years whole metals are still in limbo from then.

>> No.25249931

/pmg/ has SO MUCH information on silver mining companies and silver and gold mining etfs, go read that thread for like a week.

>> No.25250070

>goldbugs not even understand why gold has value

fucking lol