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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1200x630, IMG_2657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2523740 No.2523740 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks Pajeet, you dick.

>> No.2523945
File: 10 KB, 480x360, swarm city dev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost half my investment on this pajeet coin

>> No.2523959

>korma shitty

>> No.2523975

Allegedly now the devs are on vacation for a "few weeks".

>> No.2524004

LOL I am so happy I had a reallllly bad feeling right before the announcement and sold at 21k. Whew lad.

Now my only bag is STRAT, which isn't really a bag, just got a little too FOMO on it around 42k.

>> No.2524010
File: 171 KB, 657x527, IMG_9262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source? i'm ready to arm up and get my monies back

>> No.2524017

How could it fail this badly?

>> No.2524027

You made the right call. The main spokesman is very dodgy in the Slack. Zero information, just platitudes like "this is only the beginning!"
I'm not joking about the devs on "vacation" either. They took one during launch.
Pajeet as fuggg.

>> No.2524030


god she's so stinkin' cuteeeeeee ugh

>> No.2524035
File: 382 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_2658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2524044

I told you guys.
I told you guys.
I told you guys.
I told you guys.
I told you guys.
I told you guys.
I told you guys.
I told you guys.

I was the OG Swarm whistleblower when it was at 230000. If anyone believed me and I saved you BTC, feel free to kick back a little bit.

>Save /biz/ from the pajeets


>> No.2524093

>have 1.2BTC in SWT a few days ago
>it's now worth 0.6BTC

>> No.2524132

The devs on vacation is the biggest warning bell for me. One assumes they have a fuck load of tokens, and would have quite a bit of incentive to make sure launch goes smoothly.
It's hard to come to any charitable conclusions.

>> No.2524149

I got screwed
sadly i'm still going to continue holding, because stupider things have happened
that, and it's one of those that i /want/ the idea of it to work. only time will tell, tho
oh, and i got semi-shilled into it by "vit's dad is on it no way it can fail!"

>> No.2524167

I loved the idea behind it. It's largely why I invested, and im in the same boat as you. No point in selling now, I won't recover enough, so I'm left bag holding. I could be wrong and the devs are solid but the media spokesman comes across as oily as fugg.

>> No.2524226

Sent you a little bit. Don't expect too much... I was getting ready to buy at 190000 in the 'dip' and if you were the one making all of the fud posts you saved me quite a bit of money. Thanks anon.

>> No.2524254

Wow, I didn't actually expect anyone to give me anything. Thank you. haha

I'm just really sick of the fucking pajeet scamsters on this site. I saw like 6 SWT posts in one day and I knew it was bullshit. I just wish more people would take the time to call out scams.

>> No.2524327

Were you the anon who went out of his way to critique the video Pajeet posted with the spokesman not actually answering any questions or explaining anything?
If yes, I should have listened.

>> No.2524334

No problem. Continue doing god's work my boy.

>> No.2524336

i bought this a month ago at 2.80 and wish i sold at the peak, fuck my life, i legit thought this would be good tech and would boom at release

>> No.2524362
File: 15 KB, 320x180, IMG_2190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.2524371

I was not that anon, but he joined in and posted on all of the other posts with me. I was the one that named all my posts


Then I battled these two pajeet shills in like 8 more posts.

After the first two threads the price dropped 10000k because I think they knew the jig was up. I just feel bad for the people on Reddit, they're all really confused about what happened.

>> No.2524388

I also continually asked for information about the app, but alas, they kept telling me it was 'in alpha'. lmao

>> No.2524415



>> No.2524418

I remember you for sure. I had already bought my PajeetBux so I was pretty much bag holding at that point but remember getting uneasy reading your stuff.
Then the web browser version stopped working consistently after a few days, especially when moving SWT or ETH in or out. Then devs "resting".

Wew lad.

>> No.2524431

Any other /biz/ scams we should know about?

>> No.2524433

Notice there are literally no Pajeets in here now shilling when the week leading up to release, any time SWT was mentioned, someone popped up?

>> No.2524436




>> No.2524459
File: 118 KB, 1282x458, JUST-City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC 4u

>> No.2524471

That eases our pain. I was dying to do something like this but can't into shoop. Thanks anon!

>> No.2524520

Yeah, the way those guys were posting made it so obvious. I'd see a thread pop up and then instantly get 5 positive comments. Clearly they were coordinating on a slack or discord channel.

I'm not aware of any new scams, but if you see a new coin pop up always be skeptical before you buy. A little bit of research can save you a lot of BTC and headache.

>> No.2524522
File: 210 KB, 900x900, VaporBane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I got fucked for .03BTC, sold my bags for ANS today and I'm already up tho

we gonna make it fampai

>> No.2524544


Any of that cryptocoderz crap. Espers, espers2, bunny coin etc

It's all literal pajeet dung garbage

>> No.2524559

>bought kids coin
>bought alien coin
>bought 1337
>learned my lesson and didnt buy swarm city
>feels good man

>> No.2524571

With poos you lose.

>> No.2524600


>> No.2525337

Feels batman.

Any way we can get in touch with a discord whale PND to recouperate our bags. feels batman. came from reddit. feels very batman indeed.

>> No.2525361

>made money off kids
>seriously wish I would have bought alien
>made LOTS of money with 1337
>made money with swarm

you just really fucking suck at this lol

>> No.2525363

lol, who else is into Iconomi balls deep and are laughing at any other coin currently circulating /biz/?

>> No.2525534

I just don´t understand why it crashes so hard. Sure a little dip would have been understandable but not this.

>> No.2525571

thankfully I finally decided to pull the trigger yesterday and got rid of my bags

put it in SC and nearly made my lose back already

way too late but still better than holding it

>> No.2525588

I warned you guys.

The call of the pajeet is sometimes too strong. Learn from this.