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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25233025 No.25233025 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe my first fucking investment is in crypto thanks you to autist fucks. I bought 2 ETH and I'm going to get litecoin, GRT, PRQ, and possibly chainlink soon. Any advice? Am I gonna make it?

>> No.25233041

Just hodl bro

>> No.25233065

Take my advice, next time you take a timestamp pic make sure to have better lighting. Hard to tell if you're a nigger or not.

>> No.25233077

>He bought the top
Oh boy it's like 2017 /biz/ all over again.

>> No.25233088

If you're investing less than $10k, Get two tokens at the most to focus on. Newfags always make the same mistakes and diversify with little capital

>> No.25233093

I've been here for years, stop listening to what /biz/ says or you will meet a sticky end

>> No.25233095

those coins are actually not retarded so u will be a ok

>> No.25233103

2 eth will be $20,000 if you hold through 2021
the other coins ur talking about are scams except GRT, but i wouldn't recommend it

>> No.25233119

Crypto is almost retard proof atm, whatever you pick will appreciate, some just appreciate better than others and hold through the downtrends.

>> No.25233125


just buy dai it will go to 10 dollars bro

>> No.25233140
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chainlinks done, sec will insert their appendage into sergey's butthole with no lubricant

amass parsiq friend
id hate to see you spam pink wojaks in my threads in few years

>> No.25233141

This is the reason you never listen to /biz the fool thinks 700 is the top

>> No.25233143

prq is beyond your IQ level anon

this idiot really said "GRT" LOL

>> No.25233180
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ehhh, let them suffer i guess
just gotta filter the pink wojaks later on

>> No.25233219

This post its the most clear sell signal in the entire multiverse

>> No.25233225

>muh sec will go after chainlink
imagine being dumb enough not just to listen to ripplefags, but to actually take their "l-link will go down with us" cope and try to turn it into fud, while actually believing that anyone would even think that chainlink has operated in the same way

>> No.25233253

Pick a coin with more upscale capacity and with more reason to adopt. Maybe some assets like Albt, link and ocean could add more value to your stack

>> No.25233346

In 2017 I sold at $400 and walked away with more money than I've known what to do with. I re-entered and bought the post-2018 collapse. I'm probably going to be selling out of my position before the week is over and walk away with another 6 figure amount. How about you broski?

>> No.25233420
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I know enough about investing to know that downtrends are inevitable. I'm not too worried about that yet.

That's right I forgot about the SEC lawsuit. I saw XRP is going down the toilet because of it. I'll put some of the trumpbux in to parsiq.

I'm a bit of a poor fag now, hoping to be less of a poor fag in the future. I'm good at saving money and keeping my expenses down so I'll be able to invest more later. My main reason for choosing ETH was because I wanted 2 high dollar tokens to hold on to while I start putting money elsewhere.

>> No.25233437

Good for you bro, but I dont think 700 is anywhere close to the top. Eth is not even reached ath, more to come this 2021.

>> No.25233445
File: 48 KB, 410x498, 2pacMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im one of the biggest xrp haters out there my dude, fuck these boomer retards
but chainlink's was aways treading on thin ice
from the coffee cup price prediction to regular -700k dumps and the cayman isands office
but i mean, fuck it bro its your life

>> No.25233455

just buy random top 10 coins and hold, honestly

>> No.25233530

If I would have listened to biz and went all in on chainlink below a dollar, I'd be a millionaire.

>> No.25233563

obviously Link and Ocean, but yeah Albt is turning heads of late. Got my attention with the Nasdaq coverage

>> No.25233578

you don't have any PNK? that's sad

>> No.25233588

Another fool, why buy a stable if you are looking for growth. Top 10 is for suckers. DYOR thumb rule of crypto

>> No.25233682

Yeah never regretted getting into Albt the recent binance on ramp for old money set the tune for 2021

>> No.25233732

I followed the rule of thumb, follow the money. 12000 APR and i was sold. kek

>> No.25233820

Fuck off mayo, this is a brown people only board.

>> No.25233845
File: 140 KB, 1236x853, 8838CF52-9624-4DA0-9591-B2CE8EAAB04B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling prq a scam

neck yourself nigger

>> No.25233857

>coffee cup price fud
>700k dumps even though its explicitly in the whitepaper to bootstrap the network
>quite a few AAA companies have cayman island's offices for tax purposes
oh yes, i forgot that link was just a json parser written on the back of a napkin at sibos

>> No.25234036

>coffee cup price fud
thats fud now?
crazy how just a year ago it was a incredibly bullish sign from sergey that every bizraeli considered a blessing
damn, i guess its fud now, crazy how that works huh

>> No.25234364

You ain't white

>> No.25234575

Time for your punishment, Fink.

>> No.25234596

Don’t bother with ChainLink and you’ll make it

>> No.25234732

check DEXG

>> No.25234946

ETH is not that overvalued, buying BTC now would be pajeet.

>> No.25235076

thats how most people made it in 2016-2017 literally just reinvested profit into every project
but i guess its a bit different cuz fees are way higher that 10-20 dollars here and there adds up i got my start from a 20x with like $50 and then getting a 37x reinvesting that.

>> No.25235118

just look at that absolute dogshit objectively useless coin DASH
was like $5 for 4 years, then goes to $1000 for no reason in a week, now at $100
ALL crypto is useless, not needed to be monetized, and is just a way for people to make money off of thin air and you can't argue against this.

>> No.25235200

i would also argue youre less scared to take profit from projects you only have a $100-$2000 in when you have 5k+ youre more prone to panic selling on red days or having a specific exit price diversifying using some form of a half-kelly worked very well back in the day before gas fees started costing as potential small position in other coins,

>> No.25235237

Chainlink wont be sued by the sec you fucking newfag.

>> No.25235295
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you think your 2 ETH is something when niggas on here have at minimum 5 BTC and like 32+ ETH right? you not gonna make it unless ou have ATLAS 250k portfolio of btc and etc right now. if you don't you will be looking at your small gains or for your "big gains"...yo bro etc went up 400 today I'm up 800 dude, lol

>> No.25235807

You reddit fags are clinically retarded. No one believes the SEC fud

>> No.25235849

You're an idiot if you sell out now.

>> No.25236004

so 2x then? at least it beats 7%


>> No.25236943

Don't buy chainlink.
The other choices are alright.

>> No.25236967

>fag ID

>> No.25237189

faggots are never rare on 4chan

>> No.25237807

>Newfags always make the same mistakes and diversify with little capital
Nothing wrong with this unless you end up spending 10% of your capital on fees.

>> No.25238666
File: 2 KB, 125x94, 1608481729220s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't diversify 2 ETH. Go all in on either GRT or PRQ until you have $10k+, at that point you can start diversifying. GRT is almost guaranteed to go above $1 vey soon. PRQ is a bit riskier but could very well go to $10.

>> No.25239290

to diverse, 1eth, rest in rarible or unitrade or pnk

>> No.25239395 [DELETED] 

This is how i started. Now 99% in link.

>> No.25239424

Good luck anon, buy Litcoin.

>> No.25239504

Don't listen to a single one of these fools.
Buy Statera tho.
But don't listen to anyone, including me.
Really tho, buy Statera.