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25227666 No.25227666 [Reply] [Original]

Has covidbux made Millennials and older Zoomers more aware of government spending? Are Millennials going to make a push to limit aid going to other countries and maximize their own government gibs?

>> No.25227691

short answer: no

>> No.25227868

how do you know that?

>> No.25228084
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This is a christian board. GTFO.

>> No.25228090

because zoomers and millennials are retarded

>> No.25228598

>god i hate how much we spend on the military why can’t we just pay every nigger’s healthcare
I’m fucking 30 and my peers still sound 14

>> No.25228717

Not the military, but other countries like Israel and Pakistan.

>> No.25229563

A national health service costs less than private healthcare.
If you want more money, then ensuring others in society have more to spend gives you that. They have more money to consume, to create businesses, to employ people, to purchase non-health items.

Stop being so 1 dimensional. Literally thinking 1 step ahead.
American's are so retarded. They think communism = the gubmen' does stuff.
Provide a safety net, ensure a decent minimum standard of living and EVERYONE in society thrives.

America has done "trickle-down" for 50 years. It lead to the 2008 financial crisis. It lead to 50 people in america having more than the bottom 200 million and it gouged out the middle-class.

Provide people healthcare, ensure them well-paying jobs, guarantee they can put food on their table, that their kids aren't limited by an empty fridge and that everyone can afford a home. That's the foundation of a stable, high-growth, successful society.

>> No.25229595

Because Americans are really fucking stupid, and the media will just wave something new in their faces and they'll forget.

>> No.25229602

This is literally and unironically why Boomers have all the wealth. That's the society they grew up in.
One with an extremely generous welfare system, guaranteed well-paid jobs, high unionisation rates, high taxes, and banking that was so fucking boring it made reading bills look exciting. It's called the golden-age of capitalism for a reason.

>> No.25229662

But if i trust the government to do any of those things it will like, fucking suck man.

>> No.25229883

The greatest irony of the neoliberal revolution is that it was overwhelmingly supported by people in the upper half of the wealth distribution chart because it promised them that 'muh smaller gubmint' and 'muh $2000 tax cut' will increase their prosperity, meanwhile the 51-99th percentiles have seen their wealth flow upwards. In effect this has meant that the bottom 50% have remained largely stagnant while 51-99 cucks have been bleeding out their wealth until they fall into the lower percentiles. Truly the weakest link in the chain.

>> No.25229903

Already they have spun the narrative to be ‘TRUMP DENIED YOU GIBS!’ when the truth is that yes, him demanding $2000 slowed the bill, but the gibs have been denied since May by the entirety Congress ignoring them. Meanwhile Gibsrael and billionaires get whatever they want.

>> No.25229923

I am from the UK where we have "free" healthcare for all.
It's completely shit and if you want to get anything done you have to go privately. Which you pay for. On top of those sky-high taxes. Just like with taxes overall, all the resources are eaten up by boomers, immigrants (such as the birth defects from Pakistani couples inbreeding), chavs and single mothers. If there are any economic benefits from this, they are consumed long before they get to me. If I had the choice, I'd live in America 100%