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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25219479 No.25219479 [Reply] [Original]

Think about it bros,

There are 50 million millionaires in the world.
There will only be up to 21 million bitcoins, and unequally distributed.

I don't think the reality of that has yet set in with us even here on /biz/
Get at least one bitcoin like your grandchildren's wealth depends on it

Wholecoiners will be rare indeed in about 7 years

>> No.25220126


>> No.25220348

This is the kind of shit that makes me think almost every one of us on this board are playable characters in a 21st century historical period video game, at least us zoomers

>Be white
>Be born in first world country
>Be inquisitive and thinking enough to be on this basketweaving forum
>9/11 early in your playthrough
>Witness 2008, witness Ron Paul lolbertarianism
>Witness Trump
>Get into Bitcoin in the earlier days
Not enough to be super OP but not a bad run either
>Still yet to play through all that is coming

>> No.25220823
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Genuinely lad, the whole world has a climate change agenda and a pc culture with an authoritatian foundation. Bitcoin isnt economical at all, there is too much ethical and illegal activity involvement and the technology is primitive. The banks can't control it and neither can the government and believe me they won't allow it to scale to the point where people seem to think it will because of it. Think about how much control they can exercise against the popluation - they are saving us from ourselves, in an outrageous display of dominance. They can lock us down and remove our basic human right for human to human contact as a social species. Bitcoin won't survive, it's going to be an absolute bloodbath when it pops. It can not and will not scale x3 more than it already is, because other technology has already outpaced it on a fundamentals level and adoption always commences with a peak in utility and functionality which is ireefutably lacking in bitcoin by every measurable metric. Transaction speeds are probably one of my top 5 problems with this becoming globally and universally standard.

>> No.25220899

you are aware you are a minority. The majority on this board is mid 30 toearly 40 larping as mid twenty.

>> No.25221006

I can't imagine a 40 year old on this website, I know it happens but once in a blue moon