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25216717 No.25216717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does anyone else on this board take Kratom just to relax? I feel like the FDA fud's the shit out of this because it's another perfect alternative just like weed.

>> No.25216774

I'm interested in this as well.

>> No.25216813

Everything I've read about it has been so under-researched, but I have seen redditors who have been taking kratom for years saying it's saved their lives from depression & anxiety. All of the FUD articles I've read on webmd and shit remind of me of the old marijuana FUD back when it was severely illegal

>> No.25216814


it kinda just sucks. i feel legitimately horrible for a few days after taking it for a week. if i take it for one day it doesn't really satisfy me at all

>> No.25216816

Have fun with your new opiate addiction. Hope you like sucking dick

>> No.25216847

It ruined my libido for months after taking it maybe half a dozen times. Hard pass. Ill stick to the coffee jew and weed.

>> No.25216852

just smoke weed or opium

>> No.25216853

Kratom is not an opiate, it derives from the Coffee plant. I hope you are able to educate yourself & potentially speak to a botanist if you need more info

>> No.25216897
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>I feel like the FDA fud's the shit out of this because it's another perfect alternative just like weed.

>> No.25216899

Why the fuck would you smoke opium? You shouldn't be a literal drug addict, I'm trying to get people's opinions on an actual plant supplement

>> No.25216911

I don’t feel shit when I take it.

T 1.5g

>> No.25216925

I've taken it more than half a dozen times and I still jack off like a race horse every night

>> No.25216927

>it kinda just sucks. i feel legitimately horrible for a few days after taking it for a week. if i take it for one day it doesn't really satisfy me at all

This. Kratom is weak as shit and does nothing. You have to take exorbitant amounts of it to feel even the slightest buzz and you're better off just getting some vicodin or something

>> No.25216930

kratom is an opioid you absolute brainlet. Youre doing the same thing

>> No.25216938

I use this as a preworkout for the gym, works really well. My dose is about 2.5 grams of Red bali

>> No.25216946


theres literally nothing wrong with smoking opium once in a while to relax

>> No.25216955

Kratom is not an opioid you fucking idiot, it does not derive from the poppy plant so how the fuck is it an opiet?

>> No.25216967

I literally just pounded a huge glass. I usually pound 2 glasses a day. My life revolves around crypto and kratom

>> No.25216972

no i dont need drugs to relax

>> No.25216990

It acts on the same receptors as opiates so like... its pretty fuckin close

>> No.25217019

opioids are created using chemicals such as chodeine & morphine. Opiates are created naturally, and although it does have alkaline contents similar to opiates - it's not an opiate

>> No.25217038

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a plant indigenous to Thailand and Southeast Asia. Kratom leaves produce complex stimulant and >opioid-like analgesic effects.

>not an opioid

>> No.25217060

Idk at first I my libido went up, but after taking it a few times over a month long period and apparently building up tolerance, it nosedived. Thats another thing...tolerance buildup is too fast. Most drugs in general are just ass after the first few times.

>> No.25217067

I take it pretty frequently. I have multiple lifelong medical conditions that even prescription opiates don't help, but for some reason kratom does. Helps a lot with chronic pain (fibromyalgia) and back injuries. Lifts my mood a lot too, and recently as this week is how I coped with a bad depression day to get through work.

My only problem with it is I build tolerance extremely quickly so I try to not take it more than every other day, and usually not more than 2-3 times a week. Also it'll constipate you if you take high doses regularly because it's just ground up leaves.

The FDA FUD is, as far as I know, because a big pharma company is currently working on a synthetic analog and they want to make the original illegal to corner the market on something that will be advertised as a miracle drug for those suffering from opioid withdrawal.

>> No.25217072

Its not an opiate by definition but a huge scoop of red strain in some water when chugged feels identical to a perc 10, which is all that matters hahah

>> No.25217094


it's a lot better than weed. doesn't give you brain fog. it's legal afaik. some varieties are much better than others.

it seems expensive though and i really doubt it costs that much to produce. it wouldn't surprise me if they paid less than 1/10th in indonesia. hopefully it'll become more than a headshop novelty because i do think it's a good medicine and healthier than weed and alcohol.

>> No.25217099

Kratom is perfectly fine as long as you don't go full degen chasing the dragon mode. I have read horror stories about people taking 20 grams a day of dry powder, I take it 2-3 times a and always stagger dosage days.

>> No.25217113

Yeah I don't abuse it, I'll take 2-3 capsules in the morning and begin work. I might cut down soon though just to see if there even is a withdrawal effect from it.

>> No.25217117

Addendum to >>25217067
Kratom works wonderfully for me, to the point that I shilled it to my friends and family. Almost nobody else gets as good an effect as I do, though many benefit, and one or two of them it just makes feel sick.

More than any other 'medication' I know of, its effect seems highly dependent on how the taker's body reacts to it. I don't really know why. Kind of a bummer, though; if everyone reacted the way I did, it'd be a commonly taken thing on par with coffee.

>> No.25217150

Kratom and opiates are a door into hell on earth.

>> No.25217175

I take a shitton (2-3 giant scoops a day for past year) and it still makes me feel great when I take on empty stomach (in the morning)
Literally only downside is it makes your shits giant and painful

>> No.25217179


Once in a while inevitably leads to sucking dick behind alleys. Opiate addicts are top tier degenerates

>> No.25217180

Doors open from both sides. Just make sure you're crossing in the right direction.

t. Severe chronic pain patient that could only hold my first job because of kratom.

>> No.25217192

If you abuse anything its a door into hell on earth

I'm trying to reach out to the working class here, not degen drug addicts

>> No.25217200

My cousin died bc of this. Not even larping, be careful anons

>> No.25217211


i haven't read much research on it though so take this with a grain of salt. i dislike shills and i'm not advocating its use per se.

>> No.25217228

CBD & THC is all you really need ,

& liquor occasionally

>> No.25217229

That's the first time I've ever heard of someone dying on Kratom. He must've taken 50-100g

>> No.25217259


did he choke on a gel cap? sounds like fud to me.

>> No.25217261

I took it everyday for one year, the last two months when I would try and go to sleep my heart would do strange intense things. I’ve read it can enlarge your heart temporarily, been two months since I’ve stopped, problems gone. I took it for the anti sunburn properties surprisingly, over the summer and then just didn’t stop

>> No.25217264

Yum. Kratom. Who doesn't love burping up stale dirt for a shitty high.

>> No.25217266

except it does partially interact with opioid receptors. know your drug, don't go full stoner dude schizo who says marijuana cures schizophrenia and shit. be rational.

>> No.25217275

As someone that's looked into it, the primary problem with bringing production costs down is the extremely tempermental nature of the plant itself. It REALLY only wants to grow in Southeast Asia. It's possible to grow in Florida, but it takes a lot of babying and it won't just grow wild like it would in its purely native habitat.

tl;dr it's ground up plant matter (heavy), has to be transported long distances, and it's culturally significant like weed so the market is relatively specialized/niche. Solve these and price will come down.

>3 scoops on an empty stomach
Jesus fuck. I'd want to vomit.

>> No.25217280

Fuck you're me. I really want to get off this stuff I take it way too much. I'm also a degenerate in general think if you can control yourself its pretty awesome. Would be much better if I just took it once a day or something. The golden monk is the best online retailer fyi.

>> No.25217299

I usually take ketamine to relax

>> No.25217313


thc destroys the mind. it leads to womanly behavior like attending BLM rallies and feminism.

>> No.25217333


>> No.25217335

Just take CBD. Why even fucking risk the potential side effects if all you're doing is taking it to relax?

>> No.25217357

THC is an absolute mental mess for me
not useful at all, just a couple hours of paranoid behavior and thoughts

>> No.25217362

I pay about $50/kg on the golden monk with their regular offers. Can't imagine it getting much cheaper than that

>> No.25217365

I must be smoking the wrong shit then

>> No.25217382

Kratom btfos cbd, bottom line

>> No.25217416

Ill respect that & based magnum digits ,

Idk ive reactes to most things fine and weed (thc) is really one of the few substances that are worth doin

>> No.25217425

I think it made me start balding desu. It throws off your hormonal system and turns you into a soi.

>> No.25217446

Does it?

>> No.25217475

>The golden monk is the best online retailer fyi.

Agree fren... Just ordered 3kilos with 30% off coupon. But fuck me, I know deep down that this is not good for me.

>> No.25217477

That or chew 2-5 pepperballs

If you have one of those black pepper shakers you grind (guess that would make it a grinder) theres plenty in there. Look kinda like BB pellets but black

Shoutout to the Raw YT channel

>> No.25217486

There's no solid evidence kratom has any effect on your hormones. This sounds like fud to me desu

>> No.25217543


that's dirt cheap but i notice most of the cheaper varieties don't have the same effect. most people seem to prefer the sedative type, which does not appeal to me whatsoever. i prefer stimulant varieties but of them make me too anxious and so i'm stuck on a particular type/brand which happens to be rather expensive.

>> No.25217549

Ok, anesthesia md.

>> No.25217584

How much cbd do you take? I don’t feel shit when I eat it or smoke.

>> No.25217585

Damn everyone in here seems to have some experiences, anyone else never touched any of these shit?
I’ve never even smoked or drank.

>> No.25217608

Uh oh.. Jew id
I’ll see myself out.

>> No.25217610

Kratom doesn't really do anything for me

>> No.25217611
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Better go back to bed then. Mommy gonna get upset it’s past your bedtime.

>> No.25217627

You are smart anon drugs are for people who can’t handle reality

>> No.25217640

yeah it was over for you before it even began...

Nothing personal

>> No.25217679

It is essentially opiates that you can't kill yourself with since you can't shoot them up. Nearly chemically identical and have the same feels as high grade pain killers. Ruined a year of my life with that bullshit. Get away from it while you can, and get your dopamine doses from your brain naturally by achieving success as a man, as nature intended.

>> No.25217682

it's legal heroin. if you take this, your a degenerate drug addict.

>> No.25217721

If I'm honest, I frequently take CBD with a very small pinch of weed. It makes a world of difference. It's not even enough weed to get you a buzz, so I know it's not the weed itself giving the feeling, just the CBD really does benefit from having a bit of THC to help get the ball rolling. Can't give exact numbers cause I use a vaporizor (so use way less flower than smoking) and I literally just pinch off a small dime sized chunk from the THC flower while throwing a small nug into the grinder to mix.

But honestly even with straight CBD I feel the effects, just make sure you're getting good quality stuff. The crap I got from my local headshop never did anything and I'm convinced most of that shit is just straight up junk sold at markup to idiots. Online sellers with 3rd party verified lab results are the way to go.

>> No.25217736

I take an even mix of Red Vein and White Borneo. You need to find a good level but I feel like anything over 1 gram for daily use made me too dependent on it.
There's a good bit of research out there but you need to dig a bit.
It acts on the mu-opioid receptors. You're either being dishonest of you're misinformed. Either way, the mild addictive nature of kratom is nothing compared to a normal opiate due to the fact that the "high" you can get has a very low ceiling.

>> No.25217766

The withdrawals are really bad like a very bad hangover and some of the supplies can have heavy metals in the powder. That being said, I really like the visual effects it has, it turns the contrast way up, can dull physical pain, and it boosts your mood.

>> No.25217779


even cbd gives me mild brain fog. it doesn't seem to bother most people in that way and it is good for pain and anxiety but i only take it very sparingly.

>> No.25217901

THC does not destroy the mind retard. If anything there is research that it helps rebuild neural connections. God I hate faggot weed fudders.

>> No.25217924

>visual effects
Checked, but what? I've never heard of visual effects from it.

>> No.25217928
File: 61 KB, 901x1000, Based Root Powder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Ashwagandha pill, increases test, very cheap, no withdrawals.

>> No.25217955

A friend gave me a bottle of it in pill form. Care to redpill me on it?

>> No.25217961

Those paranoid thoughts all come from within you. It's not the THC it's you. It's literally giving you a psychedelic experience trying to get you to deal with your shit. Is it frightening sometimes? Yes. But after you face your demons you feel much better. Also you should just smoke high CBD/THC ratio strains. It's takes the edge off.

>> No.25217963


bullshit. i don't believe that for a minute. weed makes me feel so foggy. there have been a few studies and heavy users tend to have lower brain volume.

>> No.25217991


and by "a few", i mean very many.

>> No.25218043

it’s addictive. You will legit get opiate level itching. When I was using it I introduced it to a buddy and now every time I see him he wants to take it. Luckily Im not into it anymore but I gave him all my kratom

>> No.25218054

What do you guys recommend to get from eastern Europe for an easy suicide? nitrogen? laughing gas? Nembutal? cyanide?

>> No.25218083

any experience with modafinil here? Ive heard good things about it as a nootropic. Basically its supposed to take away anxiety and depression and make you hyper focused and awake, and doesnt have much tolerance build up physical addiction or side effects if you completement it with eggs and green tea.

>> No.25218095

And? No one gives a fuck about short term fogginess or short term memory. In the long term it absolutely does more good than bad compared to literally every single drug you can snort shoot or drink. On top of that you can't just take anecdotal usage where the amount of THC and strains vary so often. You don't think chugging an entire vodka bottle gives you brain fog? So why don't you apply the same logic with whatever strain and how much THC you absorbed into your bloodstream? You and your boomer tier knowledge base of marijuana.

>> No.25218217

different people will experience different effects. Not a cure-all for everyone. Personally I only have paranoid thoughts if I'm in a setting I'm not comfortable in, and only sometimes.
oddly enough, and it sounds like bullshit, but
isn't totally off base in my case.

>> No.25218233

Idk weed makes me attuned to my emotions, otherwise I cant feel anything except a kind of knot of dread and anxiety, cant cry, cant laugh. With weed i get very emotional and connected, like sex is way better I actually feel in love with whoever is there. It kills my motivation though makes it hard to get up in the morning and im just generally more depressed and numb when im regularly smoking. I can feel the difference when I stop taking it I'm in less of a haze throughout the day.

>> No.25218250

>You don't think chugging an entire vodka bottle gives you brain fog?

not the same drawn-out multi-day brainfog that weed gives me. and i don't chug entire bottles of vodka. yes, alcohol is bad for you mind too, i'm not claiming otherwise. but weed impairs my ability to function the next several days and so i cannot use it. i cannot be impaired for days at a time just for a weak, nauseating high. that's the bottom line for me.

>> No.25218380

Yes its amazing. I have been taking it on/off for about 2 years now so I have mastered how to correctly use it for me. Some tips:

- Make sure you start doing something productive BEFORE you pop a Moda! This is crucial for if you are just browsing 4chan/reddit/etc and then you pop one, you will spend the next 3 hours aggressively typing and fighting with other commenters or reading wikipedias of useless shit rabbit holes. I'm a programmer so it definitely puts me in a trance programming-wise for a good 4-5 hours at a high level.

- Never take full capsule. Capsules are about 100 mg, I have never taken a full one ever other than maybe 2 years ago. You build up tolerance fast so what I do is take 33 mg. I just break the capsule in thirds. Then I take them 4 days on 2 days off. You need those 2 days break to recharge your system and not build a tolerance that mitigates the effects of Moda too much. On top of that I take 5-HTP and some ZMA right before bed to recharge dopamine/serotonin levels.

- Make sure to drink a ton of fluids. You won't feel like eating much so that's not an issue but if you don't get enough liquids you will get a pretty narly headache. Same if you take 100mg the first few times. Your head will be pounding horrifically.

Overall it really is a beautiful drug. If you are a writer/programmer/artist/work with your hands/etc. It will put you in the "zone" that level of focus and happiness professionals always seek.

>> No.25218437


keeps you awake and upsets the stomach. if you want a pill that gives you all the side effects of a heavy dose of ritalin without the benefits, modafinil is your drug.

>> No.25218514

i read its better than ritalin though because it has way less long term effects ritalin ends up frying your brain. Should I get in these things ? Feel I have ADHD or something. I can spend 12 hours straight reading or looking at a crypto chart but can't seem to keep concentrated on sending out job applications..

>> No.25218518

Lol buddy you clearly aren't good at figuring out your own biochemistry. Both weed and Moda can be fine tuned to suit your specific needs if you actually attempt to do that. Nothing is cookie cutter stuff that works as intended for everyone right out the box. You have to tweak and experiment with everything until it meets your needs. Otherwise why are you even trying any of these things?

>> No.25218582

Yes its perfect for studying but you really need to have a plan what you will do after you take it because otherwise you will be hyperactive in biz ;D It shouldnt build up addiction or tolerance but i wouldnt take it everyday because half-life is veeery long.

And personally i think that its very bad if you have anxiety. It can be also dangerous if you are unlucky ( google Stevens-Johnson syndrome).

>> No.25218617

>ritalin ends up frying your brain

citation needed. the research that does exist suggests reasonable doses actually improve brain development and help prevent diseases like parkinsons, if you're inclined to believe that.

>> No.25218660 [DELETED] 


bud i've tried just about everything for adhd and anxiety. i know what works and what doesn't work.

>> No.25218713

I heard it helps in kicking benzos. If that's true then im interested because getting off this shit sucks balls. Even cutting back 10% is too much.

>> No.25218740

Buy adrafinil if you can't get a prescription

>> No.25218776

Kratos doesn't do shit for me. I dont even bother with it. And even if it did it's inconsistent as fuck.

>> No.25218826

Shit drug. Too many side effects for me.

>> No.25218943

My brother treats addicts at his own private practice. He deals with neets like you all the time. Krat is an absolutely terrible drug and it will fuck your world up. Drink a nice beer or smoke a joint. This shit is a curse. I have heard the stories. It's a gateway to hell.

>> No.25219003

Never done kratom, but I grow my own weed. I’ve seen families fight over kratom. This chick I was smashing got into a fight with his gf and his mom because they wanted more and he said “no I only have like a pound and a half for myself”

>> No.25219009

I found kratom really early on, like 2005 or so. Did it off & on for about 8 years without any issues, and then had a stressful job so I did it too frequently and it became a daily habit. After 2 years of that I finally kicked it, went through about a week of withdrawals; anxiety, sweats, upset stomach. Now I mostly avoid it, but still indulge every few months. It's fine as long as you don't do it daily for months at a time.

>> No.25219034

The brother* of this chick I was smashing

>> No.25219055

Phenibut cured my autism
Just don't be retarded with dosages and you're good

>> No.25219059

i'm no stranger to drug usage. in my uni days began i escalalated from weed and booze to almost everything, uppers downers trippers laughers screamers you name it i've tried it.

i really loved crack for the intense pleasure and amazing effects (never really understood why people pay so much for cocaine until i smoked that shit)... and codeine got me thru high school (like a really muted version of the lsd pendulum with some added marcotic effects like sedation and relaxation and all that - it does make you nod like heroin but doesn't make you puke/feel like shit and doesnmt turn you into a disgusting skag head), lsd and shrooms were pretty eye opening. but my daily has been a single spliff before bed to empty my brain for a new start the following morning - lets me just be alone with constantly feeling like i need to read/make/compute/present/write something. i used to study when i got high and i felt like i was getting fairly deep messages from what i was reading. no good for detail as u go into an attention loop when you try to perfect something until you forget what you're aiming at so i wouldn't get high before i had labs, technical work etc but for reading history and philosophy and reading the news THC gives you a really clear perspective and places you into the content you know?

worst experiences include 3-CB which was amazing until i got carried away and just lay down in bed sweating and seeing distortions and hallucinations as the clock moved so slowly i wondered if i'd ever sober up.

how does kratom compare?? is it kinda pike ashwandaghara or does it have serious psychedelic effects? could you do it recreationally like benzos or ketamine? and, like k, does it start getting really weird and trippy if you overdo it?

>> No.25219088

I don't do drugs. I prefer natural methods like exercising and meditation.

>> No.25219117

sorry for loads of typos i'm phone posting

>> No.25219118

I get high on knowledge

>> No.25219121

better to stay the way you are anon

>> No.25219290

It is closer to vicodin but less sedative. Good Kratom at the right dose will give you a nice mood and energy boost. Kratom is unique in that it has stimulant and depressant properties, which are somewhat strain & dose dependent.

>> No.25219398

interesting. sounds like a comfy balance. i take it it's not a proper drug then more of a supplement at low dosage? overall it sounds like a mood enhancer/focus drug that also relaxes your body..? no experience with many pharma drugs like vicodin except codeine benzos xanax etc...

>> No.25219407

>and, like k, does it start getting really weird and trippy if you overdo it?

no psychedelic effects. if you overdo it then you will probably puke. less is more with kratom, I feel shitty on higher doses but some people like it

>> No.25219464

codeine is similar as well. I would classify kratom as a drug more than a supplement, you can definitely get fucked up

>> No.25219650

does sound cool. can you buy it in england?

>> No.25219750

yeah you can get quite trashed on codeine if you know how to enjoy it. but it's not a super hard drugs. it won't give you the fear like speed or phets

>> No.25219881

>its pretty fuckin close
ah so you admit it's not an opiate
fucking dumbass

>> No.25219977

Anything that's sold in a fucking gas station I'm not buying. The fuck is this weak newfag trailer trash drug you idiots are into now

>> No.25220007

Anyone Jere tried scopolomine/devil's breath? is it true it acts as a submissiveness /vulnerable drug ? or VICE greatly exaggerated its effects?

>> No.25220608
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Where the hell do you even get smokable Opium?
Despite being almost the same thing, i imagine Heroin and Morphium addicts to be highly degenerate, whereas Opium smokers remind me of romantics like Coleridge or the guy from the Nevsky Prospekt.
Does your dealer seem like he escaped from the late 1800s?

>> No.25220709


>> No.25220725

It ruined my stomach and digestive system. Took it daily for 18 months. Was easy to come off though.

>> No.25220821

I just take a small amount of LSD whenever I want to feel good.

>> No.25220890

These people saying the withdrawals are hell and taking Kratom opens the doors of hell are the same people who voted for Joe Biden

>> No.25221083


sedative varieties are kind of gross and nauseating. some "stimulant" varieties are mildly uplifting and pleasant, although personally i don't consider anything that's not a DRI a stimulant. caffeine is a eugeroic, not a stimulant. there is no such thing as an over-the-counter stimulant, because stimulants make you more productive and that's not what tptb want.

>> No.25221146

Kratom is nothing like benzos or anything you can trip off of. I would highly suggest never doing benzos again if you are doing them recreationally

>> No.25221192

Kratom isn't even close to real painkillers. It's sort of good, but real painkillers will leave you sitting there in awe, drooling on yourself.

>> No.25221294

I've been taking this shit everyday for three (3) years. It's just too damn good, I would ask how to quit but I don't want to. My dose has never exceeded 1-1.5 grams either.

>> No.25221429

Incredible how many anons are taking a drug or cocktail of drugs seriously. It leads to addiction and dependency.

The fact is, and nobody wants to hear this as it requires dedication, time and work, that meditation is what you need. Focus on your breathing for 10 minutes a day (initially).

Headspace.com is one such option

>> No.25221652

I just took a scoop of some Kratom that I forgot I bought a few months ago. First time, what am I in for?

>> No.25221852

Never heard of it

Absolute state of you drug addicted Americans

>> No.25221932

Comfy feeling, reduction of pain and stress. Maybe very minor euphoria if you're sensitive to it.

I sleep amazingly on it.

>> No.25221988
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>actual plant supplement
right on man, it's like plants and stuff, from the earth

>> No.25222049

Mindfulness and meditation memes are the new nofap.

>> No.25222111

I’m going to use Kratom to get off suboxone, then I’m going to go down to an ibogaine clinic to kill that monkey once and for all.

>> No.25222193

So you’ve never tried it

>> No.25222259

I've done meditation for 10 years, didn't save me from browsing this shithole.

>> No.25222341

Me neither. It has its limitations, obviously

>> No.25222520

Holy shit this thread is loooong I'm not reading all this shit. I took it a lot. I capped it because knocking back the powder used to make me gag and once I started to throw up the taste/texture always made me start to retch. For me the single biggest turn off was the taste, texture and smell. Even in capsules they'd break down in my stomach and my burps etc would taste like it and I could literally feel the fine powder floating on top of my stomach acid and sticking to mucus that wanted to crawl up out of my stomach. It has the same issue as something like cinnamon.

You know what I don't even know where this shit is anymore. I bought a fucking lot from bikhut years ago. It should be in a jar somewhere I guess?

The high is excellent by the way, but I'd always get irrationally angry and short tempered. Not to the point of punching holes in doors or anything, but just annoyed at any interruption when chilling out.

It does work for a lot of situations. Chilling out? Got you. Physically working hard? Got you. Playing games? Got you.

Also take it from me (somebody who has done a lot of drugs and had multiple drug problems). It is a drug. It isn't a supplement or nootropic. It is 100% a get your ass high drug. It is like a small dose of tramadol and a decent dose of codeine alongside a two cans of monster and half a glass of vodka.

>> No.25222665

>irrationally angry
Weird. I get super affectionate and touchy-feely. Like perceptible and automatic impulses to embrace people and cuddle with them like they're a puppy.

>> No.25222671

An opioid is anything that acts on the mu-opioid receptors in your brain, an opiate is a derivative of the poppy. So all opiates are opioids but not all opioids are opiates. Technically kratom is an opioid, but it is very mild. I highly recommend it but don't take it more than a couple times a week or you will develop a dependence.

>> No.25222687

I bought into the non addictive hype. After 3 months of hitting it hard I ran out and discovered real quick what a mistake I had made. Withdrawal is no joke.

>> No.25222694

yea i take it since i dont smoke anymore