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25216527 No.25216527 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna hear you guys opinion on my situation. 21 years old, student, no debt. I have $5k to invest right now and I can save ~$400/month.

I plan to put $4k on Bitcoin when it dumps early 2021 and then DCA it by putting $300/month on it for 5 to 10 years. In about 4 years I'll have a good paying job (not doing a meme degree) and I plan to put at least half of what I earn in bitcoin then.

I'm also planning to invest $1k and then $100/month on altcoins in search of that sweet X10. Right now I only have 500 GRT to my name.

Any advice frens? Can I make it?

>> No.25216612

Wouldn't you be better off just saving the money and buying a house first?

>> No.25216652

Fuck off

>> No.25216655

Buy hex

>> No.25216668

Just buy more GRT anon

>> No.25216694

I know it's supposed to be the google of crypto but i'm not confident in it to go all in i don't want to rope

>> No.25216715

>when it dumps early 2021


Wrong attitude to have. Look up DCA and start doing it today

>> No.25216787

Go for it and make your first Investment! log your investments. educate yourself about taxes. dont freak out when it gets green/red you are here for the long run.
enjoy your ride anon!

>> No.25216807

I know it may not dump anon, but you're right at least I can DCA now

>> No.25216880

Based. Stick to your BTC investment. GRT has had its run and won't do much movement short term. If you are looking for a x10, that one is done.

>> No.25216893

This is perfect. You already way ahead because you understand the advantage of DCA over a longer period of time. But don't wait for a dump. Start investing slowly now.
The only other advice I have for you is to connect your exchange APIs to a crypto tax service like cointracker or koinly. That way it's easier to report losses and gains on your taxes later on.

>> No.25216914
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Been a lurker since 2016 but I didn't have any money to my name until now. Thanks man I appreciate the wise words

>> No.25216991

Yeah already figured out GRT has had its course for the time being. I'm trying to figure out other coins to buy. I'll buy a bit more of GRT but I won't put major dollarinos into it

>> No.25217039

BTC will dump 40% on 5th January.

You will not "make it" with BTC, unless you trade 125x futures and short at 31k , but sadly futures doesn't allow 24-72h, at most 10 days I think.

Learn JavaScript/solidity to a level where you can at least fork, I mean copy paste projects from GitHub.
Or use one of the many "make your own token" websites like Unify I think. You can make your own farm token.

You can make your own project like Pepemon and hold an airdrop and presale, use Discord and Telegram and Twitter bots and advertising.

Hire only website makers you can trust and do not hire them for 4000$, at most 200$ to have a buy/sell/stake/farm option.

>> No.25217051
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Solid advice anon. Didn't know that was a thing, I'll be sure to do it. Thanks for stopping by

>> No.25217182

anon you are not going to make it by buying bitcoin with such a small starting capital

all in on shitcoins, look up QFL trading and build a small stack first

dsd is my current flavor of the week if you want to 3x. it's a bit complex but it helps filter out the brainlets. you can try that if you want a risky play

>> No.25217303

Yeah I don't mess with trading futures I don't understand the concept yet, and I've got a friend who has a degree in coding so maybe I can work something out. Why would I want to make my own token though?

>> No.25217397
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Yeah this doesn't surprise me that I can't make it with my starting capital, wish I could invest more but that's all I have right now. I'm going to look at QFL and dsd later tonight thanks, maybe I'll put more on shitcoins but at least 50% of my capital must go to bitcoin, if I fuck up everything I want to have at least some money in a more stable investment

>> No.25217617

>if I fuck up everything I want to have at least some money in a more stable investment
You can open up a fidelity account and trade etfs.

>> No.25217674


Yes everyone please take financial advice from this random anon

>> No.25217792
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Maybe I'm a huge fag but I want to do all in on cryptos because I believe that's where the money's at, bitcoin will give more money than etfs in the long run

>> No.25217802
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>I plan to put $4k on Bitcoin when it dumps early 2021
LOL you're NGMI. Bitcoin isn't going to "dump".

Also, don't fall for these shitcoin scams that all the pajeets are pushing on /biz/. There are at most around ten cryptos that are going to keep being worth anything, and none of them are these brand-new pajeet-shilled curry-reeking shitcoins like GRT or DFD.

>> No.25217889

Ignore this retards, just invest an amount you're willing to lose. At 21.. you have 9 years to fuck up absolutely everything including your career.

FFS You could even lose 100% of your sanity, become a drug addict living under a bridge and still have a couple of years to go back on track.

So don't worry about anything, just put an amount you feel safe and comfy. Once you get a job as you're planning to do after college, save your first 3 months salary (after tax/debts) as an emergency fund. (Don't put this money in crypto or savings or anything, just let it rot in the bank, its money you can use at any moment).

Then start doing your planned investments, I think $300/mo is totally fine. Bitcoin still have an X10-30 run before consolidating as a heaven asset, you will be richer than your avg pension fund.

Just play safe, and enjoy your life. You don't have to stick to a restrictive amount, you have 9 years to fuck up.

>> No.25218107

Look up these : CRV ; BAL ; COMP ; YFI ; SNX ; AAVE. They all have doable suicide stacks, see if a couple of them suit you, then put your gains into the holy trinity, BTC, ETH and Link. Right now, stay away from BTC, look for when it dips into the 21WEMA, that's a good time to buy. I'm all for DCA, BUT, do it dinamically, i mean see when the weekly RSI is at least below 50%, and buy, sell when it's 90% or above. Rinse and repeat. With that capital, chances are, you ngmi this cycle, but you won't be a wagecuck , either. When in doubt, do the opposite of /biz says. Good luck anon.

>> No.25218366
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Incredibly based answer anon. I know I'm young and I can fuck up, but I feel like my age is my biggest advantage in the long term in terms of making it.

My goal is to fuck off to a cabin in the woods as soon as possible, I've already stopped buying drugs and useless shit, trying to be healthy and make as much money as possible. Already heard about the 3 months emergency fund somewhere on YouTube, this is very good advice and I plan on doing it. I just don't want to repeat my family's mistake

Thanks a lot man, your reply really means a lot

>> No.25218393

>I think $300/mo is totally fine.
If bitcoin has a $100k top this bull run then the next one won't be until at least 2030
So 4-5x your money (unless greater exposure on alts) steadily decreasing each year
$300/mo is literally nothing

>> No.25218427

How do you get girls like this >>25217397 money aside?
>I've already stopped buying drugs and useless shit
Did this help to find girls like this to enjoy your company?

>> No.25218586
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Looking at these right now, thanks anon. Yes, if I make any profit with altcoin i plan on converting to bitcoin straight away, i'm not cashing out anytime soon. What's 21WEMA though?

Also i'm writing down to do DCA dinamically, that's excellent I didn't think about that.

I'm fine with ngmi this cycle, but if i could at least avoid to engage in debt when buying my future house I'd love it...

>> No.25218678

Kek, i wont shill grt, but youre retarded for recommending btc instead
if btc does a x10, grt is going to pull a x100 or more by 2017 standards

>> No.25218789

the 21 week exponencial average . The game i play is the RSI. Oldest trick in the book. Buy when the RSI is below 50%, ideally, below 30%, on the weekly, sell when it's above 90%. In this case, i'd be selling off BTC for Link. Come late March, i'll probably be doing the reverse. With the RSI strategy, you don't live by your computer, inside this basket living forum, you can have a normal life, just check your folio in 5 mins, and carry on with your life.

>> No.25218805

godspeed anon, just dont over leverage, dca, and maybe find patterns to profit from
Last time btc mooned solo
1 week later
Eth catches up
This happened twice now for example
If you want to make profit from trading just never leverage higher than 3x and never short

>> No.25218820

That's absolutely incorrect.

Bitcoin will do an X10 before 2030, it could even do an X20.

A Bitcoin ETF could come even before 2023.

Even Blackrock started to go bullish on bitcoin in November, and declare it a replacement for gold to a large extent.

>> No.25218827

>when it dumps
I love these new zoomer normies getting into trading

>> No.25218872

>i'd be selling off BTC for Link.
This is literally what happened several hours earlier today.

>> No.25218908

I really hope this is true
This would be incredible like holy fuck

>> No.25218920
File: 93 KB, 736x1111, EB33773F-031C-4CA2-8E83-503AF2376025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, you're all helpful so I can at least try to help you too.

I scored two girls like this in 2 years and I didn't have money at all. I'm not a chad either and I go out at most once a year. First one I went to a party and just straight asked her for her number. Second one it was during my drug phase she was my trip sitter I totally thought i blew it but i end up dming her a week after on social media and we hit it off after that.

Long story short what helped me was:
- have at least one friend who can get you in parties (if you don't have a friend like that, try asking around)
- STAY AWAY FROM TINDER. It will destroy your self esteem. Always try meeting IRL with girls, parties are great for that.
- Be confident (I know it's a huge meme, but I always start with thinking I can't get the girl and then just go all in because at worst i'll get rejected at best i can get her)
- Not make women your priority in life and also avoid mariage
- Have one quality others don't (for me, I'm passionate about music and I make art on the side)

It was the short version, if you need more advice I can try giving you more but I don't pretend to know all the answers

>> No.25218971

So by that, you know i'm not leading the kid on, even though he's a huge faggot. I'm actually trying to give him some sound advice.

>> No.25219053
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>avoid marriage
jesus christ
your're 21 mate

>> No.25219063
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>when it dumps early 2021

>> No.25219140
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Thanks for actually trying to help me. I know I'm a fag, OP always is. Goodspeed

>> No.25219882

Bumping a good thread

>> No.25220097

Or I can just pay a hooker and temporarily banish the coom demon so I can keep watching anime in my spare time

>> No.25220373
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One thing I don't understand is why you'd convert BTC to Link. Link took a huge dive the past week and it didn't go up this year except in August. All I've seen this week on /biz/ are anons screaming at their Link loss

>> No.25220485
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I'll take being alone over paying someone for company any time of the year

>> No.25221275

>21 week exponencial average
why exponencial for 21 weeks? Isn't the linear average better for longer time periods?

>> No.25221513


>> No.25221582

Idk f a m it sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.25221583

Listen anon, you are you. You can afford to lose it all. Invest in alts instead of bitcoin. Yeah they might amount to nothing, but the potential upside is way higher.

With 5K you can get very far in the right alt. Do you research and find something you believe will get you there.

>> No.25221589

You always end up paying somehow. I'd rather pick the option without the risk of getting cucked and divorce raped

>> No.25221906
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No idea. Only thing I know is 80% of the pics I've posted in this thread are from @j0uzai on IG, but she deleted her account a while ago. I saved all of her pictures beforehand, used to have a crush on her. Here's one more of her

>> No.25222014

I said short term. The dude has 5k dollarinos, the Graph is a long term play.

>> No.25222112
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While it's true I don't need the 5k to survive, I can't handle the stress of throwing ~90% of my current wealth into shitcoins.

I'd rather first throw what I have now in bitcoin during a dump and then with the money I'll make next year invest in shitcoins if i feel comfy enough in them. Already got burned with XRP, lost $200 in it so I'm going to be extra careful.

>> No.25222145

Just trade altcoins until you make enough to buy 1 single bitcoin and you'll unironically make it by 2030. That's my plan anyway.

>> No.25222148

Jesus wept all these crispy haired pale skinny bitches looking slightly dead and brainless into the camera in an attempt to look interesting. Have any of you hung around these kinds of girls? It is extremely painful (for you).

>> No.25222204
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100% agree with you anon on the notion that you always end up paying. That's why I said in a previous post I'll avoid mariage. But again, I know I'll end up paying somehow. Just trying to limit the loss..

>> No.25222301

buy gold and hold on to it until your 37 years old

>> No.25222366
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How long are we talking and how much GRT to make it?

>> No.25223457

DCA is for brainlets. Crypto markets are highly volatile. Wait for the price to swing in your favor, as it inevitably will, and then go all in.