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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 976x850, yup_its-that_pepe+again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25214904 No.25214904 [Reply] [Original]

you guys might think BTC only has room to grow, but you do realize there are tons of super whales out there with 1000+ BTC stacks right? these guys aren't just going to let BTC moon to 100k. they can and will dump on you as they are doing now. it's a risk vs. reward play, and the correct play for them is always to dump once the price gets high enough. And news flash: 28k is high enough for these people.

>> No.25214954


A lot of former whales are now minnows. Also a lot fewer whales now. If a whale thinks 28k is a good price to dump then they would have dumped a lot sooner.

>> No.25215071


Why would they dump if they have a ton of money and can hold it until its literally money they start their orbital vacation complexes on?

Anyone holding 1000 BTC today is going to have at least a space hotels with prime views on first world countries, even maybe at La Grange points.

Ib4 Case and Molly start whining about being poor.

>> No.25215123

>these guys aren't just going to let BTC moon to 100k
depends how greedy they are. and how fearful of fiat they are.

>> No.25215139

you are not wrong but /biz/ is too retarded to see it. BTC wont even cross 50k ever

>> No.25215150

another screencap for my folder

>> No.25215182

Why wouldn't they? Btc is here to stay that's like saying an apple investor who knew that iPhone would remain a success in 2007 would sell his stack anyways.

>> No.25215201

There is a btc supply shock. The amount of money ready to be dumped into the market right now is staggering. Everyone wants a piece. If some retards with 1k stacks want to set up sell walls or dump, they will be bought out in a week or less. We're talking billions here OP. This is no longer a retail market

>> No.25215204

Would you be so kind as to drop a few you have?

>> No.25215277
File: 107 KB, 1543x774, 1-10k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of unspent BTC was bought at 3K, for what it matters.

>> No.25215462

According to this chart we’re currently at Q2/3 2017 holy fuck

>> No.25215576

You think someone with a considerable amount will convert their BTC into fiat right now? At a time when nobody wants cash?
His 500 million is at least close to a billion now but selling back into cash just leaves him with the original problem only bigger.

>> No.25215582

I hope they do take a big stinky steamy watery whale dump, I'm waiting for cheap buttcorns. I'll drop 50k into bitcoin if it drops below 10k again.

>> No.25215631

There are 7 billion people and only a few million bitcoin.

Price is dependent on demand. If whales dump at the wrong time they would only screw themselves.

>> No.25215640

Saylor says he made 70 million purchases of BTC that barely changed the graph. You niggers think a guy with 500 BTC can do anything. Kek!!!

>> No.25215644

this literally shows they are accumulating at the top...

>> No.25215686


This absolute lel

>> No.25215727

there are very few whales
most of big wallets are exchange cold wallets and so on

>> No.25215795
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing a lot of perma bull cope here. I hope the best for you guys, really, but maybe take a step back and tone it down a bit. you're sounding like a bunch of redditors

>> No.25215829

Not him but you can easily find people saying btc would never surpass 20k just this year and we hit 28k. Bitcoin was at 4k in March and has gone up 24k since lol. Rewind farther back and you'll see millions of fags who said btc would never be 100,1000,10000,15000 and so on.

>> No.25215891

Jesus that december 2018 crash was rough. I still remember it. Total capitulation

>> No.25215899

also, whats the url for this site?

>> No.25215925

ok but the claims that btc will never get past x become more likely the higher we go, for obvious reasons.

>> No.25216004

Fuck off swingie, you’re the one coping.

>> No.25216050

What’s your point in making this thread, nigger? It sure seems like you’re part of a FUD campaign to get biz to part with their BTC.

>> No.25216131

there will always be accumulation near the top, in this case around 24K, because they just bought

>> No.25216168


>> No.25216499
File: 51 KB, 600x315, 2cf8381d65cebcd00b01ede8a20e1c19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It becomes more likely as the value of fiat decreases a million dollars won't be impressive when a Macdonald worker makes a million dollars per year and still paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.25216850

How do you figure?

>> No.25216939


>> No.25217027

Haha dude btc isn't a store of value is a manipulated currency that makes money. Who fears the usd more then btc that can drop 90% in hours?