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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25211669 No.25211669 [Reply] [Original]

TVL 360M
Marketcap around 6M

Compare to YFI's marketcap and TVL.
Am I missing something? I can concede I'm kind of a brainlet but tell me why this shit isn't gonna moon?

>> No.25212172

I've been meaning to buy some of this. Would 170 be a good make it stack?

>> No.25212216

as in $1M make it? of course not. I do see a 10x from here easily

>> No.25212224

Farm tvl same as yfi, profit share 30% yfi been at 0% for a while, literally 100x lower price than yfi

>> No.25212268

21,000,000 tokens though. Price can't even get near to YFI because of that.
Again, 10-20x seems doable

>> No.25212291

with the DIGG release it's difficult to see how it can fail

do you think it will join the YFI gang?

>> No.25212312

Liquidity mining event ends in 4 weeks and all the value of the vaults drops to zero. There are no products just giving out badger to keep people interested. Look at the setts. No tech there nothing original its just a vault. They dont have any actual profit generating products
DIGG is going to be a complete failure - its going to try to rebase to an increasing bitcoin which is impossible unless digg also increases in demand. but it wont because a bitcoin price peg is useless. no reason to store value there just ride the pump and dump.
this dao is a money printer for those making it but once the rewards dry up they have nothing and all the TVL will leave.

>> No.25212403

This is so retarded. Releasing a coin with the same perks as in the summer bubble will do absolutely shit.

Invest in coins that actually have a purpose, currently, De-FI is only about the Yearn ecosystem, dexes, and S/B protocols like compound and aave.

Stop doing shitty trades anon.

>> No.25212431

I dunno man seems a bit memeish, I stayed away from food tokens I am not a fan of animal tokens either. I am very curious how Digg will perform though.

>> No.25212459

FARM is the best yield farm right now

>> No.25212534

well, even if it doesn't succeed in the end. my initial point is that I do see a big pump in the near future. Then it's up to each one when and if to get out, like in 99% of crypto?

>> No.25212590
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Wow acually good take on biz
What a eoy 2020