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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 1121x481, mnuchin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2521098 No.2521098 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys, so the US Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, just sent me an email (pic related) informing me that I am to receive $10.5MM soon. I'll probably only spend about $1MM-$2MM of that and plan on investing the rest, what should I put all of this money into, I wanna be Zuckerberg rich.

>> No.2521128

Wooooaaawwwww inwest into sborts cars & yachts & jets and girls & cocaine & stuff!!1

>> No.2521132
File: 29 KB, 616x469, 1497382853952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're lucky, I wish good things like this would happen to me

>> No.2521141

Oh I got that email, he forgot to say he needs your social security number too.

>> No.2521152

fake and gay

>> No.2521157

What's the money for?

>> No.2521184

seems legit

>welcome to the US treasury department, mr mnunchin! here's your personal gmail account

>> No.2521192

I got an email like that too from a Nigerean Prince.

>> No.2521193

Did you even read the thing? It clearly says OP is a fag and that he's such a fag that the US Secretary of the Treasury took the time to personally write an email stating so.

>> No.2521203


op was munchkin's fuccboi

>> No.2521206

Wow OP your so lucky

>> No.2521207


demand payment in Bitbean

>> No.2521262


Just make sure it's a Gmail, the government does not use hotmail it's too unsecure.

>> No.2521265

I dunno, that stuff doesn't seem like a very good investment. I can't even buy much of a jet for $10 million

Why would he need to ask for my SSN? He's the Secretary of the Treasury, he already has my SSN.

You're just jelly

Drumpf uses his personal phone and email all the time, it's not surprising that his staff would do the same.

How very fortunate for you too!

Another jellyfag

>> No.2521411


just to be sure, you'd better ask for a timestamped picture of a toilet

>> No.2521578
File: 35 KB, 1119x357, mnuchin_reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you're right, it never hurts to be careful.

>> No.2521622


HAHAHHAHAHAHA. this still fake and gay but I'll believe you anon if munchkin delivers

>> No.2523069
File: 61 KB, 475x382, IMG_0824-475x382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US Treasury
>Needs to send money from Cambodia

>> No.2523085

I don't understand
Which shitcoin is this Pajeet giving you 10.5 mil of and where do I get the wallet for it so I can beg you when it goes from 1 sat to 2

>> No.2523093


>> No.2523101

this made me laugh way more than it should have

>> No.2523144


youre doing God's work anon

>> No.2523194

Hello OP, its your dad, you need to give me all of that money for your moms surgery. Thanks.
-OPs Dad.

>> No.2524451
