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File: 75 KB, 869x699, btc-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25204562 No.25204562 [Reply] [Original]

Compare the 2017 launchpad of $4000 to 2020's launchpad of $15,000. The lowest point in 2017 was $1k and the highest $20k - 20x. The lowest point in 2020 was $3000 - x20 = $60,000. This will be the ATH eoy.

>> No.25204757
File: 250 KB, 1141x712, IMG_20201220_110320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin doesn't count in years, Bitcoin counts in days since last halvening

>> No.25204766

eoy? as in 2021?
sorry homo, we will break 200k for sure.

>> No.25204809

Btc went from (December 2016)700$ to (December 2017)20 000$

>> No.25205105

wrong year, bullrun 2021 - 320k imminent

>> No.25205127

>bitcoin will be $60k in 4 days
how fucking euphoric are you right now

>> No.25205141

Would be fucking insane. I wonder when to dump to shake out newbies. I don't want late players to get rich

>> No.25205162


Kek this

Bitcoin will be 8 k eoy

Anyone with more than double digit iq has shorted bitcoin by 100x at 27 700

Screen this

>> No.25205197

that's low. You're not factoring options. Retards are going to short this all the way. ~90k is more accurate

>> No.25205205

Bitcoin will be $1,000,000 EOY 2021 or I'll eat John McAfee's dick.

>> No.25205333

How logical was it that in 2017 BTC was gonna go from 4k to 20k? Not saying OP is right but the absolute disbelief and euphoria in the last bullrun was insane. I think we're breaking 40k at least before the year is up

>> No.25205413

60k will be the launchpad in 2021 April, you fucking retard.

>> No.25205448

who cares? even an unlikely 60k$ for BTC is only a bit more than a 2x from now on with monstrous risk of some "china bans bitcoin" "SEC cracks down on BTC" panic sells, increasing every day it pumps for no reason.

who the fuck buys the useless dinosaur coin anyway and for what purpose? its gambling after all and newfags will get their asses raped again, no matter how big the arbitrary number will be.

>> No.25205463

just make enough of these """predictions""" until one comes true and ignore the 1.000.000 other ones
fucking shitcunt

>> No.25205540
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Grayscale just bought 2 week's supply in one day. PayPal also is supposedly accounting for every new coin being mined. There was a transaction yesterday where 10K BTC went to normiebase and the price has gone up $1000 since then. I doubt it'll be a straight line up, but I'm expecting a market cap of at least 40 trillion before anyone points out that king corn isn't wearing any clothes. That's based on the tech bubble being $20 trillion in the early 2000s and inflation only doubling in the time since, so it's a conservative guess.

>> No.25205550

this shit will reach 35k before crashing

>> No.25205636

I know right the bear trap and short squeeze in going to be epic from say 65K back to 30 ish.

the onto 300k ish

>> No.25205644

Imagine being unironically retarded

>> No.25205653

they are buying because its reordering the entire fucking economy of the world.

>> No.25205684
File: 1.60 MB, 1500x1500, 1608735700523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool, but when does alt season start?

>Link still dead

>> No.25205705
File: 14 KB, 340x320, snippenings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22k eoy r-roooOOOLLLLLANNN

>> No.25205732

Weird but genuine protip for graph fetishists and TAfafs: start listening to jazz. Bitcoins graph is a fractal of itself, but each fractal arm is a variation on a theme rather than a direct replication. Learn the min-max boundaries of cost and time for your present trading and stay within that. You'll learn over time to allow for huge moves in any direction that 99% of day traders are too caffeinated to spot and too egotistical to acknowledge as being possible.

>> No.25205743


$10M BTC eoy 2021>>25205205

>> No.25205788

Drops by an order of magnitude every cycle as it gets bigger. Expect less than 10x gains this time on the former ATH, because we went about 2-20.

Expect alts however to have about as much as the previous bitcoin cycle, so 4k Litecoin. Thats also not accounting for all the Litecoin specific things making it likely to be more dominant. 9k is potential.

>> No.25205823

Alts didnt really blow up until late in the run, like the end of 2017. Thats when Litecoin exploded to like what 50 I think it was, before going to over 400.

>> No.25205849

this but unironically

>> No.25205871
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying altcoins
>In a BTC-only bullrun

Enjoy getting rekt while I go all-in on BTC and laugh at you from the top

>> No.25205884

Enjoy making literally thousands of dollars.

>> No.25206014

Also, with litecoin there isn't a mystery wallet with 5% of the total supply in unknown hands, unlike bitcoin and bcash.

>> No.25206463

high IQ advice