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25203519 No.25203519 [Reply] [Original]

Please explain why Great Reset is not based.

Covid is excellent but narrow window to improve how society functions. Naturally, each change can be mismanaged and caution is of utmost importance.

People truly be only happy with less. Less boundaries and obstacles means more freedom and greater satisfaction. Ask D. H. Thoreau.

Great Reset is a lighthouse, it shows us the right direction.

>> No.25203533 [DELETED] 

Killing communists is self defense. It takes two pigs about a day to dispose of a body.

>> No.25203548

>Great Reset is a lighthouse, it shows us the right direction.
Shoving nocoiners and altcoiners (same thing) in Klaus Kamps is the best thing we can do to help society.

>> No.25203577

I prefer to leave them where they fall as a warning to their revolutionary comrades that here lies only death.

>> No.25203597

Camps where members are aware of being stakeholders is a much better option than disconnected existence in soul less cities

>> No.25203646


the socialist revolution will be funded with crypto and will hunt down all the worlds bitcoin to spread the wealth all over the globe (one world government under socialism)

you can't stop it

>> No.25203647

It is natural to be afraid of the unknown, your fear is understood and supported. Putting our hope together, we can build a better world.

>> No.25203667

If I'm ever within 1,000 yards of that scumbag, I'll penetrate his bald dome with a 556 tactical round

>> No.25203674

don't really give a fuck how you organize yourself once your in the kamps. just important that we shove as many of you in there as possible and keep you far away from citadels.

>> No.25203698

great reset will make you a slave by removing the legal supports for self determination.
There is no wealth without freedom

>> No.25203703

Where is your compassion for fellow man, brother?

>> No.25203723

freedom is not living in a ratio of 6.5B shitskins and 500m humans.

shitskins are kryptonite to freedom.

>> No.25203747
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>> No.25203766
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no it seems there's another german trying to enact global authoritarian communism

>> No.25203795

socialism rather.
same shit (give away your property rights to the state because muh class, muh race, muh environment, muh religion, muh gender

>> No.25203815


>> No.25203832

the concept is "stakeholder capitalism" and its hard to refute.
why should every man have 1 vote? some should have 0, some should have 1, and others should have 10000 votes.
Should a non-landowner, with no family and pays no taxes have a vote?

>> No.25203882

How do you solve hoarding? Do we have time for patience (Not trying to pressurize)?

In principle I agree, people shall have the right to make their wealth known, it shall not be an obligation. And once people on their own decide to do that, we are truly creating a kingdom.

>> No.25203923

A better world or a better society? The world will be here when we die. We are the highest living form of fungus on this planet. The slope started after man created religions and started living inside a box.

There is no better world. No matter how much the elite try to control the direction of society, our true inner selves will always have the last laugh. They can do whatever they want to the world, but they can't determine every single person's fate. We all die alone, not together. You're here once and will never remember what you did or who you were if you are reincarnated back on earth or another planet in a different parallel dimension or universe.

I could die tomorrow and it wouldn't matter. One you're gone, you're gone. All the money and control of the world couldn't answer to father time no matter how many psychedelics you have done or how how many books you have read.

tl:dr fuck off with your new world order bullshit. We've been living in a NWO for the longest time anyways.

>> No.25203936

Stakeholder capitalism destroys any lower class at all because anyone with a higher level of votes instantly can outvote the lower classes, even in some scenarios where they band together.

If my vote is worth 10,000 as per your example and your vote is worth 1... I decide to demolish your house to build an extension to my house where yours used to be. You will be made homeless regardless of what you do.

When they say 'Stakeholder capitalism' they mean a 'social credit' system like China, where your loyalty to the brand is rewarded and deviations from the brand/government/whatever is punished.

>> No.25203940

they created the problem in the first place now they want to help, how nice

>> No.25203945

Everyone is equal and shall have same amount of votes. Can you refute this?

Contribution to society is not measurable. Antisocial behaviour is equally of our benefit, that is unless.

>> No.25203975

stakeholder capitalism redistributes everyones property to arbitrary "stakeholders" under the justification of the environment
communism redistributes everyones property to "the party" under the justification of social inequality

it's the same thing the state or a dictator or a political party or a group of corporations protected from competition are just institutes. Rule of law and private property has been hard won and is the basis of you being able to do what you want with your life not what stalin, hitler, mao or schwab and bill gates want you to do

hoarding is a problem when you have foreign autocratic countries running their citizens as slaves to maximise their ppf to overwhelm and enslave your country as china is doing.
I think the wef and schwabs ideas are compromised elites who would rather the world be enslaved (while they benefit) and avoid ww3

>> No.25203981

>Everyone is equal and shall have same amount of votes.
yet you don't practice this in your private life.

Does a stranger have the same say in your household as your wife? Should a stranger walk into your company offices and decide how to allocate resources?

You are a typical mindfucked / soulfucked idiot who is so backwards you don't even remotely live the stupid shit your profess to believe in, and you wonder why "muh democracy doesn't work".

>> No.25204006

>I could die tomorrow and it wouldn't matter. One you're gone, you're gone. All the money and control of the world couldn't answer to father time no matter how many psychedelics you have done or how how many books you have read.

People do desperate things out of fear, the greatest fear of al is death. We shall really start talking about death from early age. It is just a transition. Doing good feels good, so make your time good.

>> No.25204034

death is not the greatest fear.
standing up and speaking against the crowd seems the be

>> No.25204055

>Does a stranger have the same say in your household as your wife? Should a stranger walk into your company offices and decide how to allocate resources?

I am aware we are alibistic. Talking about it is the first step?

>> No.25204057

Put bluntly, the concepts do not function in reality.

In the system described you would eat bugs
> Bugs generate less nutritional value on repeat consumption, requiring more consumption
> Farming of bugs would require mass farming regardless
> Risk of famine &/or plague of bugs
> Potential for new diseases/virus' from bugs
> Variable factor of genetically modified bugs interacting with the wild and/or impact of genetically modified bugs on humans

>> No.25204075


Own nothing:
In the system described you would own nothing and rent everything because everything is mass produced and recycled instantly when it is not needed.
> Hoarding becomes a risk
> Renting implies a form of payment, yet in a world of everything available whenever, what would you pay and how
> Potential risk of motivation depletion as no reward for effort when everything is handed to you
> Incredibly dependent on society remaining the same
> High chance of A.I. risks

>> No.25204115


New Superpower:
In the system described the US would no longer be the worlds superpower, instead a new superpower would form made of China and others
> China is communist and despite similarities would not agree with every aspect of the Reset's plan, they would desire total control
> Discenting will occur, as proven via the UK leaving the EU and other countries considering leaving also

>> No.25204138
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you're a troll or a shill.
Imagine thinking people on a board that is about accumulating enough wealth to escape endless work by speculating on free market electronic currency wants the great reset or chinese communist party global hegemony


>> No.25204141

Define good because it varies from person to person. You call the current events of today good? The best thing you can do is to let people do what they have to do,not dictate what they should do. You must like people ordering you around. We need order in society, but we don't need socialized equality.

No one should be forced to work and pay for someone else that refuses to work and pay for themselves.

Globalism is all about what's mine is yours no matter what it is or how it became. Fuck that. The world the elites want is one that appears like a utopian paradise where everyone has an equal number of resources, but in reality what you do is already decided for you. There is no freedom and no way to live out your life using your own free will in a globalist society.

>> No.25204178

What they plan, e.g. a shift to renewable and sustainable economies, is good indeed. The problem is that their marketing is so terrible that it's almost impossible to even know what they want or what the plan is, and so much fluff has been attached to the label that I don't know if even its supporters fully know, anymore.

>> No.25204213

>In the system described you would eat bugs
>In the system described you would own nothing and rent everything
>instead a new superpower would form made of China and others
None of these are what the reset is actually advocating for. It is much less radical that that. So that is a strawman argument.

>> No.25204224

> you would eat bugs
I'm not saying all arthropods are great but if that means I get to eat crustaceans every day I'm not sure I'd be that upset. We've long since normalized bug eating.

>> No.25204227

a centrally planned economy is never sustainable because the only thing they can do is debase themselves to avoid short term economic contraction. Keynesian economics will turn every rainforest into iphones and will kill every orangutan for palm oil.
An economy with inflation targeting will never reach an equilibrium it will consume the entire earth and galaxy because no one can afford to stop working as the majority are too stupid to see the scam and accumulate wealth

>> No.25204248

They know fossil fuels will be running out so they are trying their best to limit the use of them. Petroleum is still used in electric cars and many, many more products. Most underrated problem during the pandemic is not death due to covid-19 but loss of businesses and suicide rate going up. Population control is ((their)) ultimate weapon.

>> No.25204251

Somebody make a Klaus coin.

>> No.25204283
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powered by Chainlink

>> No.25204319

First of all, no. Secondly, these arent the only 2 options. Kys Commie faggot, it will make everyone happier, especially you.