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25192376 No.25192376 [Reply] [Original]

I seriously don’t know how to feel anons. I’ve been around since 2017 and every step of the way I’ve somehow managed to fuck myself over. Things were finally going okay and I was making money mid 2020, when EMN was released and I thought this was my golden ticket to financial freedom. I put 50 ETH in (over half of my net worth) because hey, Andre isn’t gonna rug me right? Well, turns out I was more than wrong, after seeing my folio go up over 2x in unrealized gains, I saw it all crash down in to 0 within minutes. After this, I was devastated. I couldn’t bare to live with myself unless I made that money back. From then on, I started revenge trading and making risky trades determined to get my money back. After a series of stupid trades, I had lost an additional 25% on top of the 50% i already lost of my net worth. To make things even worse, this was when ETH was below or around $400. I managed to lose 75% of my money right before the golden bullrun, and now I live in regret every day as I see all you anons making it.

I’m not asking for your pity or for you to feel bad for me, I’m simply sharing my story in hopes to warn newfags about the dangers of revenge trading trying to make your money back. I’m currently sitting at less than 75% of my original port, and lost a potential $250k+ due to my own negligence. Please don’t be like me anons. I wanted to kill myself when btc hit $20k. You can only imagine how I feel now

>> No.25192412

all that time and you never learned to simply not sell at a loss **EVER**

>> No.25192424

Wouldn't it have been smarter if you just invested in bitcoin since day one?

>> No.25192464

Best to save up before Bitcoin is launched so you could buy up large amounts of the supply when it was like one cent or something,

>> No.25192466


>> No.25192477

Who cares, just work 5 jobs, live in a cardboard box and eat rice for every meal and put every cent into BTC until you make it back. Pretty simple if you ask me.

>> No.25192481

>I wanted to kill myself when btc hit $20k. You can only imagine how I feel now

may as well just do it. you're obviously never gonna learn

>> No.25192687

Yea. the funny thing is all my trades were done to get more btc in preparation of what’s happening now. I knew this would happen, made a plan for it, and still failed to get where I wanted.