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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 31 KB, 400x560, photo_2020-12-24_15-16-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25191375 No.25191375 [Reply] [Original]

Making bank so far this weekend. Anyone know what's causing the burst? Other alts aren't doing this well.

I saw they have a matrix retro hacker type website at rootkit.finance, but don't know much about the project.

About section says...

Deflationary Farming

Permanent Liquidity Locks

Fast rising price floor

Vault uses ETH from below floor

>> No.25191450

Rootkit? wtf never heard of it

>> No.25191492

Just saw someone hyping them on TG. They have a good medium page for doing your DD: https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/

>> No.25191495
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>mfw I just masturbated

>> No.25191531

sounds like a well devised SCAM

>> No.25191575

sick fuck. we're here to make money. go watch your sister on onlyfans

>> No.25191644

scam? their liquidity flow is something your shitcoins could only dream of

>> No.25191714
File: 49 KB, 634x423, photo_2020-12-24_15-16-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROOT won't be a secret for long. Already made $4k profit. This token will 3x in the next month or two

>> No.25191896

shit that circulating supply is low. no wonder price per ROOT so high

>> No.25191938

it will 10x in 2021 just wait and see

>> No.25192000

shitcoin plebs shut the hell up!!

>> No.25192065

just go to their Start menu on the website. looks like damn windows 98 lol

>> No.25192184

matrix reloaded breh

>> No.25192291
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If you aint a part of it, at least you got to witness... bitches

>> No.25192487

classic flick senpai

>> No.25192545

deflationary farming? finally someone did it. economics 101

>> No.25192659

a bunch of hacker scam artists!!

>> No.25192856

yup less ROOT will be in circulation over time. this is why price is essentially guaranteed to keep rising

>> No.25192911

dumb fuck just talking shit and knows nothing about the project

>> No.25193171
File: 69 KB, 548x796, matrix1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm loading the boat with ROOT. It's going to rocket with the limited supply and increased interest. BOOM

>> No.25193389

i love easy money

>> No.25193442

more like you love a good pump n dump

>> No.25193534

liquidity locks are major key fuck yesss

>> No.25193596

ur boutta get rekt and be a lifetime bag holder LOL

>> No.25193710
File: 273 KB, 750x920, 99236863-9136-4C0B-8ECF-1270C7D5DD9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uniswap is finished

>> No.25193715

enjoy a lifetime of regret when you watch ROOT continue to skyrocket

>> No.25193852

you mean pump n pump. Price floor can only go up, and ETH under the price floor can be freed up and reused, for more buybacks and other shenanigans that are being developed.

>> No.25193963

dev could have taken the 5100 eth from the lge and ran with it, instead they've been building out their ecosystem, delivering a lot of code, made another token to test their liquidity rebasing mechanism, which is now in use by ITS and TRI (and with that every TRI clone out there).

Being with the project from the start, and in close contact with the team, I'm pretty certain it's not a scam.

>> No.25193978

bingo. say it out loud for the lames in the back

>> No.25193988

shitcoin samefaggers ITT

>> No.25194078




Let’s laugh at retards who put their lunch money into it. Capped and prepared my smug Pepe when this pajeet scam rugs

>> No.25194175

dumb fuck alert. if you don't like making money, fine. go stack cash into ripple lil bitchy

>> No.25194209

>t. Hasn't read a single article
>Can't make a single argument
>Doesn't even know wtf he's fudding

>> No.25194306
File: 160 KB, 1080x1280, chill-91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people don't like making big money. it's weird, but a fact of life

>> No.25194333

Red ID should tell you all you need to know about this fud.

>> No.25194504

call me ballsy but im dumping 5k in here. too much good tech, developers, and tokenomics. love striking gold on an alt project

>> No.25194554
File: 374 KB, 1074x792, 1605578041816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are literally like one or two guys with dynamic IPs posting in this thread. nobody believes this garbage. go away.

>> No.25194604

This too

OP name is unironically Prakesh and rug will be snappy and swift

>> No.25194606

nobody believes? it's a fact the price jumped 15% today. pure FACT

>> No.25194667

cringe shit talkers. some of us like hearing about new projects. go scrape knees bitch

>> No.25194710

They coulda rugged with 5.1k eth at the LGE a month ago....

>> No.25194751

yikes the FUDers are in mommy's basement dropping bank on OnlyFans pics

>> No.25194798

KETH for their uniswap pair is pure genius. keeps the price floor going

>> No.25194861
File: 44 KB, 600x500, 2020root.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell your friends now. 6 months from now everyone will be like WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME ABOUT ROOTKIT

>> No.25194881

Could you be any more obvious Poopesh?





>> No.25194895
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>> No.25194927

CRINGEEE this bitch posts the same SCAM shit on every crypto thread. GO AWAY

>> No.25195038

good show pepe

>> No.25195082

holy shit this faggot is annoying

>> No.25195147

ROOT is a damn rocket going to Pluto. $1,000 next up. Coming VERY soon

>> No.25195202

permanent liquidity locks is the best part. most projects neglect how important this is

>> No.25195441
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, get-the-fook-out-of-here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all the uneducated trash spewing skeptics

>> No.25195545


>> No.25195598

that's how they gained my trust. ROOT is not fucking around and wants to win

>> No.25195665

a real shillfest in here guys

>> No.25195740

at least they're shilling something good. did you see the website?

>> No.25195842
File: 8 KB, 300x168, spectacular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i read about their tokenomics model

>> No.25195884

conor is afraid to fight logan paul lololol

>> No.25195945

sooo much better than these coins that pump out billions of supply and devalue themselves

>> No.25195994

you know why crypto is cool? you can trade that shit 24/7.. dont gotta wait til monday morning

>> No.25196016

big wreckage imminent! GET OUT NOW

>> No.25196148

wrong.. this will be at $1.5k quite soon

>> No.25196176
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>> No.25196215

cmon mannn show some self respect and learn something today

>> No.25196283

ROOT has just been added to my portfolio. Cheers fellas

>> No.25197005

Crypto newfag here. Where do you guys buy from? Coinbase or something?