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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25190048 No.25190048 [Reply] [Original]

What's this pattern called?

>> No.25190069

The dead shitcoin

>> No.25190117

would be nice if you added a ticker you fucking faggot

>> No.25190143

anyone not newfag knows this is link/btc

>> No.25190150

>can't tell from first glance
when did you get here?

>> No.25190168

does link have the most savage MMs of any coin?

>> No.25190186

Why would someone cherry pick the graph of its performance against an asset that is mooning, though? It's almost like they were trying to convince you of something...

>> No.25190262

newfag gtfo

>> No.25190323


>> No.25190329

The "Pink Wojak" pattern.

>> No.25190371

irrelevant, still newfag.

>> No.25190372
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The Bone Tomahawk

>> No.25190378

1000 sats eoy

>> No.25190383

damn newfag calm down

>> No.25190392

the "capitulation"

>> No.25190408


>an asset

No, THE asset and the whole market revolves around it. Also you linkies were arrogantly posting the link/btc weekly parabola meme lines almost daily and now it doesn't matter anymore? KEK

>> No.25190457

Def a newfag

>> No.25190498

Because BTC has outperformed LINK for 2 months of the last 3 years? And I literally didn't spend a single LINK, not even a single dollar, to live rent free in your head.
Crazy how much we get to you, huh. Imagine the seethe.

>> No.25190503

Not a newfag just slow

>> No.25190516


>> No.25190517

let the shitcoin hit the floor

>> No.25190543

Ok newfag we get it

>> No.25190567

Nobody? Alright, I'll say it.
It's the "this party's getting started" pattern.

>> No.25190578
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>> No.25190594

crapple labs exit scamuuu

>> No.25190683


>> No.25190775

the rope is getting closer and the noose is getting tighter around your neck

>> No.25190777

Hi all,

Please everyone calm down. There has been a lot of misinformation posted atm, I fear by people trying to get you to panic sell. Believe me the founder SN doesn’t drive in a Lamborghini nor does he live in a place with harem. Simple man with a simple life. The selling is to extend Chainlink ops and to expand the deva team to make happen smart contracts which will encompass every dude’s life etc. there is no ruse and the token doesn’t remit payments like xrp it’s totally different so unlikely to be called out by the sec

>> No.25190826
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>> No.25190848

>arrogantly posting
No one cared about link/btc when link was mooning. Why would anyone? When we are talking about ath, even when smarmy nolinkers are talking about the price "you should have sold at", everyone is talking about $20. Not 160k sats. I wonder why?

>hint: most volume is on USD pair

>> No.25190851

Checked and absolutely fucking based.

>> No.25190862
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The Vegeta

>> No.25190898

Still to underperform literally everything else by almost 3-4x is dog shit.

>> No.25190913

>lost 57% of your Bitcoin in 3 months, while Bitcoin is almost 3x

R..reent free S..se.seethe!!

>> No.25190971

Might be true for swingers and newcomers but I bought my LINK with BTC and ETH, and when I check the price of LINK, it always check LINKBTC, not the USD pair.
Probably true for most oldfags here.
We've always known BTC is a sure but slow ticket. Well, this train is leaving without us.

>> No.25191019

It's over.

>> No.25191037

Yep leaving us way out in the dust it’s fucked up actually and kind of the teams fault.

>> No.25191041


Your shitcoin pumped for a couple of months and now it's time to dump it into oblivion. Better luck next shitcoin, dawg.

>> No.25191123

> What is the Sergay hustle
> What is the XRP dump

>> No.25191127

it's called the bubble pop. come back in 3 years when the next cycle happens

>> No.25191137

The Dying Doplhin

>> No.25191138

I bought at 1500 sats lmao you seem upset

>> No.25191191


>> No.25191200


>> No.25191485

Is it Jess? Omg jess from chainlink and facebashed!

>> No.25191532

>lost 57%
it's 78% by now

>> No.25191557

The Shangai Exile

>> No.25191606

well, if you flip it sideways, it's a merchant

>> No.25191637

You didn't sell a 100x?

>> No.25191780

People buy and hold? Are you underage or something

>> No.25191801

the big rip

>> No.25191884

Descent into hell

>> No.25191897

the stinky linky

>> No.25191914

scamgey is dumping a ml tokens a week for years more and people are surprised at this

>> No.25191953
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The Mac Attack

>> No.25191954

“Buy the dip”

>> No.25191970

kek, sirgay simping for porn thots

>> No.25192096

The coping newfags are already here

>> No.25192285

Can't wait to laugh at you while you baghold shit we have been accumulating for the last year, no mercy newfag

>> No.25192328

>he cares about btc
bitcoin is a shitcoin newfag