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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25185717 No.25185717 [Reply] [Original]

Are people on /biz/ just fucking stupid?

A lot of the time I'll read some nice post about economics or tokens or financial stuff and think, hey, this guy is making some sense. Then he'll end it with how the jews will outlaw white people breeding within 25 years, or some random conspiracy shit lifted from /pol/ or how decoding some cryptic mspaint twitter thing is their entire long term investment strategy. And I have to think, am I really just gonna let that slide? Doesn't this put their entire thesis into question? If I accept their findings am I not even more retarded than them?

If you are a schizo I can't blame you for seeking out your own kind and gathering in the xrp thread but it's really worrying to me how everyone in here has some kind of delusion or pet conspiracy theory. Feels like the only sane people here are the pajeets being paid 20 cents an hour to shill their assigned coin.

>> No.25185844
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Duck you duckhead. Ze Greta Rezerrt is not a joke you insipid autismo incel dumb mother.

>> No.25185878

/pol/ was meant to be a containment board. It failed.

>> No.25185905

Yes this board is quite retarded

>> No.25186008

Yes they are very stupid. The average person thinks MMT will end in disaster and wants to go back to the gold standard. Just imagine how dumb you would have to be to have that make sense.

MMT is the reason China GDP has been growing by 10% a year for the last 3 decades. How out of it do you have to be to not even observe the results of it in action? It doesnt even require imagination; just look at china.

>> No.25186056

It's what makes /biz/ amazing. It's a melting pot of some of the most insightful retail traders in crypto, mixed with fringe fucking lunatics who think Klaus Schwab is going to ban private property.
And because it's all anon you can never tell whether you're talking to a genius or a frothing retard, until they write something.
I love this place.