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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25183884 No.25183884 [Reply] [Original]

>whaaaa businesses are my god's! They aren't psuedo welfare queens!
>whaaa it's okay to fuck people over as long as its a business doing it
>whaaa print more money to bail banks out (pic unrelated with that one)
>whaaa taxes are meant to benefit the rich, not everyone else!

Why do republicans enjoy cum so much? Beta bitches are closet faggots LMAO

>> No.25183921
File: 35 KB, 464x348, 1AEA038F-10F5-423C-A776-6CC211DCB1C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a crying shame

>> No.25184031

This is why libertarianism is the only way. If we could just start putting heads on stakes rather than try to deal with it through a broken legal system, we would see a lot less of this. The only reason they do this shit is because they're no longer scared of backlash. At most someone will say their feelings were hurt. Like, for example, the reason company stores dont exist anymore is because the workers started rebelling and killing the people in the charge of the mines.

In reality though, no sane/rational person who isn't directly benefiting agrees with this shit, and I dont even think this is a partisan political issue

>> No.25184118

Majority of poor white rednecks voted for Trump, a rich billionaire elitist. That should tell you everything you need to know about burgers kek

>> No.25184192

I lived on welfare while working for McDonalods. I got housing where I only had to pay 25% of my income, I got foodstamps, I got free healthcare, I got foodstamps.

Best of all, I got all the taxes I paid back by the government end of the year.

>> No.25184431

He has the cause and effect switched. The social programs that are put in place allow those corporations to pay sub living wages. If we end welfare, no one would work those jobs and the companies would be forced to increase their wages to attract workers.

>> No.25184467

anon, i don't know how to tell you this, but the people that voted for Trump and GOP are either conspiracy theorists from /pol/ or literal retards with down's syndrome living in trailer parks, and often both at the same time. There is not a single person with an iq over 80 that voted Trump.

I hate Biden and think Bernie Sanders would've destroyed the US, but even they don't compared to the sheer stupidity and impotence of someone so bad at even the most basic things as Trump. His 4 year stint in office did more damage to the US than any other even in US history except the Civil War in terms of our global power, economy and so on

>> No.25184503

Retard. If we ended welfare, companies would just invest more in robotics and accelerate to full automation. People would just end up starving more and America will become Mexico.

>> No.25184507

libertarianism is a meme but I do agree we need to expand the death penalty to include white collar crimes and start using it.

>> No.25184541

Libertarianism (with a lower case 'l') would definitely be an improvement over the bipartisan corporate welfare state.

Sadly people will give money to politicians who pay lip service to wedge issues like le racism and le climate change and other gay shit. The true whitepill is to only care about money, since we all know that both cuck parties are bought and paid for by financial elites.

Of course normies will ignore this because they prefer feeling like they are making a difference by complaining to their friends to go vote. Half of them keep their money in a bank account LOL. Oh well, someone has to wage-slave and consume.

I'm not a Trumptard but can you really say that the Trump administration was more damaging than the Great Depression?

>> No.25184740

This is unironically a national socialist nazi talking point. Thing is, Reich won’t say who the capitalists are by name and ethnic origin, instead, you are supposed to accede to the other side of the kosher narrative, which is communism, which is now known as the Great Reset, and aka techno-Communism, as opposed to high-trust ethnically coherent societies.

>> No.25185121


>> No.25185226

This country basically is communism in the sense that we have totalitarians (employers) and no real freedom of speech (for instance, a nurse working for keiser got fired for posting a controversial opinion on her social media. This was when she was at home fyi and this is basically an example of Big Brother).

>> No.25185468

>His 4 year stint in office did more damage to the US than any other even in US history except the Civil War in terms of our global power, economy and so on
what the fuck? are there actually people that believe this. what did he even do? (not american by the way).