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25163045 No.25163045 [Reply] [Original]

taxes should be based on living situation

like im really fucking poor investing what little money i have hoping for some miracle and i live with my parents who are poor and dont have much working a demeaning shitty job that i hate. if i actaully get some miracle and make 500-1m overnight i shouldnt get taxed that much. i should be able to use that money to buy a house and a car and get on my feet

taxes should be stiffer on people who already have a big nice house and are already living comfortable. taxes would totally kill me and just ruin every fucking dream i have. before i even cash out. before i even cash out. before i even buy a house. before i even enjoy a second of it. JEWS

>> No.25163064

then just don't be poor

>> No.25163083

alright man thanks

>> No.25163114

I don't there has ever been a government that actually cared about poor people moving up in the world

>> No.25163131

>taxes should be stiffer on people who already have a big nice house and are already living comfortable.
Bloodsucking commie.

>> No.25163380


>> No.25163435

No shit. When the jews got theirs they changed the rules. I curse my ancestors everyday for letting this happen and staying poor. Meanwhile the jews worship theirs with the holocaust ancestor worship cult.

>> No.25163528

the government steals your money to give to rich boomers through social security and to give to massive corporations through military spending.

>> No.25163530

The only thing thag matters when deciding taxes is if you can avoid them or not, if you can't avoid them you'll be taxed high, if you can avoid them then they'll be low for you, the government doesn't give a fuck about muh justice

>> No.25163579

I feel you OP but the reality is that nobody is coming to help us.

Taxes exist to keep you from moving up in the world and bail out the ruling class when they fuck up. All that you can do is work within the system to legally reduce your liability as much as possible.

>> No.25163990

i wish i could put my money in a stock or something without cashing it out and just pull out what i need. the jeff bezos method

>> No.25164022
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taxes are to keep poor people poor. once you become rich, you can use tax loopholes designed for rich people and hire lawyers to deal with whatever else

>> No.25164025

Eh, I get what you're saying, but it's still better than the 60s where if you made a million you would be taxed like 80-90% of that

>> No.25164077

yes. i dont understand how people making minimum wage and rentcelling are taxed at 20+%

>> No.25164220

There is very hard resistance making it from poor to anything. I don’t know if it’s designed this way but it almost feels that when you’re poor they WANT you on every welfare program as possible and the transition is just sort of fuck you buddy.

>> No.25164249

You're retarded, OP

>> No.25164259

>you should subsidize my poor lifestyle decisions
Anon those people with nice houses already pay shitloads and I mean shitloads more in taxes than you can imagine. "The rich don't pay taxes" is a fucking meme unless you're talking about people on the literal billionaire level like Gates, Buffett, and Bezos.

>> No.25164274

Fuck you. Rich people already pay more taxes than you you cunt

>> No.25164291

You literally can. Open up an S-Corporation and start giving yourself distributions. You won't do that though because you fucking commies only want handouts from the system and do the bare ass minimum

>> No.25164316

That would be communism anon.
You've been brainwashed against it all your life because the powers that be want you desperate and struggling, that's the cheapest labour :)

>> No.25164338

instead of taxing rich higher (which doesn't work) we should tax everyone lower but ppl are retards to understand that

>> No.25164348

Just buy more money ya fag

>> No.25164373

Warren Buffet is on record saying "My secretary that makes 30k a year pays more in taxes than I do."

>> No.25164424

>pays more in taxes than I do
She pays a higher percentage than he does, but not a total higher amount.

>> No.25164440

You should kill yourself so I don't have to soil my eyes with such self-pitying dross. You are going stay poor forever with such an entitled attitude so just save yourself the trouble and get some rope and a chair.

>> No.25164449


>> No.25164472

>Open up an S-Corporation
at what point is it worth it to this? some one with 4-5 figures, doesnt seem worth it

>> No.25164471

as if that makes it any better

>> No.25164553

Both things are equally retarded

>> No.25164803

Yes that is who actually owns wealth in this society.

>> No.25164861

i said dont pay as many taxes on your first big gain you fucking retard

>> No.25164937

taxes are theft

>> No.25164964

>personally, I want to not pay taxes
welcome to adulthood, anon.

>> No.25165116

But how else would the military afford to use $9mil missiles on goat keepers in the middle of the Afghan desert?

>> No.25165257
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Or, ban income tax on the poor and middle class and make all of the wealthy cocksuckers pay taxes.

>> No.25165779

My real tax rate is well over 50%. What's yours?

>> No.25165831

Bro just hold for a year and the max tax rate on investments is 23.8%, it's not unreasonable. Just don't be a retard and sell in less than a year.

Even if you did make 500k and sold in less than a year, you'd get to keep about half of it depending on state income taxes. $250k is plenty life changing for poorfags. Don't like it? Evade taxes like a champ, but then you can't be a retarded poorfag and spend all your gains on subsidizing your retarded poorfag family.

>> No.25165859

There should be a tax on consumption instead of wealth

>> No.25166157

In germoney you need to hold your coins just 1 year without transactions and it's tax free.

Dunno if it counts if you just convert it on the exchange to Fiat earlier and then after a year withdraw the money or you actually need to hold the tokens at least a year.

Else Costa Rica is a nice shithole without taxes. Get a sexy wife there and try to live your life without getting robbed or shot.

>> No.25166198

Lmao, why do you retards even spend time investing? Consumption is the only thing this corrupted, destructive system rests on. If you tax that, the society as you know it, will crumble. The civilizations we know will crumble either way, because consumption is utterly non-sustainable

>> No.25166200

Politically not viable because the poor would pay a higher percentage of their income as taxes because most of their income goes into consumption. Personally I think we need to go back to just funding the government through tariffs and fees for necessary services and cut out all the excess bureaus and departments.

>> No.25166487

Consumption is necessary for a Keynesian model, yes but if you’re trying to get back to capitalism’s true essence then saving is what drives a society forward

>> No.25166741

this reeks commie retarded ideas.

you lack of any profitable skills, as a low skilled worker you are bound to get fucked in the ass.

and even if you suddenly have 1 mil tax free you would spend it in a few years in stupid shit that you dont need while having more things, house, cars, etc have cost of maintenance.

>> No.25166756

lmao at OP what the fuck do you think they want you to get rich? Either force your way up or die trying.

>> No.25166766

Problem solved. 4channel does it again.

>> No.25166781 [DELETED] 

I don't think that's true. Name one country on Earth where the rich don't get richer and the poor don't get poorer. It is a law of the universe.

>> No.25166883
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>Be billionaire
>All money stored in Crypto and offshore accounts
>live in welfare-conditions comfortably
>pay no real taxes because "taxes should be based on living situation"

>> No.25167541
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>> No.25167552

great advice solved all my issues thank you based anon

>> No.25167624

God I wish this was how it worked. I'm a freelancer busting my ass off in my field of choice (fiction writing) and holy FUCK do I get fucked in the ass.

I've made a meager high 30kish this year. After taxes, that freefalls to high 20ks, AND I have to pay for healthcare.