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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 507 KB, 1568x599, Bez tytułu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2515973 No.2515973 [Reply] [Original]

please tell me it will go highier if i will hold this bags long enough

>> No.2515987

Why aren't you in ANS?

>> No.2516039

i will not make this mistake again

>> No.2516089

Maaaan thought everyone would of sold once it kept tumbling down. I had to shill the fuck out of this junk here to offload my bags at a slight loss. Funny thing is the 500 SWT I sold at a $200 loss got me some sweet ANS. So thank you anon

>> No.2516551

It's currently essentially in Alpha, and that's just for the underlying tech / smart contracts.

The UI, all hashtags being unlocked, obscuring all the blockchain bs, marketing to the general populace etc will all come later.

Did you expect this to do something overnight? Most sold the news when they released Boardwalk (the alpha)

>> No.2517884

Everything will eventually rise, the question is when. Short term wise you fucked up, but it might pay off in the long term.

>> No.2518237
File: 35 KB, 317x451, 1485881617115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swarm was OBVIOUS, some of THE MOST OBVIOUS shilling I've ever seen on /biz/

How did you fall for it?

>> No.2518275
File: 103 KB, 711x518, pajeet'srideservice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first Pajeet shilled PoSW, and you fell for it
>then Pajeet shilled DGB, and you fell for it again
>now Pajeet shilled SWT, and you fell for it AGAIN
When will newcoiners learn to stay away from shitcoins?

>> No.2518480

Of course it was. It's called buying the rumour, and selling the news. The public alpha launched, it spiked, as it launched (actually TEN minutes before the launch stream even started, you can verify this for yourself) people sold, no news for a while, so it dips and stagnates.

Upon the next phase (unlocking all hashtags), it will spike again, and people will sell that news and it will dip. Rince and repeat until final launch.

When you stop being a faggot.


>> No.2518522


Don't forget the CPC shills who were trying to push it in the middle of ANS moons

>> No.2518613

DGB is far from POSW tier.
It's going to recover in the coming days.
Mark my words.

>> No.2518631

what about swt then? it has an active dev, and a good roadmap.

>> No.2518637
File: 98 KB, 395x650, dgb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DGB is far from POSW tier.
>It's going to recover in the coming days.
>Mark my words.